Thiết kế chiếu sáng sân golf
Project Cover 1
Table of contents 2
APT Ledy52-25D
Luminaire Data Sheet 4
LDC (Polar) 5
LDC (Linear) 6
APT Ledy105-25D
Luminaire Data Sheet 7
LDC (Polar) 8
LDC (Linear) 9
APT W40 105LED
Luminaire Data Sheet 10
LDC (Polar) 11
LDC (Linear) 12
APT N-15 52LED
Luminaire Data Sheet 13
LDC (Polar) 14
LDC (Linear) 15
APT N-15 105LED
Luminaire Data Sheet 16
LDC (Polar) 17
LDC (Linear) 18
Luminaire Data Sheet 19
LDC (Polar) 20
LDC (Linear) 21
Golf Thái Hòa
Floor plan 22
Luminaires (layout plan) 23
Sport Luminaires (Coordinates List) 25
3D Rendering 27
False Colour Rendering 28
Exterior Surfaces
N 2
Surface 1
Isolines (E) 29
Value Chart (E) 30
Surface 1
Isolines (E) 31
Value Chart (E) 32
Surface 1
Isolines (E) 33
Value Chart (E) 34
Hole Green
Surface 1
DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 2GOLF THÁI HÒA
Isolines (E) 35
Value Chart (E) 36
Tee 2.2
Surface 1
Isolines (E) 37
Value Chart (E) 38
Tee 2.3
Surface 1
Isolines (E) 39
Value Chart (E) 40
Tee 2.4
Surface 1
Isolines (E) 41
Value Chart (E) 42
flux code: 98 99 100 100 104 Due to missing symmetry properties, no UGR table can be displayed for this luminaire. DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 16 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail APT N-15 105LED / LDC (Polar) Luminaire: APT N-15 105LED Lamps: 1 x N15 640W 105600lm DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 17 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail APT N-15 105LED / LDC (Linear) Luminaire: APT N-15 105LED Lamps: 1 x N15 640W 105600lm DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 18 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail APT W40 52LED / Luminaire Data Sheet See our luminaire catalog for an image of the luminaire. Luminous emittance 1: Luminaire classification according to CIE: 100 CIE flux code: 93 99 100 100 100 Luminous emittance 1: DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 19 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail APT W40 52LED / LDC (Polar) Luminaire: APT W40 52LED Lamps: 1 x W-W40 320W 52000lm DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 20 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail APT W40 52LED / LDC (Linear) Luminaire: APT W40 52LED Lamps: 1 x W-W40 320W 52000lm DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 21 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Floor plan Scale 1 : 1463 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 22 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Luminaires (layout plan) Scale 1 : 1463 Luminaire Parts List No. Pieces Designation 1 4 APT Ledy105-25D 2 5 APT Ledy52-25D 3 2 APT N-15 105LED 4 10 APT N-15 52LED DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 23 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Luminaires (layout plan) Luminaire Parts List No. Pieces Designation 5 2 APT W40 52LED DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 24 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Sport Luminaires (Coordinates List) Scale 1 : 1463 List of the Sport Luminaires Luminaire Index Position [m] Aiming Point [m] Angle [°] Alignment Pole X Y Z X Y Z APT Ledy105-25D 1 838.422 1112.300 15.000 811.800 1067.600 0.000 16.1 (C 90, G IMax) / APT N-15 52LED 2 838.900 1112.000 15.000 813.390 1045.200 0.000 11.8 (C 90, G IMax) / APT W40 52LED 3 840.600 1038.800 15.000 813.500 1025.500 0.000 26.4 (C 90, G IMax) / APT N-15 52LED 4 839.300 1111.900 15.000 820.700 1042.900 0.000 11.9 (C 90, G IMax) / DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 25 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Sport Luminaires (Coordinates List) List of the Sport Luminaires Luminaire Index Position [m] Aiming Point [m] Angle [°] Alignment Pole X Y Z X Y Z APT Ledy52-25D 5 799.746 913.100 15.000 862.500 925.300 0.000 13.2 (C 90, G IMax) / APT Ledy105-25D 6 799.500 913.800 15.000 863.400 950.700 0.000 11.5 (C 90, G IMax) / APT N-15 105LED 7 799.653 913.470 15.000 876.000 944.300 0.000 10.3 (C 90, G IMax) / APT Ledy52-25D 8 901.500 970.000 15.000 870.500 926.066 0.000 15.6 (C 90, G IMax) / APT Ledy52-25D 9 901.300 970.100 15.000 859.900 919.000 0.000 12.8 (C 90, G IMax) / APT Ledy105-25D 10 901.200 970.273 15.000 835.200 927.600 0.000 10.8 (C 90, G IMax) / APT N-15 52LED 11 840.586 1038.402 15.000 822.250 953.502 0.000 9.8 (C 90, G IMax) / APT N-15 52LED 12 840.900 1038.300 15.000 831.500 951.300 0.000 9.7 (C 90, G IMax) / APT N-15 52LED 13 841.300 1038.400 15.000 841.000 953.600 0.000 10.0 (C 90, G IMax) / APT N-15 52LED 14 841.700 1038.500 15.000 848.100 957.000 0.000 10.4 (C 90, G IMax) / APT N-15 52LED 15 842.100 1038.700 15.000 856.400 958.800 0.000 10.5 (C 90, G IMax) / APT N-15 52LED 16 842.500 1038.900 15.000 864.500 961.500 0.000 10.6 (C 90, G IMax) / APT N-15 52LED 17 842.800 1039.000 15.000 872.200 965.100 0.000 10.7 (C 90, G IMax) / APT N-15 52LED 18 843.200 1039.200 15.000 880.800 968.600 0.000 10.6 (C 90, G IMax) / APT W40 52LED 19 799.353 913.953 15.000 820.200 945.500 0.000 21.6 (C 90, G IMax) / APT Ledy52-25D 20 799.800 912.600 15.000 853.400 910.700 0.000 15.6 (C 90, G IMax) / APT N-15 105LED 21 840.237 1038.436 15.000 809.600 952.000 0.000 9.3 (C 90, G IMax) / APT Ledy105-25D 22 901.100 970.500 15.000 835.300 935.800 0.000 11.4 (C 90, G IMax) / APT Ledy52-25D 23 901.700 969.800 15.000 887.600 927.700 0.000 18.7 (C 90, G IMax) / DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 26 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / 3D Rendering DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 27 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / False Colour Rendering DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 28 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / N 2 / Surface 1 / Isolines (E) Values in Lux, Scale 1 : 1692 Position of surface in external scene: Marked point: (802.505 m, 909.585 m, 0.000 m) Grid: 128 x 128 Points Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax 19 0.36 113 0.019 0.003 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 29 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / N 2 / Surface 1 / Value Chart (E) Values in Lux, Scale 1 : 1692 Not all calculated values could be displayed. Position of surface in external scene: Marked point: (802.505 m, 909.585 m, 0.000 m) Grid: 128 x 128 Points Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax 19 0.36 113 0.019 0.003 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 30 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Fairway / Surface 1 / Isolines (E) Values in Lux, Scale 1 : 690 Position of surface in external scene: Marked point: (813.877 m, 915.335 m, 0.000 m) Grid: 128 x 128 Points Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax 84 19 196 0.228 0.098 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 31 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Fairway / Surface 1 / Value Chart (E) Values in Lux, Scale 1 : 690 Not all calculated values could be displayed. Position of surface in external scene: Marked point: (813.877 m, 915.335 m, 0.000 m) Grid: 128 x 128 Points Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax 84 19 196 0.228 0.098 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 32 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Green / Surface 1 / Isolines (E) Values in Lux, Scale 1 : 404 Position of surface in external scene: Marked point: (839.720 m, 923.446 m, 0.000 m) Grid: 128 x 128 Points Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax 161 99 235 0.618 0.423 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 33 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Green / Surface 1 / Value Chart (E) Values in Lux, Scale 1 : 404 Not all calculated values could be displayed. Position of surface in external scene: Marked point: (839.720 m, 923.446 m, 0.000 m) Grid: 128 x 128 Points Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax 161 99 235 0.618 0.423 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 34 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Hole Green / Surface 1 / Isolines (E) Values in Lux, Scale 1 : 48 Position of surface in external scene: Marked point: (852.507 m, 937.103 m, 0.000 m) Grid: 32 x 32 Points Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax 207 178 230 0.858 0.774 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 35 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Hole Green / Surface 1 / Value Chart (E) Values in Lux, Scale 1 : 48 Not all calculated values could be displayed. Position of surface in external scene: Marked point: (852.507 m, 937.103 m, 0.000 m) Grid: 32 x 32 Points Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax 207 178 230 0.858 0.774 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 36 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Tee 2.2 / Surface 1 / Isolines (E) Values in Lux, Scale 1 : 179 Position of surface in external scene: Marked point: (815.440 m, 1065.880 m, 0.000 m) Grid: 128 x 128 Points Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax 81 43 110 0.530 0.390 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 37 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Tee 2.2 / Surface 1 / Value Chart (E) Values in Lux, Scale 1 : 179 Not all calculated values could be displayed. Position of surface in external scene: Marked point: (815.440 m, 1065.880 m, 0.000 m) Grid: 128 x 128 Points Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax 81 43 110 0.530 0.390 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 38 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Tee 2.3 / Surface 1 / Isolines (E) Values in Lux, Scale 1 : 159 Position of surface in external scene: Marked point: (814.830 m, 1043.170 m, 0.000 m) Grid: 64 x 64 Points Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax 92 36 118 0.395 0.308 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 39 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Tee 2.3 / Surface 1 / Value Chart (E) Values in Lux, Scale 1 : 159 Not all calculated values could be displayed. Position of surface in external scene: Marked point: (814.830 m, 1043.170 m, 0.000 m) Grid: 64 x 64 Points Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax 92 36 118 0.395 0.308 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 40 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Tee 2.4 / Surface 1 / Isolines (E) Values in Lux, Scale 1 : 93 Position of surface in external scene: Marked point: (814.100 m, 1029.930 m, 0.000 m) Grid: 32 x 32 Points Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax 92 78 103 0.841 0.754 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 41 GOLF THÁI HÒA 05.07.2014 Operator Telephone Fax e-Mail Golf Thái Hòa / Tee 2.4 / Surface 1 / Value Chart (E) Values in Lux, Scale 1 : 93 Not all calculated values could be displayed. Position of surface in external scene: Marked point: (814.100 m, 1029.930 m, 0.000 m) Grid: 32 x 32 Points Eav [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] u0 Emin / Emax 92 78 103 0.841 0.754 DIALux 4.12 by DIAL GmbH Page 42
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