Bài giảng Human resource managemen - Chapter 7: Establishing a pay structure - Ngô Quý Nhâm
What Do I Need to Know?
1. Identify the kinds of decisions involved in
establishing a pay structure.
2. Summarize legal requirements for pay
3. Discuss how economic forces i fl nfluence
decisions about pay.
4. Describe how employees evaluate the
fairness of a pay structu
ob‐ responsibilities or performance. Th l i f l id l• e goa s or emp oyers to prov e equa pay for equal work. 11‐9 Legal Requirements for Pay: Minimum Wage • Minimum wage – the • Fair Labor Standards lowest amount that employers may pay Act (FLSA) – federal law that establishes a under federal or state law, stated as an t f h minimum wage and requirements for ti d hildamoun o pay per our. over me pay an c labor. 11‐10 Legal Requirements for Pay: Overtime Pay • The overtime rate under the FLSA is 1½ times the employee’s usual hourly rate, including any bonuses, and piece‐rate payments. • Exempt employees –managers, outside salespeople, and other employees not covered by the FLSA requirement for overtime pay . • Nonexempt employees – employees covered by the FLSA requirements for overtime pay . 11‐11 Figure 11.2: Computing Overtime Pay 11‐12 Legal Requirements for Pay: P ili Wreva ng ages • Two federal laws govern pay policies of federal contractors: – Davis Bacon Act of 1931‐ –Walsh‐Healy Public Contracts Act of 1936 U d th l f d l t t t• n er ese aws, e era con rac ors mus pay their employees at rates at least equal to th ili i the preva ng wages n e area. 11‐13 Economic Influences on Pay Product Markets Labor Markets • The organization’s product market includes • Organizations must compete to obtain human organizations that offer competing goods and services resources in labor markets. • Competing for labor establishes the minimum an. • Organizations compete on quality, service, and price. organization must pay to hire an employee for a • The cost of labor is a significant part of an organization’s costs particular job. 11‐14 . Pay Level: Deciding What to Pay Pay at the rate set by the market Pay at a rate above the market Pay at a rate below the market 11‐15 Gathering Information About Market Pay • Benchmarking – a • Bureau of Labor procedure in which an organization compares its own practices Statistics (BLS) • Society for Human against those of successful competitors Resource Management (SHRM) • Pay surveys • Trade and industry • American Management Association groups • Professional groups 11‐16 Employee Judgments About Pay Fairness • Employees compare their pay and contributions against three yardsticks: 1 What they think employees in other. organizations earn for doing the same job. 2 What they think other employees holding. different jobs within the organization earn for doing work at the same or different levels. 3. What they think other employees in the organization earn for doing the same job as 11‐17 theirs. Figure 11.3: Opinions About Fairness – Pay Equity 11‐18 Test Your Knowledge • Mariah found out that a friend of hers with a similar job in the same town makes significantly more money than she does. Which of the following is probably not the cause of this? a) Different cost‐of‐living b) The companies are in different product markets with different pay strategies c) Mariah is a poor performer d) Mariah’s job is non‐exempt 11‐19 Job Structure: Relative Value of Jobs Job Evaluation Compensable Factors • An administrative procedure for • The characteristics of a job that the measuring the relative internal worth of the organization values and chooses to pay for. organization’s jobs. – Experience – Education Complexity– – Working conditions – Responsibility 11‐20 Table 11.1: Job Evaluation of Three Jobs ith Th C bl F tw ree ompensa e ac ors 11‐21 Job Structure: Defining Key Jobs • Key Jobs – jobs that have relatively stable content and are common among many organizations. • Organizations can make the process of creating the job structure and the pay structure more practical by defining key jobs. • Research for creating the pay structure is limited to the key jobs that play a significant role in the organization. 11‐22 Pay Structure: Putting It All Together Job Job Define Evaluation Structure Key Jobs Pay Pay Policy P R t SurveyLineay a es Pay Pay Pay 11‐23 Grades Ranges Structure Pay Rates O i i b i drgan zat on o ta ns pay survey ata for its key jobs. Pay policy line is established . Pay rates for non‐key jobs are then determined 11‐24 . Figure 11 4 Pay . : Policy Lines Pay policy line – a graphed line showing the mathematical relationship between job evaluation points and pay rate. 11‐25 Figure 11 5: . Sample Pay Grade Structure Pay grades – sets of jobs having similar worth or content, grouped together to establish rates of pay. 11‐26 Pay Ranges • Pay ranges – a set of • Red‐circle rate – pay at possible pay rates defined by a minimum, a rate that falls above the pay range for the maximum, and midpoint of pay for l h ldi job. • Green‐circle rate – pay emp oyees o ng a particular job or a job within a particular pay at a rate that falls below the pay range for the job grade. . 11‐27 Test Your Knowledge • To correct a Red‐circled employee I would , a) Give them a raise b) Demote them c) Give them a bonus, but no raise d) M th t j b ith hi hove em o a o w a g er pay range 11‐28 Pay Differentials • Pay differential – adjustment to a pay rate to reflect differences in working conditions or labor markets . • Many businesses in the United States provide pay differentials based on geographic location . • The most common approach is to move an l hi h i hemp oyee g er n t e pay structure to compensate for higher living costs. 11‐29 Alternatives to Job‐Based Pay Delayering Skill Based Pay Systems • Reducing the number of levels in the organization’s j b ‐ • Pay structures that set pay according to the employees’ l l f kill k l do structure. • More assignments are combined into a single layer. eve s o s or now e ge and what they are capable of doing. • These broader groupings are called broad bands. • More emphasis on • This is appropriate in organizations where changing technology acquiring experience, rather than promotions. requires employees to continually widen and deepen their knowledge. 11‐30 Figure 11.6: IBM’s New Job Evaluation Approach 11‐31 Pay Structure and Actual Pay • Pay structure represents the organization’s policy. • However what the organization actually does, may be different. Th HR d h ld l• e epartment s ou compare actua pay to the pay structure, making sure that li i d i hpo c es an pract ces matc . • Compa‐ratio is the common way to do this. 11‐32 Figure 11.7: Finding a Compa‐Ratio • Compa‐Ratio (CR) – the ratio of average pay to the midpoint of the pay range. If th l th• e average equa s e midpoint, CR is 1. • If CR is greater than 1, the average pay is above the midpoint. IF CR i l h 1 h• s ess t an , t e average pay is below the midpoint. 11‐33 Current Issues in Pay • Pay During Military Duty – How should companies handle employees who are called for active duty in the military for extended time periods? – The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) • Pay for Executives – Based on equity theory, how does executive compensation affect employees? 11‐34 Figure 11.8: Median CEO Compensation at 350 Large U.S. Companies 11‐35 Summary • Organizations make decisions to define a job structure, or relative pay for different jobs within the organization. Organizations also must establish pay levels, or the average paid for the different jobs. • These decisions are based on the organization’s goals, market data, legal requirements, and principles of fairness. h b d l l bl h• Toget er, jo structure an pay eve esta is a pay structure policy. 11‐36 Summary • To meet the standard of equal employment opportunity, employers must provide equal pay for equal work, regardless of an employee’s age, race, sex, or other protected status. • Differences in pay must relate to factors such as a person’s qualifications or market levels of pay. • Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): • The employer must pay at least the minimum wage established by law. • Overtime pay for hours worked beyond 40 in each week 11‐37 must be paid. Summary (continued) • To remain competitive, employers must meet the demands of the product and labor markets. • Limit their costs as much as possible. • Pay at least the going rate in their labor markets. • According to equity theory, employees think of their pay relative to their inputs – training, experience, and effort. • To decide whether their pay is equitable, they compare their outcome (pay)/input ratio with other people’s outcome/input ratios 11‐38 . Summary (continued) • The traditional approach to building a pay structure is to use a job‐based approach. • Alternatives to the traditional approach include broad banding and skill‐based pay. • The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) requires employers to make jobs available to any of their l h l f lf ll l d femp oyees w o eave to u i mi itary uties or up to five years. 11‐39 Summary (continued) • Executive pay has drawn public scrutiny because top executive pay is much higher than average workers’ pay. • The great difference is an issue in terms of equity theory. • Employees’ opinions about the equity of executive pay can have a large effect on the organization’s fper ormance. 11‐40
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