Từ tăng huyết áp đến suy tim - Trần Văn Huy
Giới Thiệu
• Chuổi lâm sàng của THA bao gồm suy tim,
loạn nhịp, các biến cố thiếu máu cục bộ, đặc
biệt NMCT và đột quỵ.
• Nhận biết Tim-THA có giá trị trong cả chẩn
đoán lẫn tiên lượngTHA & Bệnh Tim THA
Hypertensive heart disease (HHD)
• Suy tim : HFrEF và HFpEF
• Rung nhĩ: 40% - 50%
• Loạn nhịp thất
• Bệnh tim thiếu máu cục bộ: Nhổi máu cơ tim
cao hơn 6 lần so với những người HA bình
uộc) Loại bệnh nhân Thuốc đầu tiên ưu tiên Thêm thuốc thứ 2 ưu tiên nếu cần để đạt HA < 140/90 mmHg Thêm thuốc thứ 3 để đạt HA < 140/90 mmHg* THA và ĐTĐ CTTA /ƯCMC CKCa hay thiazide; Thuốc thứ 2 thay thế (thiazide hay CKCa) THA và bệnh thận mạn CTTA/ƯCMC CKCa hay lợi tiểu thiazide Thuốc thứ 2 thay thế (thiazide hay CKCa) THA và bệnh ĐMV lâm sàng BB+ CTTA/ƯCMC CKCa hay thiazide Thuốc thứ 2 thay thế (thiazide hay CKCa) THA và tiền sử đột quỵ ƯCMC /CTTA Lợi tiểu thiazide hay CKCa Thuốc thứ 2 thay thế (CKCa hay lợi tiểu thiazide) THA và suy tim CTTA/ƯCMC + BB + spironolactone khi suy tim độ II- IV + lợi tiểu thiazide, quai khi ứ dịch. CKCa nhóm Dihydropyridine có thể thêm vào nếu cần kiểm soát HA CKCa: chẹn kênh Canxi; UCMC: ức chế men chuyển; CTTA: chẹn thụ thể angiotensin II; BB: chẹn bêta * Không đạt mục tiêu phối hợp 4 thuốc: xem xét thêm chẹn beta, kháng aldosterone hay nhóm khác (giãn mạch, chẹn alpha, kháng alpha trung ương) 10 Đích HA trong THA Suy Tim và Cập Nhật Điều Trị Theo KC Suy Tim ACC/AHA/HFSA 2017 & ESC 2016 • Đích HA: – Dự phòng suy tim: – THA suy tim EF bảo tồn: – THA suy tim EF giảm: 130/80 mmHg Yancy, et. al. ACC/AHA/HFSA 2017 Heart Failure Focused Update Hypertension COR LOE Recommendations Comment/ Rationale Treating Hypertension to Reduce the Incidence of HF I B-R In patients at increased risk, stage A HF, the optimal blood pressure in those with hypertension should be less than 130/80 mm Hg. NEW: Recommendation reflects new RCT data. Yancy, et. al. ACC/AHA/HFSA 2017 Heart Failure Focused Update Hypertension COR LOE Recommendations Comment/ Rationale Treating Hypertension in Stage C HFrEF I C-EO Patients with HFrEF and hypertension should be prescribed GDMT titrated to attain systolic blood pressure less than 130 mm Hg. NEW: Recommendation has been adapted from recent clinical trial data but not specifically tested per se in a randomized trial of patients with HF. Yancy, et. al. ACC/AHA/HFSA 2017 Heart Failure Focused Update Hypertension COR LOE Recommendations Comment/ Rationale Treating Hypertension in Stage C HFpEF I C-LD Patients with HFpEF and persistent hypertension after management of volume overload should be prescribed GDMT titrated to attain systolic blood pressure less than 130 mm Hg. NEW: New target goal blood pressure based on updated interpretation of recent clinical trial data. For many common antihypertensive agents, including alpha blockers, beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers, there are limited data to guide the choice of antihypertensive therapy in the setting of HFpEF. ACE inhibitor, ARB (especially mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists) and ARNI would represent the preferred choice. Yancy, et. al. ACC/AHA/HFSA 2017 Heart Failure Focused Update Pharmacological Treatment for Stage C HF With Preserved EF I B Systolic and diastolic blood pressure should be controlled in patients with HFpEF in accordance with published clinical practice guidelines to prevent morbidity 2013 recommendation remains current. I C Diuretics should be used for relief of symptoms due to volume overload in patients with HFpEF. 2013 recommendation remains current. COR LOE Recommendations Comment/ Rationale IIa C The use of beta-blocking agents, ACE inhibitors, and ARBs in patients with hypertension is reasonable to control blood pressure in patients with HFpEF. 2013 recommendation remains current. Yancy, et. al. ACC/AHA/HFSA 2017 Heart Failure Focused Update IIb B-R In appropriately selected patients with HFpEF (with EF ≥45%, elevated BNP levels or HF admission within 1 year, estimated glomerular filtration rate >30 mL/min, creatinine <2.5 mg/dL, potassium <5.0 mEq/L), aldosterone receptor antagonists might be considered to decrease hospitalizations. NEW: Current recommendation reflects new RCT data. Pharmacological Treatment for Stage C HF With Preserved EF COR LOE Recommendations Comment/ Rationale IIb B The use of ARBs might be considered to decrease hospitalizations for patients with HFpEF. 2013 recommendation remains current. Yancy, et. al. ACC/AHA/HFSA 2017 Heart Failure Focused Update CHARM Program: Reduction in CHF hospitalization Val-HeFT: Valsartan Heart Failure Trial. HF = heart failure. Cohn JN et al. N Engl J Med. 2001;345:1667-1675. 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 0 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Months Event-Free Probability P < 0.001 27.5% Risk Reduction 0 Valsartan Placebo Val-HeFT: HF-Related Hospitalizations* 30 Val-HeFT: Reduction in Mortality with Valsartan (No ACE-I Subgroup) 50 100 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 P = 0.017 60 70 80 90 Time Since Randomization (months) 33% Risk reduction Valsartan, n=185 Placebo, n=181 Proportion Survived Maggioni et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2002;40:1414-21 Điều trị THA với HFrEF theo ESC 2016 Treatment of HFrEF Stage C and D Yancy, et. al. ACC/AHA/HFSA 2017 Heart Failure Focused Update Pharmacological Treatment for Stage C HF With Reduced EF Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibition With ACE-Inhibitor or ARB or ARNI COR LOE Recommendations Comment/ Rationale I ARNI: B-R In patients with chronic symptomatic HFrEF NYHA class II or III who tolerate an ACE inhibitor or ARB, replacement by an ARNI is recommended to further reduce morbidity and mortality. NEW: New clinical trial data necessitated this recommendation. Yancy, et. al. ACC/AHA/HFSA 2017 Heart Failure Focused Update A Comparison of Angiotensin Receptor- Neprilysin Inhibition (ARNI) With ACE Inhibition in the Long-Term Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure With a Reduced Ejection Fraction Milton Packer, John J.V. McMurray, Akshay S. Desai, Jianjian Gong, Martin P. Lefkowitz, Adel R. Rizkala, Jean L. Rouleau, Victor C. Shi, Scott D. Solomon, Karl Swedberg and Michael R. Zile for the PARADIGM-HF Investigators and Committees 0 16 32 40 24 8 Enalapril (n=4212) 360 720 1080 0 180 540 900 1260 Days After Randomization 4187 4212 3922 3883 3663 3579 3018 2922 2257 2123 1544 1488 896 853 249 236 LCZ696 Enalapril Patients at Risk 1117 K a p la n -M e ie r E s ti m a te o f C u m u la ti v e R a te s ( % ) 914 LCZ696 (n=4187) HR = 0.80 (0.73-0.87) P = 0.0000002 Number needed to treat = 21 PARADIGM-HF: Cardiovascular Death or Heart Failure Hospitalization (Primary Endpoint) Enalapril (n=4212) LCZ696 (n=4187) HR = 0.80 (0.71-0.89) P = 0.00004 Number need to treat = 32 K a p la n -M e ie r E s ti m a te o f C u m u la ti v e R a te s ( % ) Days After Randomization 4187 4212 4056 4051 3891 3860 3282 3231 2478 2410 1716 1726 1005 994 280 279 LCZ696 Enalapril Patients at Risk 360 720 1080 0 180 540 900 1260 0 16 32 24 8 693 558 PARADIGM-HF: Cardiovascular Death LCZ696 (n=4187) Enalapril (n=4212) Hazard Ratio (95% CI) P Value Primary endpoint 914 (21.8%) 1117 (26.5%) 0.80 (0.73-0.87) 0.0000002 Cardiovascular death 558 (13.3%) 693 (16.5%) 0.80 (0.71-0.89) 0.00004 Hospitalization for heart failure 537 (12.8%) 658 (15.6%) 0.79 (0.71- 0.89) 0.00004 PARADIGM-HF: Effect of LCZ696 vs Enalapril on Primary Endpoint and Its Components Systolic blood pressure during run-in and after randomization • Compared with the randomization level, the mean SBP at 8 months was 3.2 ± 0.4 mmHg lower in the sacubitril/valsartan group than in the enalapril group (p<0.001) • When modeled as a time- dependent covariate, the difference in BP was not a determinant of the incremental benefits of sacubitril/valsartan BP, blood pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure McMurray et al. N Engl J Med 2014;371:993–1004 and supplementary appendix 140 120 100 80 60 SB P ( m m H g) –11w 4m 8m 1yr 2yrs 3yrs Time R an d o m iz at io n Enalapril Sacubitril/valsartan Mean difference (sacubitril/valsartan–enalapril): –2.70 (–3.07, –2.34) (mmHg) p value: <0.001 In heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, when compared with recommended doses of enalapril: LCZ696 was more effective than enalapril in . . . • Reducing the risk of CV death and HF hospitalization • Reducing the risk of CV death by incremental 20% • Reducing the risk of HF hospitalization by incremental 21% • Reducing all-cause mortality by incremental 16% • Incrementally improving symptoms and physical limitations LCZ696 was better tolerated than enalapril . . . • Less likely to cause cough, hyperkalemia or renal impairment • Less likely to be discontinued due to an adverse event • More hypotension, but no increase in discontinuations • Not more likely to cause serious angioedema PARADIGM-HF: Summary of Findings 10% Angiotensin Neprilysin Inhibition With LCZ696 Doubles Effect on Cardiovascular Death of Current Inhibitors of the Renin-Angiotensin System 20% 30% 40% ACE inhibitor Angiotensin receptor blocker 0% % D e c re a s e i n M o rt a li ty 18% 20% Effect of ARB vs placebo derived from CHARM-Alternative trial Effect of ACE inhibitor vs placebo derived from SOLVD-Treatment trial Effect of LCZ696 vs ACE inhibitor derived from PARADIGM-HF trial Angiotensin neprilysin inhibition 15% Conclusion: Suggested Empirical Antihypertensive Strategy in HF Patients With Persisting Hypertension Messerli, F.H. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol HF. 2017;5(8):543–51. CHÂN THÀNH CÁM ƠN QUÍ ĐẠI BiỂU HẸN GẶP LẠI TẠI
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