Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy - Lê Thanh Liêm
CRT implantation at CR hospital
Longest implantation time: 7h (cannot withdrawn guidewire
because of tortuously venous -> repeating 3 times)
Shortest implantation time: 1h30.
Succesful rate at the first operation: 97,3%
Succesful rate at the second operation: 100%
Ts.Bs. Lê Thanh Liêm Cho Ray hospital CRT implantation at Cho Ray hospital [PERCENTA GE] 4% 5% 2% Heart failure + LBBB Heart failure + Non-LBBB Starting from 2008 10 cases/year Total CRT implatation # 80 CRT implantation at CR hospital Longest implantation time: 7h (cannot withdrawn guidewire because of tortuously venous -> repeating 3 times) Shortest implantation time: 1h30. Succesful rate at the first operation: 97,3% Succesful rate at the second operation: 100% CRT implantation at CR hospital Response rate after CRT: #90% Reason for stoping first operation: Coronary venous dissection: 1 case Cannot canulating CS os: 1 case Hematoma: 1 case LV lead dislogement: 1 case Inapropriate shock: 3 case LV lead lost capture: 2 cases Infection complication Nhiễm trùng dây Nhiễm trùng túi máy Sốt không rõ đường vào LOẠI NHIỄM TRÙNG Bảo tồn Rút bỏ hệ thống máy(khôn g thể bảo tồn) ĐIỀU TRỊ NHIỄM TRÙNG Bệnh nhân ở Khánh Hòa, đặt máy CRT-D, sau đặt máy, lâm sàng cải thiện tốt, bệnh nhân gắng sức tốt, đi biển đánh cá lại bình thường -> bỏ tái khám. Sau 3,5 năm, bệnh nhân bị nhiễm trùng túi máy, bào mòn túi máy và lộ máy -> tháo bỏ hệ thống máy Infection complication 40% 40% 20% Result CRT restore CRT extract Death before CRT extract Results of Infection complication Mortality ratio and Sudden Death Tử vong 15% [CATEG ORY NAME] [PERCE NTAGE] Tỉ lệ tử vong cộng dồn sau 8 năm Tử vong Còn sống Viêm phổi 18% Suy tim tiến triển 37% Đột tử 18% Thuyên tắc phổi 9% K phổi 9% Suy thận mạn 9% Nguyên nhân Viêm phổi Suy tim tiến triển Đột tử Thuyên tắc phổi K phổi Suy thận mạn Difficulties of CRT implantation at CR Hospital 1. Cannot canulate CS. 2. Cannot advance the pacing lead into one of CS tributaries. 3. LV lead dislogement during procedure or during slitting catheters. 4. LV lead lost captures 5. Nonresponder 1. Cannot canulate CS - anatomy 1. Cannot canulate CS - anatomy 1. Cannot canulate CS - anatomy Cannot canulate CS Reasons: Thebesian valve. small diameter Tortuously venous Coronary venous angiography Easy to approach tributaries Coronary venous angiography Easy to approach tributaries 1. Cannot canulate CS Coronary venous angiography Only one big branche, but it’s tourtuously Coronary venous angiography with straight venous Venous branche is so straight Coronary venous angiography with very small CS system Unsucceed at the first implantation after 4h Reimplanting, combine two 3D MP catheter => succeed. Coronary venous angiography with very small CS tributaries Coronary venous angiography with very small CS tributaries Before nitrate Coronary venous angiography with very small CS tributaries After nitrate Coronary venous angiography with very small venous and thebestian valve and very small tributaries After interventing venous branche with balloon to dilate diameter and inserting a 4F lead-> succeed 2. LV lead dislogement during procedure or during slitting catheters. Before slitting MP 2. LV lead dislogement during procedure or during slitting catheters. After slitting MP 2. LV lead dislogement during procedure or during slitting catheters. Reason and solution No steady slitting hand when slitting catherters: keeping steady. Not enough support: stiffer guidewires Straighly venous branches: increasing diameters of LV lead, LV lead with new shapes or srew LV lead 2. Pacing lead lost captures Make chest Xray, echo and ECG Hingher threshold: increasing output, pulse width, changing pacing vectors, check arrythmias drugs. Changing position of LV lead: reimplanting Plugging pacing lead incorrectly: plug again Leakage blood inside conneting port: Lead rupture: changing LV lead lost capture after 3weeks of Amiodarone Very wide QRS duration. Hypotension (70/40 with dopamin) Lost LV threshold: lost capture Lost LV capture 8/10 vectors (at implantation 10 vectors had been captured) LV lead capture again after pacing vector changing Changing LV pacing vector LV capture again, narrower QRS Blood pressure increase from 70/40 to 110/70 and discharge 1 day after changing LV pacing vector. Check again after 7 days(telephone): good status, no symptom LV lost capture LV lost capture after 4 months. LBBB again on ECG No capture again with 10 vector changing LV capture again after changing position of LV lead ECG after changing LV position Good LV threshold Narrower QRS Thank you for your listening
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