Verification of faraday’s law of electromagmetic induction
The purpose of this activity is to measure the voltage across a coil of wire when a bar magnet moves through the coil of wire.
Compare the voltage to the number of turns of wire in the coil.
Experimental Report 4 VERIFICATION OF FARADAY’S LAW OF ELECTROMAGMETIC INDUCTION Class : ICT-K55 Group : 06 Name : PHẠM THỊ THU THỦY Verification of the instructors EXPERIMENT MOTIVATION The purpose of this activity is to measure the voltage across a coil of wire when a bar magnet moves through the coil of wire. Compare the voltage to the number of turns of wire in the coil. II. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT 1. Measurement Results Data table Voltage peak 1 Voltage peak 2 150 wpg 1200 wdg 150 wpg 1200 wpg South 1 0,037 0,670 -0,103 -1,210 2 0,038 0,709 -0,109 -1,258 3 0,040 0,685 -0,115 -1,206 North 1 -0,057 -0,380 0,079 0,550 2 -0,060 -0,396 0,082 0,548 3 -0,056 -0,378 0,080 0,540 N - S 1 -0,036 -0,630 0,108 0,315 2 -0,051 -0,656 0,106 0,320 3 -0,048 -0,638 0,102 0,309 N - N 1 -0,110 -0,890 0,202 1,458 2 -0,109 -0,930 0,196 1,525 3 -0,115 -0,880 0,190 1,433 S - S 1 0,110 0,920 -0,228 -1,660 2 0,106 0,860 -0,252 -1,547 3 0,107 0,879 -0,257 -1,680 Pig 1: the voltage of two peak at south – south case Question 1: how dose the voltage of the second peak compare to the first peak? The voltage of the second peak is greater than the voltage of the first. : there are two peaks: one for when you push the magnet in and one for when you pull the magnet out. They are opposite in direction because of Faraday's law which states that the induced voltage throughout the wire induces a current that creates a magnetic flux in the direction opposing the change in flux. So as we push the north end of the magnet in, the induced field should point out; as you pull the magnet out, the field should point in. Question 2: for each run, how does the magnitude (amount) of the voltage of the second peak compare to the magnitude ( amount) of the voltage of first ? Explain why you think this happens. Table of average of this voltage Voltage peak 1 Voltage peak 2 150 wgp 1200 wgp 150 wgp 1200 wgp north -0,057 0,001 -0,384 0,001 0,080 0,001 0,546 0,001 south 0,038 0,001 0,688 0,001 -0,109 0,001 -1,224 0,001 N-S -0,045 0,001 -0,641 0,001 0,105 0,001 0,314 0,001 N-N -0,111 0,001 -0,900 0,001 0,196 0,001 1,472 0,001 S-S 0,107 0,001 0,886 0,001 -0,245 0,001 -1,629 0,001 We can see that the magnitude of the second peaks is greater than the magnitude of the first parts. You can see in this table. Explain: when we release the magnet through the coil. The motion of the magnet is free fall, so we have the first velocity(when North pole through the coil) is small than the second velocity(when South pole through the coil). Because of this, the magnetic field through the coil is change, so the magnitude of the voltage also changes. The magnitude of the voltage of two peaks: because the motion of the magnitude is the free fall. So the first peak, we have the motion is less than the second peak . So the magnetic field will be change when drop the magnetic in the coil is increasing. We can see the maximum voltage of peak 1 greater than be the peak 2. Question 4 : we can see the above table show the maximum of peak 1 and peak 2 Peak1 peak 2 150 wgp 150 wgp north -0,057 0,001 0,080 0,001 south 0,038 0,001 -0,109 0,001 N-S -0,045 0,001 0,105 0,001 N-N -0,111 0,001 0,196 0,001 S-S 0,107 0,001 -0,245 0,001 And Peak 1 Peak2 1200 wgp 1200 wgp north -0,384 0,001 0,546 0,001 south 0,688 0,001 -1,224 0,001 N-S -0,641 0,001 0,314 0,001 N-N -0,900 0,001 1,472 0,001 S-S 0,886 0,001 -1,629 0,001 In this case the maximum voltage of peak 1 is less than peak 2 Question 5: The phenomenon is happen exactly what we predicted.
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