Tổng hợp 5000 từ Tiếng Anh ngành điện
1. Electric power system: hệ thống điện (HTĐ)
2. Electric network/grid :mạng (lưới) điện
- low voltage grid:lưới hạ thế
- medium voltage grid:lưới trung thế
- high voltage grid:lưới cao thế
- extra high voltage grid:lưới siêu cao thế
- extremely high voltage grid: lưới cực cao thế
3. Electricity generation: Phát điện
4. Power plant: nhà máy điện
- Thermal power plant: nhà máy nhiệt điện
- Hydroelectric power plant: nhà máy điện
- Wind power plant: nhà máy điện gió
- Tidal power plant: nhà máy điện thủy triều
lation) Cách điện kép (Double insulation) Phối hợp cách điện (Insulation co-ordination) Truyền tải điện (Transmission of electricity) Phân phối điện (Distribution of electricity) Liên kết hệ thống điện (Interconnection of power systems) Điểm đấu nối (Connection point) Sơ đồ hệ thống điện (System diagram) Sơ đồ vận hành hệ thống điện (System operational diagram) Quy hoạch hệ thống điện (Power system planning) Độ ổn định của hệ thống điện (Power system stability) Độ ổn định của tải (Load stability) Ổn định tĩnh của hệ thống điện (Steady state stability of a power system) Ổn định quá độ (ổn định động) của hệ thống điện (Transient stability of a power system) Ổn định có điều kiện của hệ thống điện (Conditional stability of a power system) Vận hành đồng bộ hệ thống điện (Synchronous operation of a system) Trung tâm điều độ hệ thống điện Quốc gia (National load dispatch center) Hệ thống SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition system) Tiêu chuẩn vận hành (Operation regulation) Quản lý nhu cầu hệ thống (System demand control) Dự báo quản lý hệ thống điện (Management forecast of a system) Tăng cường hệ thống điện (Reinforcement of a system) Khoảng cách làm việc tối thiểu (Minimum working distance) Khoảng trống cách điện tối thiểu (Minimum insulation clearance) Khởi động lạnh tổ máy nhiệt điện (Cold start-up thermal generating set) Khởi động nóng tổ máy nhiệt điện (Hot start-up thermal generating set) Khả năng quá tải (Overload capacity) Sa thải phụ tải (Load shedding) Công suất sẵn sàng của một tổ máy (hoặc một nhà máy điện) (Available capacity of a it (of a power station) Công suất dự phòng của một hệ thống điện (Reserve power of a system) Dự phòng nóng (Hot stand-by) Dự phòng nguội (Cold reserve) I.1.79. Dự phòng sự cố (Outage reserve) Dự báo phụ tải (Load forecast) Dự báo cấu trúc phát điện (Generation mix forecast) Chế độ xác lập của hệ thống điện (Steady state of a power system) Chế độ quá độ của hệ thống điện (Transient state of a power system) Trạng thái cân bằng của lưới điện nhiều pha (Balanced state of a polyphase network) Trạng thái không cân bằng của một lưới điện nhiều pha (Unbalanced state of a polyphase network) Độ tin cậy cung cấp điện (Service reliability) Độ an toàn cung cấp điện (Service security) Phân phối kinh tế phụ tải (Economic loading schedule) Sự cân bằng của lưới phân phối (Balancing of a distribution network) A/M Automatic/Manual AAAC All Aluminum Alloy Conductor AAC All Aluminum Conductor ACAR Aluminum Conductor Alloy Reinforced ACB Air Circuit Breaker ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced AFC Approved For Construction AFD Approved For Design AHU Air Handling Unit ANSI American National Standards Institute APFR Automatic Power Factor Regulator AR Auto Reclose (Relay) ASAP As Soon As Possible ATS Automatic Transfer Switch AUX Auxiliary AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator AWA Aluminum Wire Armoured (Cable) AWG American Wire Gauge BB Bus Bar (Protection) BCT Bushing Current Transformer BFP Boiler Feed-water Pump BHP Brake Horse Power BIL Basic Impulse Level BKR Breaker B/L Bill of Lading BM(BOM) Bill of Material BOO Build Own Operate BOP Balance Of Plant BOT Build Own Transfer BS British Standards (institute) BSDG Black Start Diesel Generator C&F Cost & Freight CAR Construction All Risk (Insurance) CBF Circuit Breaker Fail (Protection) CBM CuBic Meter (M³) CCPD Coupling Capacitor Potential Device CCPP Combined Cycle Power Plant CCW Counter Clock Wise CED Chiep Executive Director CEO Chiep Executive Officer CFO Chiep Financial Officer CFR Cost,and Freight CHU Chiller Handling Unit C/I Commercial Invoice CIF Cost Insurance and Freight CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To CLR Current Limiting Reactor CM Construction Management C/O Certificate of Origin COS Cut Out Switch CPT Carriage Paid To CS Control Switch CT Current Transformer CTT Current Transformer Test Terminal CUB Cubicle CVT Capacitive Voltage Transformer CU Copper conductor CW Clock Wise C/W Certificate of Weight CWP Cooling Water Pump (Circulating Water Pump) DAF Delivered At Frontier D/G Diesel Generator DCS Distributed Control System DEF Delivered Ex Ship DIFB Biased Differential (Relay) DIFF. Differenfial (Relay) DO Diesel Oil DOL Direct On Line (Motor starting) DS Disconnecting Switch DTR Digital Transient Recorder EF Earth Fault (Relay) EFF. Efficiency E/L Export License ELCB Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker ELR Earth Leakage Relay EM Engineering Manager / Earth Mast EMS Energy Management System EOCR Electronic Over Current Relay EPC Engineering Procurenment Construction ES Earthing Switch ESD Emergency Shut Down ETA Estimated Time of Arrival ETD Estimated Time of Departure EX Excitor EXW Ex Works FAS Free Alongside Ship FAT Factory (or Field or Final) Acceptance Test FCA Free Carrier FD Forced Draft ↔ ID(Induced Draft) FDR Feeder FL Fluorescent Light (Lamp) FOB Free On Board FOR Forced Outage Rate / Free On Rail FRLS Flame Retardent(or Fire Resistant) Low Smoked FSA Fuel Supply Agreement FSD Fire Shut Down GCB Gas Circuit Breaker GEN Generator GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear GIS Geographic Information System GPS Global Positioning System GPT Grounding Potential Transformer GT(G) Gas Turbine (Generator) GTY Gantry HFO Heavy Fuel Oil HPS High Pressure Sodium HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator HVAC Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning I/C Inspection Certiviate ICT Interposing CT ID Induced Draft ↔ FD(Induced Draft) IDMT Inverse Definite Minimum Time IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IFA Issued For Approval IFC Issued For Construction IFD Issued For Design IOM Inter Office Memorandum I/P Inusrance Policy IPB Isolated Phase Busduct IPP Independant Power Producer ISF Instrument Safety Factor ITB Invitation To Bid ITP Inspection (and) Test Plan JB(J/B) Junction Box JCS The Japanese Cable Manufacturer’s Association Standard JEC Standard of the Japanese Electrotechnical Committee JEM The Standard of Japan Electrical Manufacturer’s Association JIS Japanese Industrial Standards L.O. Lube Oil L/C Letter of Credit L/I Letter of Intent LA Linghtning Arrester LC Load Center LCD Liquid Crystal Display LCP Local Control Panel LCS Local Control Station LE / LE Lead Engineer / Loss of Excitation (Relay) LED Light Emitting Diode LFO Light Fuel Oil LOR Lock Out Relay LRC Load Ratio Controller LT Line Trap LTG Lighting M/H Man Hour M/M Man Month MC Magnetic Contactor MCC Motor Control Center MDF Main Distribution Frame MF Maintenance Free / Multiplying Factor MK Marshalling Kiosk MMI Man-Machine Interface MOF Metering Outfit MOM Minutes Of Meeting MOU Memorandom Of Understanding MOV Motor Operating Valve MPR Motor Projection Relay / Monthly Progress Report MTBF Mean Time Between Failure MTO Material Take Off MVR Manual Voltage Regulator NEC National Electrical Code NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association NGR(NER) Neutral Grounding Resister(Neutral Earthing Resister) NGT(NGTR) Neutral Grounding Transformer NLTC No Load Tap Changer NPS Negative Phase Sequence (Relay) NSPB Non Segregate Phase Busduct NVD Neutral Voltage Displacement O&M Operation & Maintenance OCB / MOCB Oil Circuit Breaker / Minmum Oil Circuit Breaker OCR Over Current Relay OJT On the Job Training OLTC On Load Tap Changer ONAN/ONAF Oil Nature Air Nature / Oil Nature Air Forced OV Over Voltage (Relay) P&ID Piping and Instrument Diagram P.U Pressurization Unit / Per Unit P/O Purchase Order PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchanger PB Push Button PC Procurement Coordinator PCB Poly Chlorinated Bi-phenyl / Printed Circuit Board PCS Pieces PD Project Director PE Project Engineer PFD Process Flow Diagram PI Post Insulator PJT Project P/L Packing List PLC Programmable Logic Controller PLCC Power Line Carrier Communication PM Project Manager PMT Project Management Team PN Plant North PNL Panel PPA Power Purchase Agreement PQ Pre-Qualification PS Purchase Specification PSS Power System Stabilizer PT Potential Transformer PTT Potential Transformer Test Terminal PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride R/L Remote/Local RCP Remote Control Panel REF Restriced Earth Fault (Relay) RFQ(RFP) Request For Quotation (Proposal) RIV Radio Inflenced Voltage RM. Ringgit Malaysia Rp. Rupiah RP Reverse Power (Relay) RPM Revolution Per Minute Rs. Rupees RTD Resistance Temperature Detector RTU Remote Terminal Unit RY Relay S.C Static Condenser S.R Series Reactor S/S Substation SA Surge Arrester SBEF StandBy Earth Fault (Relay) SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier / Short Circuit Ratio SCS Substation Control System SER Sequence Event Recorder SIL Surge Impedance Loading SLD Single Line Diagram SLS Synchronizing Switch SPB Segregated Phase Busduct SPST Single Pole Single Throw SS Selector Switch or Syncro Switch SSTD Solid State Trip Device ST(G) Steam Turbine (Generator) STP Sewage Treatment Plant SW Switch SWA (Galavinized) Steel Wire Armoured (Cable) SWGR SWITCHGEAR SWYD SWITCHYARD SYN Synchronizing T/L Transmission Line TB Terminal Board TBE, TBA Technical Bid Evaluation (Analysis) TBN Turbine TCS Trip Circuit Supervision (Relay) TCU Tele Counting Unit TE Electrical reset Trip (Relay) TEFC Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled TEWAC Totally Enclosed Water (to) Air Cooled TLP Transformer Local Panel TPN Triple Pole Neutral TR Transformer TRV Transient Recovery Voltage UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply UV Under Voltage (Relay) VCB Vacuum Circuit Breaker VCS Vacuum Combination Starter VRO Voltage Restrained Overcurrent (Relay) VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal VT Voltage Transformer WHRH Waste Heat Recovery Boiler XLPE Cross Linked Poly Ethylene (Insulation) Y2K Year 2000 (millenium bug) ZCT Zero-phase Current Transformer
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