Thuật ngữ Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Điện - Điện tử
No Terms Explanation
1 Anion negative ion Anion, ion âm
2 Cation Positive ion Cation, ion dương
3 The halogen element Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatine
4 Cyclotron An accelerator (an apparatus that makes the particles accelerate – go faster and faster) that gives energies of several million electron – volts to atomic-sized. Máy gia tốc cộng hưởng từ
5 Charged body Something that has an electric charge Hạt mang điện
6 Matter That of which all things are made Vật chất
7 No resultant electric charged With the positive and negative charges of the same size so that no charge can be observed from outside
8 Ion An atom, group of atoms or a molecule that lacks its full number of electrons (positive) or has too many electrons (negative)
9 Apparatus Either a piece of equipment Bộ phận, thiết bị
10 Chemical inert Not reacting chemically with other things (these inert gases do not easily form any chemical compounds) Chất khí trơ
ating magnetic field, such as eddy currents and hysteresis. Tổn hao sắt 24 Copper loss the losses due to resistance in the conductors of the windings Tổn hao đồng 25 Deteriorate Break down, become less efficient Bị hỏng 26 Dry natural cooled transformer Biến áp khô làm mát tự nhiên 27 Dry force-air cooled transformer Biến áp khô làm mát bằng khí 28 Oil-immersed self-cooled transformer Biến áp dầu tự làm mát 29 Oil-immersed forced-air cooled transformer Biến áp dầu làm mát bằng khí 30 Oil-immersed water cooled transformer Biến áp dầu làm mát bằng nước 31 Lamination The thin sheet of metal used to make up the core of an iron-core transformer Thép lá 32 Autotransformer A transformer that does not change the value of voltage Biến áp tự ngẫu 33 Induced voltage The kind of voltage produced across the secondary winding of any transformer Điện áp cảm ứng 34 Turns ratio The number of turns of wire of a transformer’s secondary winding compared to the number of primary-winding turns Tỉ số vòng dây 35 Schematic Containing only the essentials, brief Sơ đồ, lược đồ 36 Be omitted from consideration Be neglected, be not considered Bỏ qua 37 Grade Type, quality Mức, loại, cấp 38 Step-up transformer The transformer which transform a lower voltage to a higher one Máy tăng thế 39 Step-down transformer The transformer which transform a higher voltage to a lower one Máy hạ thế UNIT 11 THE PROBLEM OF MEASUREMENT ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS No Term Explanation 1 Angular response Phản hồi góc 2 Auxiliary circuit Mạch phụ 3 Calibration Relation between the respond of the instrument and the quantities causing the respond. Thang đo, bảng quy chuẩn 4 Deflection The movement of a structure or a part of a structure when it is bearing a load. Lệch 5 Degree of precision Độ chính xác 6 Electrical measuring instrument Thiết bị đo điện 7 Error Differences between the correct result and that obtained. Sai số 8 Equilibrium Point of balance of rest. Trang thái cân bằng 9 Fixed scale Thang cố định 10 Full- wave 2 nửa chu kì 11 Four- element bridge- type rectifier Bộ chỉnh lưu mạch cầu bốn đi- ốt 12 Hairsprings The slender recoil spring which regulates the motion of the balance in a timepiece. 13 Indicator ( pointer) An instrument or gauge that measures sth and registers the measurement. Kim chỉ 14 Jewel cups Ổ chân kính (giảm ma sát để kết quả đo chính xác) 15 Moving coil Cuộn chuyển động 16 Multiplier Điện kế nhân 17 Pivot A pin, shaft, or point on which something turns Trục 18 Reaction Tương tác 19 Sensing element An element that can detect Bộ phận cảm ứng 20 Shunt Resistor or conductor connected in parallel with another device Mắc sơn 21 Spring A resilient metal coil that will store energy when compressed and release energy when returning to its original shape. Use: for cushioning, in clockwork Lò xo 22 Spindle A thin cylindrical rod which serves a an axis of rotation or itself rotate Trục 23 Thermocouple A device for measuring temperature in which 2 wires of different metals are joined. The potential difference between the wires is a measure of the temperature of sth they touch. Cặp nhiệt điện 24 Turn in bearing Quay theo trục 25 Vane A thin surface that can be detected Cánh quạt 26 Galvanometer An instrument used to detect or measure the strength and direction of small electric current by mean of a coil in a magnetic field that moves a pointer or light. 27 Voltmeter An instrument measuring voltages or a voltage sensitive device. An instrument calibrated in volts that measure the electromotive force or potential difference between 2 points in a circuit. Vôn kế 28 Ammeter An instrument measuring electrical current or a current sensitive device Ampe kế 29 Ohmmeter An instrument measuring electrical resistance Ôm kế 30 Wattmeter Instrument measuring electrical power Oát kế 31 Electricity meter An instrument measuring electrical energy Công tơ mét 32 Multimeter An instrument can measure voltage, current ... in the same device Thiết bị đo đa năng 33 Oscilloscope Device for showing waveform Máy hiện sóng, máy hiển thị dao động 34 Oscillator Any device or circuit for producing electric oscillations, whether of current or voltage. Máy tạo dao động 35 Electrodynamometer ( electrodynamic instrument) A device for measuring the strength of an electric current by the magnetic force it induces in a coil. Thiết bị đo sử dụng nguyên tắc điện động UNIT 12: ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS No Term Definition 1 Optimum voltage The voltage at that point when we reach an equilibrium between costs and saving is the most favorable Hiệu điện thế tối ưu 2 Breaker A device that can automatically stop the flow of electricity in a circuit if there is too much current to operate safely. ( switches, circuit breakers) Bộ ngắt, cầu dao 3 Bus bar - an electrical conductor or group of electrical conductors used as a connector in a circuit, especially as a bus in a computer system - Short conductor forming a common junction between two or more circuits Cầu nối mạch, thanh dẫn 4 Grid system Electrical network of 132kV and 33kV lines Hệ thống lưới điện, mạng lưới 5 Standing loss Costs of keeping plant ready but inactive Hao phí ở chế độ chờ 6 Pilot – plant stage The phase of experimentation in trial unit Giai đoạn thử nghiệm 7 Nozzle a short tapered tube that directs or accelerates the flow of a fluid Ống phun 8 Condenser Apparatus for converting a vapor to a liquid Bình ngưng, giàn ngưng 9 Fission The act or process of splitting up into parts Phân hạch 10 Prime mover - Engine or motor in which equipment reaches full efficiency - Energy converter: a machine that converts energy from a natural or physical source in order to power equipment such as a windmill or turbine Động cơ chính 11 Reservoirs - Lake or tank for storing water: a large tank or natural or artificial lake used for collecting and storing water for human consumption or agricultural use Hồ chứa 12 Generating station Nhà máy điện 13 Three - phase system Hệ thống ba pha 14 Single - phase system Hệ thống 1 pha 15 Turbine Machine powered by rotating blades: a machine in which a moving fluid such as steam acts on the blades of a rotor to produce rotational motion that can be transformed to electrical or mechanical power Tua bin 16 Shaft rotating rod in machine: a rotating rod that provides motion or power for a machine Cần 17 Bearing housing for moving machine part: the part of a machine that supports a sliding or rotating part Gía đỡ 18 Casing Outer covering Vỏ bọc 19 Furnace enclosure producing great heat: a device in which heat is produced by burning fuel either to warm a building or to undertake an industrial process such as smelting metal Lò 20 Boiler water-heating tank: a large tank in which water is heated and stored, either as hot water or as steam, and used for heating or generating power Lò hơi 21 Vessel receptacle: a hollow receptacle, especially one that is used as a container for liquids Ống 22 Conventional plant Nhà máy 23 Hydroelectric generated by water power: generated by converting the pressure of falling or running water to electricity by means of a turbine coupled to a generator Thủy điện 24 Hydraulic driven by fluid: relating to or operated by a device in which pressure applied to a piston is transmitted by a fluid to a larger piston, so as to give rise to a larger force Chạy bằng sức nước 25 Impulse turbine Tua bin xung 26 Vane rotating blade: a flat blade mounted as part of a set in a circle so as to rotate under the action of wind or liquid Cánh quạt, chong chóng gió 27 Kinetic Relating to motion Động học 28 Pylon metal tower supporting high-voltage cables: a tall metal tower typically made of crisscrossing steel bars that supports high-voltage cables across a long span Cột tháp, cột điện cao thế 29 Supply pylon Cột tháp điện 30 Stranded copper conductor Dây dẫn đồng xoắn 31 Hollow copper conductor Dây dẫn đồng rỗng 32 Sub-station Đài con, trạm con 33 Underground distribution Phân phối điện ngầm, mạng phân phối ngầm 34 Hydro- Pertains to water Liên quan tới nước 35 psi Pounds per square inch Pao trên insơ vuông ( đơn vị đo áp suất ) 36 Atomic fission The splitting of atom Phân hạch ng. tử 37 Neutron - elementary particle without electric charge: a neutral elementary particle of the baryon family with a zero electrical charge and a mass approximately equal to that of a proton - particle used to produce atomic fission Nơ tron 38 Control rod - Regulate the amount of heat produced by atomic fission - Rod used to control nuclear fission: a rod or cylinder made of or containing neutron-absorbing material such as graphite, used to control the rate of fission in a nuclear reactor Cần điều khiển 39 Megawatt 1,000,000 watts 40 Wye and delta Connections used with three-phase transformers Mắc hình sao và hình tam giác 41 Fusion heating and liquefying something: the molten state of a substance, or the change it undergoes to become molten Nhiệt hạch 42 Nuclear fusion Atomic combination that releases energy: the process in which light atoms such as those of hydrogen and deuterium combine and form heavier atoms, releasing a great amount of energy, which primarily manifests itself in the form of heat Tổng hợp hạt nhân 43 Coal conveyer A device that transports or transmits coal Băng tải than 44 Stocker Khoang chứa 45 Pulverizer A component used to crush or grind something into a powder or dust, or be crushed or ground into a powder or dust Nạp liệu 46 Coal ash Bụi than 47 Air preheater Component to preheat air Bộ hâm sấy ko khí 48 Electrostatic precipitator Khử bụi tĩnh điện 49 Smokestack Ống khói 50 Cooling tower Tháp làm lạnh
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