Peed Control of an Intelligent Tank Using PID Controller
1/ some basic concepts
2/ The basic control system of intelligent tank
3/The deployment in rea
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Speed Control of an Intelligent Tank Using PID Controller Group 7: Le Quang Son 41102924 Ngo Hoang Duong 41100662 Cao Van Dien 41100512 Phan Tuan Vu 41104317 12/26/2013 1 Content 1/ some basic concepts 2/ The basic control system of intelligent tank 3/The deployment in reality 12/26/2013 2 With combat vehicles Formerly owing to the weight , , and ground pressure of armored vehicles, this class of vehicles was exclusively full-tracked by human 12/26/2013 3 In modern warfare Vehicles in this category almost universally provide . a fording capability, and the lighter variants may swim 12/26/2013 4 I S t. ome concep s Light detecting resistors Normally the resistance of an LDR is very high,but when they are illuminated with light resistance drops dramatically 12/26/2013 5 12/26/2013 6 1. IR sensors IR Sensors work by using a specific light sensor to detect a select light wavelength in the Infra-Red (IR) spectrum 12/26/2013 7 2. Operating principles 12/26/2013 8 3. Fuzzy logic and fuzzy controller F l i i f f l i l d l i d i d f fuzzy og c s a orm o mu t -va ue og c er ve rom uzzy set theory to deal with reasoning that is approximate rather than precise . 12/26/2013 9 Examples fuzzy controller LP: large positive SP: small positive ZE: zero SN ll ti: sma nega ve LN: large negative 12/26/2013 10 II. The basic control system of intelligent tank 1. Hardware model The robot will manoeuvre itself towards the destination through the employment of light detection sensors Th h th f IR b t lroug e use o sensors, o s ac es are detected and avoided through a decision making fuzzy logic controller Figure 1, Location of the LDRs 12/26/2013 11 Th l ith hi h th t k d l ke a gor m on w c e an mo e wor s 12/26/2013 12 2. Build the transfer function and block diagram with DC motor 12/26/2013 13 2 Build the transfer function and block diagram. 12/26/2013 14 Closed block diagram 12/26/2013 15 Compensate PID by GUI 12/26/2013 16 3. ARCHITECTURE DESIGN The architecture design is based on the (Time Triggered Protocol)TTP/C [9] communication protocol incorporate with RenesasM16C62p microcontroller 12/26/2013 17 III. The deployment in reality The objectives of land vehicle control are i i di i• Dr v ng rect on • Directional stability V hi l d• e c e spee • Distance control T ti f• rac on orces • Braking forces O ti i ti f f l ffi i• p m za on o ue e c ency In tactical situations the vehicle control designer must also consider: • Convoy operations • Location of the vehicle in a hidden position L i f h hi l i fi i i i• ocat on o t e ve c e n a r ng pos t on • Firing during high vehicle speed 12/26/2013 18 1 M i B ttl T k St bili ti C t l. a n a e an a za on on ro S tys em. The principal weapon of a main battle tank is typically a 105 120 t d i t bl t tmm or mm cannon moun e n a raversa e urre 12/26/2013 19 CDR Line of Sight Gun Gunner PID Servo valve Turret Gunner Servo valve Gun Position Handle Input Compensation And Gearbox Handle Input PID Compensation and Cylinder Hull rate Turret rate Gun rate 12/26/2013 20 2 Navigation Controls and GPS. hil d i b l d hi l idl h i b l fi ldW e engage n com at, an ve c es must react to a rap y c ang ng att e e . They often utilize features of the terrain too small to show on maps(micro-terrain) GPS systems are used as adjuncts to maintain correlated maps, rather than as waypoint-route navigators .Exception have occurred in Desert Storm,there ere fe significant map feat resw w u 12/26/2013 21 512/26/2013 22 Conclusion This paper develops the defining equations for a dc motor and along with performance testing of the model. This basic procedure can be expanded to build very complex simulation models of realistic engineering system The proposed PID controller works fine to control the speed of the tank 12/26/2013 23 Future work PWM for DC motor With t k h a an ,we ave Integrated control Glass cockpits Information and guidance system Fuel and ammunition managements Power managements 12/26/2013 24 REFERENCES 1. Speed Control of an Intelligent Tank Using PID Controller (Modelling, Simulation, Architecture Design and GUI Implementation) 2 Atif Ali Kh 1 Ad I Elb j i Y k 2 O i N 3 Bil l S Ch h b 4. an , nan . er aou a zan , uma r aseer , a . e a Steven T.Karris, „Introduction to Simulink with Engineering Applications‟ Orchard Publications, , 3. MathWorks, 2001, Introduction to MATLAB, the MathWorks, Inc. 4. MathWorks, 2001, SIMULINK, the MathWorks, Inc. 5. Fundamentals of Control System, Instructor: Dr.Huynh Thai Hoang 6 Some documentary from Internet. 12/26/2013 25
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