Bài giảng Human resource managemen - Chapter 6: Managing employees’ performance - Ngô Quý Nhâm
What Do I Need to Know?
1. Identify the activities involved in performance
2. Discuss the purposes of performance
management systems.
3. Define five criteria for measuring the
effectiveness of a performance management
4. Compare the major methods for measuring
per ormance
beha iors. u v . 8‐6 Figure 8.1: Stages of the Performance Management Process 8‐7 Purposes of Performance Management • Strategic Purpose – means effective performance management helps the organization achieve its business objectives. • Administrative Purpose – refers to the ways in which organizations use the system to provide information for day‐to‐day decisions about salary, benefits, and recognition programs. l l h• Deve opmenta Purpose – means t at it serves as a basis for developing employees’ knowledge and skills 8‐8 . Criteria for Effective Performance Management Fit ith t t w s ra egy V lidita y Reliability Acceptability Specific feedback 8‐9 Figure 8.2: Contamination and Deficiency of a Job Performance Measure 8‐10 Test Your Knowledge • Martin is a computer programmer whose job mainly consists of independently coding software If interpersonal and teamwork skills. were weighted heavily on his job performance measure it would suffer from A. Criterion contamination B Criterion deficiency. C. Unreliability 8‐11 Methods for Measuring Performance Comparative AttributeQuality METHOD BehaviorResults 8‐12 Table 8.1: Basic Approaches to Performance Measurement 8‐13 Measuring Performance: Making Comparisons i l ki Forced PairedS mp e Ran ng • Requires Distribution • Assigns a Comparison • Compares managers to rank employees in certain percentage of employees to each employee with each other their group from the highest each category in a set of categories employee to establish rankings performer to the poorest f . . 8‐14 per ormer. Measuring Performance: Rating Individuals ‐ Attributes Graphic Rating Scale Mixed‐Standard Scale • Lists traits and provides a rating scale for each trait. • Uses several statements describing each trait to • The employer uses the scale to indicate the extent to which an employee displays produce a final score for that trait. each trait. 8‐15 Figure 8.3: Example of a Graphic Rating Scale 8‐16 Figure 8 4: . Example of a Mixed‐Standard Scale 8‐17 Measuring Performance: R ti I di id l B h ia ng n v ua s ‐ e av ors Critical‐Incident Method Behaviorally Anchored Rating • Based on managers’ records of specific examples of the Scale (BARS) • Rates behavior in terms of a scale showing specificemployee acting in ways that are either effective or ineffective. statements of behavior that describe different levels of f• Employees receive feedback about what they do well and what they do poorly and how per ormance. they are helping the organization achieve its goals. 8‐18 Figure 8 5: . Example of Task‐ BARS Rating Dimension for a Patrol Officer 8‐19 Measuring Performance: Rating Individuals – Behaviors (continued) Behavioral Observation Scale Organizational Behavior (BOS) • A variation of a BARS which uses all behaviors necessary Modification (OBM) • A plan for managing the behavior of employees for effective performance to rate performance at a task. through a formal system of feedback and • A BOS also asks the manager to rate the frequency with which the reinforcement. employee has exhibited the behavior during the rating i d 8‐20 per o . Figure 8.6: Example of a Behavioral Observation Scale (BOS) 8‐21 Measuring Performance: Measuring Results • Management by Objectives (MBO): people at each level of the organization set goals in a process that flows from top to bottom so that , all levels are contributing to the organization’s overall goals . • These goals become the standards for evaluating each employee’s performance . 8‐22 Table 8.2: Management by Objectives – Two Objectives for a Bank 8‐23 Test Your Knowledge • The performance management system at XYZ company currently is perceived as unfair and is time consuming for managers. Which of the following systems is the most likely and least likely used, respectively. A. Paired comparisons; Results B. Results; Forced distribution C. Behavioral; Attributes D. Attributes; Comparative 8‐24 Measuring Performance: Measuring Quality • The principles of total quality management (TQM), provide methods for performance measurement and management . • With TQM, performance measurement combines measurements of attributes and results. S bj ti f db k– u ec ve ee ac – Statistical quality control 8‐25 Sources of Performance Information • 360‐Degree Performance Appraisal: performance measurement that combines information from the employees’: –Managers Peers– – Subordinates Self– – Customers 8‐26 Types of Performance Measurement Rating Errors • Contrast errors: the rater compares an individual, not against an objective standard, but against other employees . • Distributional errors: the rater tends to use only one part of a rating scale . – Leniency: the reviewer rates everyone near the top St i t th t f l ki– r c ness: e ra er avors ower ran ngs – Central tendency: the rater puts everyone near the iddl f th l 8‐27 m e o e sca e Types of Performance Measurement Rating Errors (continued) • Rater bias: raters often let their opinion of one quality color their opinion of others. Halo error: when the bias is in a favorable direction – . This can mistakenly tell employees they don’t need to improve in any area. – Horns error: when the bias involves negative ratings. This can cause employees to feel frustrated and defensive. 8‐28 Test Your Knowledge • Bill rates all of his employees very low except for Jan. Jan gets above average ratings because she consistently comes to work on time. The rating errors Bill makes are _______ and respectively _______, . A. Leniency; Horn B Strictness; Halo. C. Similar‐to‐me; Central Tendency D Horn Strictness 8‐29 . ; Giving Performance Feedback • Scheduling Performance Feedback – Performance feedback should be a regular, expected management activity. – Annual feedback is not enough. – Employees should receive feedback so often that they know what the manager will say during their annual performance review. • Preparing for a Feedback Session – Managers should be prepared for each formal feedback 8‐30 session. Giving Performance Feedback (continued) • Conducting the Feedback Session – During the feedback session, managers can take any of three approaches: 1. “Tell-and-Sell” – managers tell employees their ratings and then justify those ratings. 2. “Tell-and-Listen” – managers tell employees their ratings and then let the employees explain their side of the story. 3. “Problem-Solving” – managers and employees work 8‐31 together to solve performance problems. Figure 8.7: Improving Performance 8‐32 Legal and Ethical Issues in Performance Management • Legal – Performance management processes are often scrutinized in cases of discrimination or dismissal . • Ethical Employee monitoring via electronic devices and– computers may raise concerns over employee privacy. 8‐33 Legal Requirements for Performance Management • Lawsuits related to performance management usually involve charges of: – Discrimination – Unjust dismissal T t t i t b th ki d f l it it i• o pro ec aga ns o n s o awsu s, s important to have a legally defensible f t tper ormance managemen sys em. 8‐34 Legal Requirements for Performance Management (continued) • A legally defensible performance management system includes: Based on valid job analyses with requirements for job – , success clearly communicated to employees. – Performance measurement should evaluate behaviors or results, rather than traits. – Multiple raters (including self-appraisals) should be used. – All performance ratings should be reviewed by upper-level managers. 8‐35 – There should be an appeals mechanism for employees. Summary • Performance management is the process through which managers ensure that employees’ activities and outputs contribute to the organization’s goals. • Organizations establish performance management systems to meet three broad purposes: – Strategic purpose – Administrative purpose – Developmental purpose • Performance measures should fit with the organization’s strategy by supporting its goals and culture. 8‐36 Summary (continued) • Performance information may come from an employee’s self‐appraisal and from appraisals by the employee’s supervisor, employees, peers, and customers. • Using only one source makes the appraisal more subjective. • Organizations may combine many sources into a 360‐ d f legree per ormance appraisa . 8‐37 Summary (continued) • Organizations can minimize appraisal politics by establishing a fair appraisal system, involving managers and employees in developing the system, allowing employees to challenge evaluations, communicating expectations, and having open di iscuss on. • Performance feedback should be a regular, scheduled management activity so that employees , can correct problems as soon as they occur. 8‐38 Summary (continued) • The performance feedback discussion should focus on behavior and results rather than on personalities. • Managers must make sure that performance d d lmanagement systems an ecisions treat emp oyees equally, without regard to their race, sex, or other protected status. • A system is more likely to be legally defensible if it is based on behaviors and results, rather than on traits, and if multiple raters evaluate each person’s performance. 8‐39
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