Lý thuyết điều khiển nâng cao - Chapter 7+8
When the quantum level q is large enough, then εk will be uncorrelated
and independent of x(t). We assumed that the quantization noise has zero
mean and uniform distribution over [-1/q; 1/q]. Thus, the quantization
noise power is:
The quantization noise decreases when the number of quantum levels
The destination signal power is:
The destination signal to noise ratio is then
three-stage switch in terms of the input utilization p is 93 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Circuit Switching for Telephone Networks (14) Example: Three-stage switch for blocking probability of 0.002 and p = 0.1 Example: Three-stage switch for blocking probability of 0.002 and p = 0.7 94 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Circuit Switching for Telephone Networks (15) Control of a multistage space switch Circuits are established using a signaling protocol (control plane) Establishes state in each switch so data is forwarded correctly. 95 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Circuit Switching for Telephone Networks (16) Time-Slot Interchange (TSI) Switching Write bytes from arriving TDM stream into memory. Read bytes in permuted order into outgoing TDM stream. Permutation set up by control plane when connections are set up. 96 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Circuit Switching for Telephone Networks (17) TSI can be used as the basis for a switch. n input ports write their frames to memory. n output ports read frames in permuted order: – In each time slot they pick a frame from an input port, time slot pair. Permutation will typically be different for each time slot. – Need fast memory: Max # slots = 125 μs / (2 × memory cycle time) Different numbers of input and output slots – May run at different rates. 97 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Circuit Switching for Telephone Networks (18) Time-Space-Time (TST) hybrid switch Use TSI in first & third stage; use crossbar in middle stage. Replace n input × k output space switch by TSI switch that takes n-slot input frame and switches it to k-slot output frame. 98 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Circuit Switching for Telephone Networks (19) Flow of time slots between switches Only one space switch active in each time slot. 99 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Circuit Switching for Telephone Networks (20) Time-share the crossbar switch Interconnection pattern of space switch is reconfigured every time slot. Very compact design: fewer lines because of TDM and less space because of time-shared crossbar. 100 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Circuit Switching for Telephone Networks (21) Example: 101 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Chapter 8: Spread Spectrum Systems 102 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Spread Spectrum (SS) Techniques The spectrum of the modulated signal is spread using pseudo-noise (PN) signal: ⇒Unauthorized listening can be prevented. ⇒The effect of the interfering signals at the same frequency band decreases. There are two main techniques: Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FH-SS): carrier frequency is changed randomly by using PN-signal. Direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS): Information signal is multiplied with PN-signal before modulation. 103 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Direct Sequence Spread (DSS) Spectrum (1) DSS signals DSS transmitter: 104 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Direct Sequence Spread (DSS) Spectrum (2) PN binary wave: The rectangular pulses are called chips (CPS). Each chip has a duration of Tc and amplitude of ± 1 so that c2(t) = 1. Autocorrelation and Power spectrum of c(t): 105 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Direct Sequence Spread (DSS) Spectrum (3) Consider chipped message: . Assumed that x(t) is ergodic process and independent of c(t), then For spectral spreading Wc >> Wx , thus With practical system, the bandwidth expansion factor Wc /Wx is from 10 to 10000. DSB or DPSK modulation produces a transmitted signal requiring a transmission bandwidth BT >> Wx 106 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Direct Sequence Spread (DSS) Spectrum (4) DSS receiver: 107 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Direct Sequence Spread (DSS) Spectrum (5) At receiver, after multiplied with local PN, we obtain: Here, we assume perfect synchronization of local PN generator. In the case of z(t) is white noise, for DSB system we obtain the destination signal to noise ratio (same as conventional DSB): If the message is digital and sent via BPSK system in white noise, we can use the correlation receiver as: 108 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Direct Sequence Spread (DSS) Spectrum (6) Therefore, in the case of white noise we obtain the probability of error: where 109 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Direct Sequence Spread (DSS) Spectrum (7) DSS performance in the presence of interference: Let z(t) stands for a single-tone interference (or CW jammer): where the average power at frequency fc + fz . Then the in-phase component is: so that: Multiplication by c(t) spreads this spectrum: If , then the upper bound for output interference power is: 110 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Direct Sequence Spread (DSS) Spectrum (8) Thus, the signal to interference ratio (or signal to jamming ratio) becomes: The bandwidth expansion factor Wc /Wx is also called the process gain: which is a measure of a system’s immunity of interference. In the case of digital transmission using BPSK: where NJ = J/Wc . With SR = Eb rb , then 111 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Direct Sequence Spread (DSS) Spectrum (9) Substituting rb = Wx , then The jamming margin for a minimum Pe or minimum Eb /NJ is defined as: This is a measure of a system’s ability to operate in the presence of interference. If the channel is corrupted by both white noise and a interference, then: (See Example 15.1-1, pp, 677-678, [1]) 112 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Direct Sequence Spread (DSS) Spectrum (10) Multiple access: If we are sharing the channel with M-1 other spread spectrum users (as is the case of Code Division Multiple Access - CDMA), each one has own unique spreading code and arrival time at receiver, then the interference term becomes: where Am , cm (t), tm and θm is the signal amplitude, spreading code, time delay and phase, respectively, of the m-th user. Thus Assumed that each of other users has identical signal strengths of unit value, then after spreading, we obtain: 113 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Direct Sequence Spread (DSS) Spectrum (11) In the case of BPSK system (xm (t) = ± 1), the output of the correlation receiver is: Since xm (t) = ± 1, the integration term is the cross-correlation between the desired PN code and the interferer’s PN codes. Thus, minimizing the cross-correlation between spreading codes minimizes the interference between CDMA users. Ideally, each PN code should be chosen to be orthogonal to the other, therefore making z(tk ) = 0. 114 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Direct Sequence Spread (DSS) Spectrum (12) If M users have identical signal strength, then the bit error probability for M users of a CDMA channel corrupted by white noise is: If the channel is noiseless, then Thus, even if the channel is noiseless, the error probability is still non-zero if it contains other users. 115 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum (1) Practical PN sequence generation hardware limits the increasing of bandwidth spreading (processing gain). To enable larger processing gains, the PN generator can drive a frequency synthesizer that produces a wideband sequence of carrier frequencies that can hop from one frequency to another. This process is called frequency hopping spread spectrum (FH-SS). Because the message is spread out over numerous of carrier frequencies, the interference has a reduced probability of hitting any one. 116 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum (2) FH-SS transmitter: 117 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum (3) FH-SS receiver: 118 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum (4) FH-SS signals: At transmitter, the message is modulated using M-ary FSK or BPSK. Then modulated signal is mixed with output of a frequency synthesizer. The BPF selects the sum term from the mixer for transmission on the channel. The receiver is the reverse of this process. Due to practical limitation in maintaining phase coherence, most systems use non-coherent detection (such as envelope detection). 119 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum (5) FH-SS performance in the presence of interference: Several types of interference (jamming): White-noise interference Partial-band interference Single-tone interference Multiple-tone interference 120 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum (6) With M-ary FSK and non-coherent detection, the bit error probability in the presence of white noise is [1]: If the interference appears a white noise over the entire bandpass of the system, then: where NJ = J/Wc . For partial interference, then: The error probability of single-tone interference is quite small. 121 Dept. of Telecomm. Eng. Faculty of EEE CS2010 BG, HCMUT Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum (7) In the case of CDMA system with M users and M-1 potential interferers (multiple interference), then the error probability is: where Y = 2k, k equals the number of outputs from the PN generator.
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