Bài giảng Human resource managemen - Chapter 4: Selecting employees and placing them in job - Ngô Quý Nhâm
What Do I Need to Know?
1. Identify the elements of the selection
2. Define ways to measure the success of the
selection method.
3. S i ummarize the government’s requirements
for employee selection.
4. Compare the common methods used for
selecting human resources
fundamentals of Human Resource Management Unit04 Selecting Employees and Placing Them in Jobs 6‐1NGÔ QUÝ NHÂM What Do I Need to Know? 1 Identify the elements of the selection. process. 2 Define ways to measure the success of the. selection method. 3 S i h ’ i. ummar ze t e government s requ rements for employee selection. 4. Compare the common methods used for selecting human resources. 6‐2 What Do I Need to Know? (continued) 5 Describe major types of employment tests. . 6. Discuss how to conduct effective interviews. l i h l h7. Exp a n ow emp oyers carry out t e process of making a selection decision. 6‐3 Personnel Selection • Personnel Selection: the process through which organizations make decisions about who will or will not be allowed to join the organization. • Selection begins with the candidates identified through recruitment. • It attempts to reduce their number to the individuals best qualified to perform available jobs. • It ends with the selected individuals placed in jobs with the organization 6‐4 . Your Experience A = Yes B = No 1.Have you ever had to take a computerized or paper and pencil test in order to get a job?‐ ‐ 2.Have you ever had to interview in order to get j b?a o 6‐5 Figure 6.1: Steps in the Selection Process 6‐6 A Strategic Approach to Personnel Selection • Organizations should create a selection process in support of its job descriptions. • The selection process should be set up in a way that it lets the organization identify people who have the necessary KASOs . • This kind of strategic approach to selection i h ff i frequ res ways to measure t e e ect veness o the selection tools. 6‐7 Criteria for Measuring the Effectiveness of Selection Tools and Methods The method provides reliable information. The method provides valid information. The information can be generalized to apply to the candidates. The method offers high utility. 6‐8 The selection criteria are legal. Reliability • Reliability: the extent to which a measurement is free from random error. • A reliable measurement generates consistent results. O i i i i l• rgan zat ons use stat st ca tests to compare results over time. – Correlation coefficients – A higher correlation coefficient signifies a greater 6‐9 degree of reliability. Validity • Validity: the extent to • The federal which the performance on a measure (such as a government’s Uniform Guidelines on Employee test score) is related to what the measure is d i d t Selection Procedures accept three ways of i lidites gne o assess (such as job performance) measur ng va y: 1. Criterion‐related 2 Content. . 3. Construct 6‐10 Criterion‐Related Validity • Criterion‐related validity: a measure of validity based on showing a substantial correlation between test scores and job performance scores. • Two kinds of research are possible for arriving at criterion‐related validity: 1 P di ti V lid ti. re c ve a a on 2. Concurrent Validation 6‐11 Criterion‐Related Validity (continued) Predictive Validation Concurrent Validation • Research that uses the test scores of all • Research that consists of administering a test to applicants and looks for a relationship between people who currently hold a job, and then the scores and future performance of the applicants who were comparing their scores to existing measures of job performance hired. . 6‐12 Figure 6.2: Criterion‐Related Measurements of a Student’s Aptitude 6‐13 Content and Construct Validity Content Validity Construct Validity • Consistency between the test items or • Consistency between a high score on a test and problems and the kinds of situations or high level of a construct (i.e., intelligence or leadership ability) as problems that occur on the job. well as between mastery of this construct and successful performance of the job. 6‐14 Test Your Knowledge • What is the best method to validate the following tests and why? Content (A) or Criterion‐related (B) validity 1. Interview 2 Skills-based test (e g troubleshooting equipment . . ., , operating equipment) 3. Integrity test 4.Personality test 5 Job knowledge test 6‐15 . 6.Math or reading test Legal Standards for Selection • All selection methods must conform to existing laws and legal precedents. • Three acts have formed the basis for a majority of the suits filed by job applicants: Ci il Ri ht A t f 1964 d 1991– v g s c o an – Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 h b l f– Americans wit Disa i ities Act o 1991 6‐16 Table 6.1: Permissible and Impermissible Questions for Applications and Interviews 6‐17 Test Your Knowledge • Which of the following questions is permissible? A Will child care demands affect your ability to get. to work? B Do you have a car so that you will be able to get. here on time? C. This job requires you to be here from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Can you meet that job requirement? 6‐18 Gathering Background Information Application F Résumésorms Reference Background Checks Checks 6‐19 Application Forms • A low‐cost way to gather basic data from many applicants. • It ensures that the organization has certain standard categories of information: C t t i f ti– on ac n orma on –Work experience d l b k d– E ucationa ac groun – Technical experience 6‐20 –Memberships in professional or trade groups Employment Tests Aptitude tests: assess how well a person can learn or acquire skills and abilities. Achievement tests:measure a person’s existing knowledge and skills 6‐21 . Table 6.2: Sources of Information About Employment Tests 6‐22 Employment Tests and Work Samples Physical Ability Tests Cognitive Ability Tests Medical Examinations Employment Tests & Job Work Samples Performance Tests Drug Tests Work Samples Personality I i Honesty Tests 6‐23 nventor es Table 6.3: Five Major Personality Dimensions Measured by Personality Inventories 6‐24 Rules for Administering Drug Tests • Administer the tests systematically to all applicants for the same job. • Use drug testing for jobs that involve safety hazards . • Have a report of the results sent to the applicant, along with information about how to appeal the results and be retested if appropriate. • Respect applicants’ privacy by conducting the tests in an environment that is not intrusive and keeping results confidential. 6‐25 Interviews Nondirective Interview Interviewing StructuredBehavior Techniques InterviewDescription Interview Situational Interview 6‐26 Interviewing Effectively 1 Be prepared. 2. Assign responsibilities 3 h li. Put t e app cant at ease 4. Ask about past behaviors 5. Figure out what your employees do, and ask questions that look for similar behaviors 6. At the end of the interview, make sure the candidate knows what to expect next 6‐27 How Organizations Select Employees Multiple‐Hurdle Model Compensatory Model • Process of arriving at a selection decision by • Process of arriving at a selection decision in eliminating some candidates at each which a very high score on one type of stage of the selection process. assessment can make up for a low score on hanot er. 6‐28 Summary • Selection typically begins with a review of candidates’ applications and résumés. The organization administers tests to candidates who meet basic requirements, and qualified candidates undergo one or more interviews. Organizations check f d d t b k d h k Are erences an con uc ac groun c ec s. candidate is selected to fill each vacant position. Candidates who accept offers are placed in the positions for which they were selected. 6‐29 Summary (continued) • Organizations need to measure the success of selection methods. Criteria used include: – Validity – Reliability Utility– – Legality G li bl– enera za e 6‐30 Summary (continued) • The selection process must be conducted in a way that avoids discrimination and provides access to persons with disabilities. This means selection methods must be valid for job performance, and scores may not be adjusted to discriminate against or i f tg ve pre erence o any group. • The organization should focus on the objective of finding the person who will be the best fit with the job and the organization. This includes an assessment of ability and motivation. 6‐31
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