Digital Signal Processing - Analysis of linear time invariant systems
1. Continuous and discrete time systems
2. Input/Output Rules.
3. Linear and time invariance
4. Impulse response
5. Finite Impulse Response (FIR) and
Infinite Impulse Response (IIR).
6. Causality and stability.
inuous-time system DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 4 Discrete-time system Digital system A discrete-time system is digital if it operates on discrete-time signals whose amplitudes are quantized Quantization maps each continuous amplitude level into a number The digital system employs digital hardware 1. explicitly in the form of logic circuits 2. implicitly when the operations on the signals are executed by writing a computer program DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 5 Analysis and design Analysis of a system is investigation of the properties and the behavior (response) of an existing system Design of a system is the choice and arrangement of systems components to perform a specific task Design by analysis is accomplished by modifying the characteristics of an existing system Design by synthesis: we define the form of the system directly from its specifications DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 6 Block diagram Block diagram is a pictorial representation of a system that provides a method for characterizing the relationships among the components Single block with one input and one output is the simplest form of the block diagram Interior of the rectangle representing the block contains (a) component name, (b) component description, or (c) the symbol for the mathematical operation to be performed on input to yield output Arrows represent the direction of signal flow DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 7 Basic elements of block diagram DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 8 Summing point Takeoff point Interconnections of blocks DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 9 Blocks connected in cascade Blocks connected in feedback Blocks connected in parallel State For some systems, the output at time t0 depends not only on the input applied at t0, but also on the input applied before t0 The state is the information at t0 that, together with input for t ≥ t0, determines uniquely output for t ≥ t0 Dynamical equation is the set of equations that describes unique relations between the input, output, and state DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 10 Relaxed system A system is said to be relaxed at time t0 if the output for t ≥ t0 is solely and uniquely determined by the input for t ≥ t0 If the concept of energy is applicable, the system is said to be relaxed at t0 if no energy is stored in the system at t0 A system is said to be zero-input if the output for t ≥ t0 is solely and uniquely determined by the state DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 11 Some basic concepts and terminologies in discrete time systems • Linear Time Invariant systems - LTI. • Input and output signals with relationship of discrete-time convolution via impulse response of system. • LTI system can be separated into FIR (Finite Impulse Response) and IIR (Infinite Impulse Response). • FIR system can be modeled in the block or sample-by sample processing DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 12 The representation of signals in term of impulses Example 2. Input/Output Rules. Sample-to-sample processing method - I/O rule Block processing method DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 14 ,,,,,,,,,, 210210 n H n yyyyxxxx etc. ,,, 221100 yxyxyx HHH y y y y x x x x H 2 1 0 2 1 0 Example 1: Example 2: Hx x x x x y y y y y y y 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 4000 3400 2340 0234 0023 0002 DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 15 ,2,2,2,2,2,,,,, 4321043210 xxxxxxxxxx H 3. Linearity and Time-Invariance LTI Consider a relaxed system in which there is one independent variable t A linear system is a system which has the property that if input x1(n) produces an output y1(n) and input x2(n) produces an output y2(n), then input c1 x1(n) + c2 x2(n) produces an output c1 y1(n) + c2 y2(n) for any x1(n), x2(n) and arbitrary constants c1 and c2 DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 16 * Linearity (1) (2) DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 17 nxanaxnx 21 nyanyany 2211 Testing linearity Time-invariant system A relaxed system is time-invariant if a time shift in the input signal causes a time shift in the output signal In the case of discrete-time digital systems, we often use the term shift-invariant instead of time-invariant Characteristics and parameters of a time-invariant system do not change with time DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 18 * Time invariance D is delay operator DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 19 Testing Time-Invariance with delay by D samples Linear time-invariant (LTI) system DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 20 Continuous-time system is LTI if its input-output relationship can be described by the ordinary linear constant coefficient differential equation Discrete-time system is LTI if its input-output relationship can be described by the linear constant coefficients difference equation 4. Impulse response Dirac Delta function nhn H ,,,,,0,0,0,1 3210 hhhhH DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 21 0n if0 0n if1 n DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 22 Delayed impulse response of an LTI system (LTI form) DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 23 3322|110 nhxnhxnhxnhxny m mnhmxny Convolution Response to linear combination of inputs 5. FIR and IIR Filters An FIR filter has impulse response h(n) that extends only over a finite time interval 0 ≤ n ≤ M DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 24 ,0,0,0,,,,, 210 Mhhhh • M is filter order. Length of impulse response • h = {h0, h1, h2, , hM} is : LH = M + 1 {h0, h1, h2, , hM} named filter coefficients, or filter weights, or filter taps. Example: third order FIR filter h = [h0,h1, h2, h3] has I/O equation: y(n) = h0x(n) + h1x(n-1) + h2x(n-2) + h3x(n-3) Example: Find impulse response of the following FIR filter: (a) y(n) = 2x(n) + 3x(n-1) + 5x(n-2) + 2x(n-3) (b) y(n) = x(n) - 4x(n-4) Solution: (a) h = [2, 3, 5, 2] (b) h = [1, 0, 0, 0, -4] if input is x(n) = (n), then output y(n) = h(n): (a) h(n) = (n) + 3(n – 1) + 5(n – 2) + 2(n – 3) (b) h(n) = (n) – (n – 4) DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 25 FIR FILTERING EQUATION An IIR filter has an impulse response h(n) of infinite duration, defined over the infinite interval. IIR equation Example: Find the convolution form and impulse response of the following IIR filter: y(n) = 0,25y(n – 2) + x(n) Solve: impulse response h(n) = 0,25h(n – 2) + (n) h(–2) = h(–1) = 0; h(0) = 0,25h(–2) + (0) = 1 h(1) = 0,25h(–1) + (1) = 0; h(2) = 0,25h(0) + (2) = 0,25 = 0,52 h(3) = 0,25h(1) + (3) = 0; h(4) = 0,25h(2) + (4) = 0,252 = 0,54 n ≥0 odd n evenn nh n ,0 ,5.0 DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 26 h ={1, 0, 0.52, 0, 0.54, 0,. . .}; y(n) = x(n) + 0.52x(n – 2) + 0.252x(n – 4) 0m mnxmhny DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 27 Example: Find the difference equation of the following IIR filter: h ={2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . .} with the cycle lasts for 4 samples Solve: h(n – 4) ={0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . .} h(n) – h(n – 4) = {2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0,. . .} h(n) – h(n – 4) = 2d(n) + 3d(n – 1) + 4d(n – 2) + 5d(n – 3) h(n) = h(n – 4) + 2d(n) + 3d(n – 1) + 4d(n – 2) + 5d(n – 3) Or yn = yn – 4 + 2xn + 3xn-1 + 4xn-2 + 5xn-3 IIR Filter has the impulse response h(n) DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 28 L i i M i i inbinhanh 01 LnnnMnMnnn bbbhahahah 1102211 L i i M i i inxbinyany 01 LnLnnMnMnnn xbxbxbyayayay 1102211 6. Causality and stability DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 29 Delay D to produce the causal, hD(n) = h(n – D) I/O equation for causal filter hD(n) DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 30 Dm mnxmhny 0m DD mnxmhny Example: Consider the typical 5-tap smoothing filter having filter coefficient h(n) = 1/5 for -2 ≤ n ≤2. The corresponding I/O convolutional equation It is called a smoother or average because at each n it replaces the current sample x(n) by its average with the two samples ahead and two samples behind it. Its anti-causal part has duration D=2 and can be made causal wit the time delay of two units 4321 5 1 22 nxnxnxnxnxnyny DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 31 2 2 2 2 5 1 mm mnxmnxmhny 2112 5 1 nxnxnxnxnx Stability: A stable LTI system is one whose impulse response h(n) goes to zero sufficiently fast as n to be infinitive, so that the output y(n) never diverges and |y(n)| ≤ B if input is limited |x(n)| ≤ A. A necessary and sufficient condition for an LTI system to be stable is DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 32 n nh DSP Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien 33 LINEAR CONSTANT COEFFICIENT DIFFERENCE EQUATION Example: y[n] – y[ n-1] = x[n] A recursive difference equation Example: a recursive form of a moving average system
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