State Assignment Methods - Dr. Le Dung
State assignment methods
Dr. Le Dung 6 Hanoi University of Science and Technology
• Guideline methods:
+ Straightforward
+ One-hot
+ Minimum-bit-change
• “Near-optimal” methods:
Dolotta & McCluskey method, Weiner and Smith
method, Torng method, Curtis method, Story method,
Haring method
11/26/2012 1 State Assignment Methods Dr. Le Dung Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications Hanoi University of Science and Technology State assignment to design FSM S X 0 1 A C/0 D/0 B C/0 A/0 C B/0 D/0 D A/1 B/1 S Q1 Q0 A 0 0 B 0 1 C 1 0 D 1 1 State Assignment (1)4 states Æ 2 Flip-Flops Æ using Q1 Q0 to assign D1 Q1 Q1clk D0 Q0 Q0clk S X 0 1 00 10/0 11/0 01 10/0 00/0 10 01/0 11/0 11 00/1 01/1 Z 0 1 00 01 11 1 1 10 Q1Q0 x D1 0 1 00 1 1 01 1 11 10 1 x D0 0 1 00 1 01 11 1 10 1 1 x Z = Q1Q0 D1=Q1X+Q0X D0=Q1Q0+Q1X+Q0X Combinational circuits 2 Inv + 5xAND2 + 3xOR2 Dr. Le Dung 2 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 11/26/2012 2 Number of state assignments Dr. Le Dung 3 Hanoi University of Science and Technology where NFF is total number of flip-flops NS is number of states NS NFF NSA 2 1 2 3 2 24 4 2 24 5 3 6720 6 3 20160 24 assignments for 4 states Dr. Le Dung 4 Hanoi University of Science and Technology No. A B C D No. A B C D 1 00 01 10 11 13 10 00 01 11 2 00 01 11 10 14 10 00 11 01 3 00 10 01 11 15 10 01 00 11 4 00 10 11 01 16 10 01 11 00 5 00 11 01 10 17 10 11 00 01 6 00 11 10 01 18 10 11 01 00 7 01 00 10 11 19 11 00 01 10 8 01 00 11 10 20 11 00 10 01 9 01 10 00 11 21 11 01 00 10 10 01 10 11 00 22 11 01 10 00 11 01 11 00 10 23 11 10 00 01 12 01 11 10 00 24 11 10 01 00 11/26/2012 3 State assignment problem S X 0 1 A C/0 D/0 B C/0 A/0 C B/0 D/0 D A/1 B/1 S Q1 Q0 A 0 0 B 0 1 C 1 0 D 1 1 S Q1 Q0 A 1 0 B 1 1 C 0 0 D 0 1 S Q1 Q0 A 0 0 B 0 1 C 1 1 D 1 0 Assignment (1) Assignment (2) Assignment (17) Dr. Le Dung 5 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Z = Q1Q0 D1=Q1X+Q0X D0=Q1Q0+Q1X+Q0X Assignment (1) 2 Inv + 5xAND2 + 3xOR2 Z = Q1Q0 D1=Q1X+Q0X D0=Q1Q0+Q1X+Q0X Assignment (17) 2 Inv + 5xAND2 + 3xOR2 Z = Q1Q0 D1=Q1X+ Q1Q0+Q1Q0X D0=Q1X+ Q0X+Q1Q0X Assignment (2) 2 Inv + 6xAND2 + 4xOR2 State assignment methods Dr. Le Dung 6 Hanoi University of Science and Technology • Guideline methods: + Straightforward + One-hot + Minimum-bit-change • “Near-optimal” methods: Dolotta & McCluskey method, Weiner and Smith method, Torng method, Curtis method, Story method, Haring method (See Ref. for 9.4.4 p619) 11/26/2012 4 Straightforward assignment method Dr. Le Dung 7 Hanoi University of Science and Technology • Uses the binary representation of the state number as code (s0→000, s1→001, ... s6→110, s7→111, ......) • Mostly used when the state number has a physical meaning (E.g. a counter whose count value is sent to a display) • This method is dangerous for glitches and leads to non- minimal area and power consumption: multiple bits have to change at each state transition (multiple bit-changes seldomly happen concurrently; each bit-change requires some logic to implement it; each bit-change consumes power) One-hot assignment method Dr. Le Dung 8 Hanoi University of Science and Technology • Each state has 1 flip-flop. Only 1 flip-flop in set state, others in reset state. • NFF = NSÆ only useful for small number of states. • ASM diagram is translated to One-hot FSM model + Short design time. + Ideal for FPGA implementations. s Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 A 1 0 0 0 B 0 1 0 0 C 0 0 1 0 D 0 0 0 1 11/26/2012 5 Minimum-bit-change assignment method Dr. Le Dung 9 Hanoi University of Science and Technology • This method try to minimize the total number of bit-changes for all state transitions. • This method is mostly used when area and power need to be minimized. • This method bases on + Some rules + Equipvalent rule (rule 0) + Adjacent rules (rule 1 + rule 2) + Rule 3 + Rule 4 based on the implication graphs + Partitioning Equivalent rule (Rule 0) Dr. Le Dung 10 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Not all NSA assignments are unique with respect to the resulting excitation and output functions (F and G implement). because the rule (Rule0) : Some state assignments are equivalent each others, if one assignment is derived from other one by Æ complementing a state variable (Qi) or Æ swapping 2 state variables (Qi and Qj) S Q1 Q0 A 0 0 B 0 1 C 1 0 D 1 1 S Q1 Q0 A 1 0 B 1 1 C 0 0 D 0 1 S Q1 Q0 A 0 0 B 1 0 C 0 1 D 1 1 Complementing Q1 Swapping Q1and Q0Assignment (1) 11/26/2012 6 Equivalent state assignments S X 0 1 A C/0 D/0 B C/0 A/0 C B/0 D/0 D A/1 B/1 S Q1 Q0 A 0 0 B 0 1 C 1 0 D 1 1 S Q1 Q0 A 1 0 B 1 1 C 0 0 D 0 1 S Q1 Q0 A 0 0 B 1 0 C 0 1 D 1 1 Dr. Le Dung 11 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Assignment (1) Swapping Complementing Q1 Z = Q1Q0 D1=Q1X+Q0X D0=Q1Q0+Q1X+Q0X Assignment (1) 2 Inv + 5xAND2 + 3xOR2 Z = Q1Q0 D1=Q1X+Q0X D0=Q1Q0+Q1X+Q0X Complementing Q1 2 Inv + 5xAND2 + 3xOR2 Z = Q1Q0 D1=Q1X+ Q1Q0+Q0X D0=Q0X+ Q1X Swapping 2 Inv + 5xAND2 + 3xOR2 Number of unique state assignments Dr. Le Dung 12 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 11/26/2012 7 3 unique assignments for 4-state FSM Dr. Le Dung 13 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Q1Q0 UA (1) UA (2) UA (3) Q1Q0 Q1Q0 cQ1 cQ0 swap swap cQ1 swap swap Unique assignments in comparison S X 0 1 A C/0 D/0 B C/0 A/0 C B/0 D/0 D A/1 B/1 S Q1 Q0 A 0 0 B 0 1 C 1 0 D 1 1 S Q1 Q0 A 0 0 B 1 1 C 0 1 D 1 0 S Q1 Q0 A 0 0 B 0 1 C 1 1 D 1 0 UA (1) UA (2) UA (3) Dr. Le Dung 14 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Z = Q1Q0 D1=Q1X+Q0X D0=Q1Q0+Q1X+Q0X Unique assignment (1) 2 Inv + 5xAND2 + 3xOR2 Z = Q1Q0 D1=Q1Q0+Q0X D0=Q1X+Q0X+Q1Q0X Unique assignment (3) 2 Inv + 6xAND2 + 3xOR2 Z = Q1Q0 D1=Q1X+ Q1Q0+Q1Q0X D0=Q1X+ Q0X+Q1Q0X Unique assignment (2) 2 Inv + 6xAND2 + 4xOR2 11/26/2012 8 Adjacent rules for UAs Dr. Le Dung 15 Hanoi University of Science and Technology A B C x=0 x=0 Rule 1 Î A adj B in assignment A D C xy=00 xy=01 Rule 2 Î C adj D in assignment Compare the adjacencies of states on UAs S X 0 1 A C/0 D/0 B C/0 A/0 C B/0 D/0 D A/1 B/1 S Q1 Q0 A 0 0 B 0 1 C 1 0 D 1 1 S Q1 Q0 A 0 0 B 1 1 C 0 1 D 1 0 S Q1 Q0 A 0 0 B 0 1 C 1 1 D 1 0 UA (1) UA (2) UA (3) Dr. Le Dung 16 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Rule 1: A adj B, A adj C Rule 2: C adj D, C adj A B adj D, A adj B Q1 Q0 0 1 0 1 UA (1) A B C D A adj B, A adj C, C adj D, B adj D Q1 Q0 0 1 0 1 UA (1) A B D C A adj B, C adj D Q1 Q0 0 1 0 1 UA (1) A C D B A adj C, B adj D That is why UA (1) is the best assignment 11/26/2012 9 Implication graph Dr. Le Dung 17 Hanoi University of Science and Technology S X 0 1 A E/0 B/0 B A/1 D/1 C E/0 A/0 D A/0 B/1 E D/0 C/0 Complete Implication Graph Rule 3 on Implication graph Dr. Le Dung 18 Hanoi University of Science and Technology S X 0 1 A E/0 B/0 B A/1 D/1 C E/0 A/0 D A/0 B/1 E D/0 C/0 Rule 1: A adj C, B adj D, A adj D Rule 2: A adj D, B adj E, A adj B, C adj D Partially Complete Implication Graph Rule 1 and Rule 3 are more important than Rule 2 11/26/2012 10 Rule 4 on Implication graph Dr. Le Dung 19 Hanoi University of Science and Technology S X 0 1 A E/0 B/0 B A/1 D/1 C E/0 A/0 D A/0 B/1 E D/0 C/0 Rule 1: A adj C, B adj D, A adj D Rule 2: A adj D, B adj E, A adj B, C adj D A is “most transferred to” Æ A = 000 then A should adj D, adj E. B adj D, B adj D All rules on Implication graph Dr. Le Dung 20 Hanoi University of Science and Technology S X 0 1 A E/0 B/0 B A/1 D/1 C E/0 A/0 D A/0 B/1 E D/0 C/0 Rule 1: A adj C, B adj D, A adj D Rule 2: A adj D, B adj E, A adj B, C adj D A is “most transferred to” Æ A = 000 then A should adj D, adj E. B adj D, B adj D Q2 Q1Q0 Saving 111, 110, 101 11/26/2012 11 Partitioning on Implication Graph Dr. Le Dung 21 Hanoi University of Science and Technology S X Z 0 1 A D C 0 B F C 0 C E B 0 D B E 1 E A D 0 F C D 0 DE AB AC FE BC DF AF DC BE Complete implication graph Closed partition 1 Closed partition 2 Closed partition 1 Æ P1 = { (A,B,C) ; ( D, E, F) } Closed partition 2 Æ P2 = { (A,F) ; (D,C) ; (B,E) } State Assignment by Using Partitions Dr. Le Dung 22 Hanoi University of Science and Technology S X Z 0 1 A D C 0 B F C 0 C E B 0 D B E 1 E A D 0 F C D 0 Q1Q0 Q2 0 1 0 0 A D 01 B E 11 C F 10 Using only P1 Q1Q0 Q2 0 1 0 0 A F 01 B E 11 C D 10 Using P1 & P2 P1 = { (A,B,C) ; ( D, E, F) } P2 = { (A,F) ; (D,C) ; (B,E) } Block 0 Block 1 Design with D-FF ?
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