Renal denervation: Is it still promising?
Medication Changes During SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Put
Into Question Resistant Hypertension Concept
• ~40% (n = 211) of trial subjects
required medication changes
between baseline and primary
efficacy endpoint assessment:
‒ 69% of first medication changes
were medically necessary
‒ 121 patients had a med change
due to an adverse event
‒ 80 patients had a med change
due to a drug side-effect
‒ ~69% were changes in drugs at
maximally-tolerated dose
Renal Denervation: Is it Still Promising? A/Prof Michael Nguyen Fiona Stanley Hospital Australia For distribution only in markets where the Symplicity™ renal denervation system has been approved. Not for distribution in the USA, Japan or France. © 2014 Medtronic, Inc. All rights reserved. UC201502039bML 8/14 Medtronic SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Announcement January 9th Announcement • Primary efficacy endpoint was not met • Powered safety endpoint was met The Symplicity™ renal denervation system is not approved for sale in the US. For distribution only in markets where the Symplicity™ renal denervation system has been approved. Not for distribution in the USA, Japan or France. © 2014 Medtronic, Inc. All rights reserved. UC201502039bML 8/14 SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Primary Efficacy Endpoint Office Systolic Blood Pressure at 6 Months, 5 mm Superiority Margin • Did not meet primary efficacy endpoint -2.39 (-6.89, 2.12), P=0.255 (Primary analysis with 5 mm Hg superiority margin) RDN Control P value Baseline SBP 179.7 180.2 0.765 6 mo SBP 165.6 168.4 0.260 Change -14.1 P<0.001 -11.7 P<0.001 0.255 Bhatt DL et al. N Engl J Med. 2014;370:1393-401 n=353 n=171 ∆ S B P a t 6 M o n th 0 -4 -8 -12 -14.1 -11.7 -16 RDN Control For distribution only in markets where the Symplicity™ renal denervation system has been approved. Not for distribution in the USA, Japan or France. © 2014 Medtronic, Inc. All rights reserved. UC201502039bML 8/14 Medication Changes During SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Put Into Question Resistant Hypertension Concept • ~40% (n = 211) of trial subjects required medication changes between baseline and primary efficacy endpoint assessment: ‒ 69% of first medication changes were medically necessary ‒ 121 patients had a med change due to an adverse event ‒ 80 patients had a med change due to a drug side-effect ‒ ~69% were changes in drugs at maximally-tolerated dose HTN-3 showed how difficult it is to study this patient population and put into question this concept of resistant hypertension Kandzari, EuroPCR 2014 For distribution only in markets where the Symplicity™ renal denervation system has been approved. Not for distribution in the USA, Japan or France. © 2014 Medtronic, Inc. All rights reserved. UC201502039bML 8/14 SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Showed Different Outcomes in African American Sham Population Kandzari, EuroPCR 2014 For distribution only in markets where the Symplicity™ renal denervation system has been approved. Not for distribution in the USA, Japan or France. © 2014 Medtronic, Inc. All rights reserved. UC201502039bML 8/14 *P value change in SBP for RDN compared with sham Data presented are mean (SD) SYMPLICITY HTN-3: Impact of Number of Ablation Attempts on Change in Ambulatory Blood Pressure: Matched Cohort Analysis Kandzari, EuroPCR 2014 C h a n g e i n S y s to lic B P ( m m H g ) For distribution only in markets where the Symplicity™ renal denervation system has been approved. Not for distribution in the USA, Japan or France. © 2014 Medtronic, Inc. All rights reserved. UC201502039bML 8/14 SYMPLICITY HTN-3: Procedural Experience HTN-1 HTN-3 No. of operators 20 112 No. of procedures per operator 6.0 3.3 No. of procedures per site 8.6 4.7 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 N u m b e r o f P ro c e d u ra lis ts >50% of interventionalists performed ≤2 RDN procedures in SYMPLICITY HTN-3 RDN Procedures Performed For distribution only in markets where the Symplicity™ renal denervation system has been approved. Not for distribution in the USA, Japan or France. © 2014 Medtronic, Inc. All rights reserved. UC201502039bML 8/14 SYMPLICITY HTN-3: Change in Systolic Blood Pressure in Patients Taking an Aldosterone Antagonist at Baseline Kandzari, EuroPCR 2014 For distribution only in markets where the Symplicity™ renal denervation system has been approved. Not for distribution in the USA, Japan or France. © 2014 Medtronic, Inc. All rights reserved. UC201502039bML 8/14 SYMPLICITY HTN-3: Systolic Blood Pressure Change at 6 Months According to Ablation Pattern Four quadrants = 1 superior, 1 inferior, and 2 posterior/anterior Bhatt, TCT 2014 For distribution only in markets where the Symplicity™ renal denervation system has been approved. Not for distribution in the USA, Japan or France. © 2014 Medtronic, Inc. All rights reserved. UC201502039bML 8/14 New Insights on Renal Nerve Anatomy Sakakura et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2014;64:635–643. What are the questions we need to ask? • How much denervation do we need to have a meaningful effect on BP? • Is there a threshold for renal denervation or a dose response? • Knowing that a great proportion of fibers are found as far as 12 mm from the lumen, how do we get there? • How can we monitor success in the lab? • Does radiofrequency ablation have a chance to meet the above requirements? • How can other approaches, e.g. ethanol and HIFUS play a role? • Can we identify the right population? Identification of Responders • Complex – “why do some respond and others don’t” – Resistent HT is multifactorial • Physician factors – inertia, drug selection • Patient factors – genetics, compliance – Need for specific test rather than arbitrary blood pressure range • Measure of sympathetic over-activity – Muscle sympathetic nerve activity and noradrenaline spillover are the gold standards – not readily available – heart rate, plasma catecholamines – All these tests have not proven to be effective identifying responders Procedural Advancements • A circumferential injury of at least 75% of the sympathetic fibers is needed to attain adequate and clinically significant renal sympathetic denervation. • Current systems using low-energy radio- frequency ablation achieve injury up to 2–3 mm from the lumen • Autopsy data: sympathetic nerves are deeper at proximal segments and more superficial at distal segments. ? Techniques aimed at circumferential ablation in distal segments? • Technological advancements that will allow for deeper penetration of energy without producing any substantial injury of the endothelium, renal artery wall or perivascular tissue. Measuring Success • Identify the markers of successful sympathetic nerve injury to be used during the procedure. • Currently “blind procedure” • Regional renal noradrenaline spillover could be assumed as an ideal can- didate, but cannot be used during the procedure. • The identification of a feasible and accurate test that could assess sympathetic activity during the procedure is of paramount importance for the future of renal sympathetic denervation. Long-Term Data • Relevant data regarding the long-term safety of the procedure, the persistence of BP reduction over time and the effects of renal denervation on cardiovascular outcomes are needed. • The persistence of BP reduction is another important issue, since experimental data suggest the re-innervation of renal sympathetic fibers does occur. Future Trials • Medtronic has initiated the SPYRAL HTN Global Clinical Program with SPYRAL HTN-OFF MED and SPYRAL HTN- ON MED SPYRAL HTN-OFF MED • Evaluating renal sympathetic denervation in the absence of antihypertensive medications compared to a sham- controlled population. • This off-medication trial will help isolate the effect of renal denervation on BP reduction, and it was requested by both the FDA and many clinicians. SPYRAL HTN-ON MED • Evaluating renal denervation compared to a sham-controlled population with patients on a standardized treatment regimen of 3 antihypertensive medications (thiazide- type diuretic, a dihydropyridine calcium-channel-blocker and an ACE inhibitor/angiotensin receptor blocker) for at least 6 weeks prior to randomization and expected to maintain the regimen for at least 6 months. • By specifying specific medications at the maximum tolerated dose, medication variability will be reduced; Conclusion • The future of renal sympathetic denervation depends on – the identification of response predictors – technological advances that obtain complete or at least near-complete injury of renal sympathetic fibers – proof of long-term cardiovascular benefits in patients with resistant hypertension and/or other diseases. • Given the setback from Symplicity 3, the medical community will set even higher standards for this technology and therefore large randomized controlled trials with strong primary endpoints and long-term follow-up will be needed for its acceptance.
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