Latches and Flip-Flops - Dr. Le Dung
• SR latch (Set-Reset latch)
+ with NOR structure
+ with NAND structure
• Gated SR latch
• D latch (Delay or Data latch = transparent latch)
• Some applications of the latches (1) (2) (3)
1Latches and Flip-Flops Dr. Le Dung Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications Hanoi University of Science and Technology Content • Memory element • Latches • Flip-Flops Dr. Le Dung 2 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2A device with exactly two stable states Bistable multivibrator circuit Q1 on Æ Q2 off Q1 off Æ Q2 on 2 stable states as a memory element can store one bit Dr. Le Dung 3 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Memory element Latch Flip-Flop (with clock) 1-state or 0-state Q Q Excitation inputs 1-state (set): Q=1, Q=0 0-state (reset): Q=0, Q=1 Inhibited-state: Q = Q Set Reset Q Set Reset Q Clock Excitation inputs Dr. Le Dung 4 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 3Latches • SR latch (Set-Reset latch) + with NOR structure + with NAND structure • Gated SR latch • D latch (Delay or Data latch = transparent latch) • Some applications of the latches (1) (2) (3) Dr. Le Dung 5 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Set-Reset Latch with NOR structure S R Q’ (next) 0 0 Q (latch)* 0 1 0 (reset) 1 0 1 (set) 1 1 Q’=Q’=0 (Inhibited) * Latch = No change SR latch S, R active “High” NOR structure Set Q=1,Q=0 Reset Q=0,Q=1 X Q=Q SR=10 SR=01 SR=00 SR=10 SR=00 SR=01 SR=11 SR=11 Inhibited State diagram (Moore) Latch Latch Dr. Le Dung 6 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 4Set-Reset Latch with NAND structure S R Q’ (next) 0 0 Q’=Q’=1 (Inhibited) 0 1 1 (set) 1 0 0 (reset) 1 1 Q (latch)* * Latch = No change SR latch S, R active “Low” NAND structure Set Q=1,Q=0 Reset Q=0,Q=1 X Q=Q SR=01 SR=10 SR=11 SR=01 SR=11 SR=10 SR=00 SR=00 Inhibited State diagram (Moore) Latch Latch Dr. Le Dung 7 Hanoi University of Science and Technology SR latch timing diagram NOR SR Latch S, R active “High” Q’=Q’=0 (Inhibited) 11 1 (set)01 0 (reset)10 Q (latch)*00 Q’ (next)RS (Illegal) Q’ = S + RQ Dr. Le Dung 8 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 5Gated SR Latch * Hold = No action Gated SR latch E S R Q’ (next) 0 x x Q (hold)* 1 0 0 Q (latch) 1 0 1 0 (reset) 1 1 0 1 (set) 1 1 1 Inhibited E,S,R active “High” Set Q=1,Q=0 Reset Q=0,Q=1 X Q=Q ESR=110 ESR=1010xx,110 111 111 Inhibited State diagram (Moore) 0xx, 101 Dr. Le Dung 9 Hanoi University of Science and Technology D Latch E D Q’ (next) 0 x Q (hold)* 1 0 0 (reset=store 0) 1 1 1 (set=store 1) Set Q=1,Q=0 Reset Q=0,Q=1 ED=11 ED=10 0x, 11 0x, 10 Store 1 Store 0 Dr. Le Dung 10 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Data or Delay latch = transparent latch 6Some applications of the latches (1) Dr. Le Dung 11 Hanoi University of Science and Technology (App 1) Debounce a mechanical switch Some applications of the latches (2) Dr. Le Dung 12 Hanoi University of Science and Technology (App 2) LED detect alarm system 7Some applications of the latches (3) Dr. Le Dung 13 Hanoi University of Science and Technology (App 3) 74LS75 Quad D latch module with enable Flip-Flops • Clock signals • Clocked flip-flops + Master-Slave Flip-Flop (Pulse-triggered FF) + Edge-triggered Flip-Flop • SR Flip-Flop • JK Flip-Flop • D Flip-Flop • T Flip-Flop • Asynchronous set and reset (Preset and Clear) • Some applications of the flip-flops(1) (2) (3) Dr. Le Dung 14 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 8Clock signals Dr. Le Dung 15 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Clocked Flip-Flops Dr. Le Dung 16 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 9Master-Slave Flip-Flops Dr. Le Dung 17 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Edge-triggered Flip-Flops Dr. Le Dung 18 Hanoi University of Science and Technology PGT detector NGT detector 10 SR Flip-Flop (active with PGT) Dr. Le Dung 19 Hanoi University of Science and Technology SR Flip-Flop (active with NGT) Dr. Le Dung 20 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 11 JK Flip-Flop Dr. Le Dung 21 Hanoi University of Science and Technology JK Flip-Flop (active with PGT) Dr. Le Dung 22 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 12 JK Flip-Flop (active with NGT) Dr. Le Dung 23 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Internal Circuitry of JK Flip-Flop Dr. Le Dung 24 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Feedback Feedback 13 Pulse-triggered JK Flip-Flop Dr. Le Dung 25 Hanoi University of Science and Technology D Flip-Flop Dr. Le Dung 26 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 14 Make D Flip-Flop from JK Flip-Flop Dr. Le Dung 27 Hanoi University of Science and Technology T Flip-Flop (active with NGT) Dr. Le Dung 28 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 15 Clocked T Flip-Flop Dr. Le Dung 29 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Asynchronous set and reset (1) Dr. Le Dung 30 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 16 Asynchronous set and reset (2) Dr. Le Dung 31 Hanoi University of Science and Technology JK-FF with Preset and Clear inputs Asynchronous set and reset (3) Dr. Le Dung 32 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 17 Asynchronous set and reset (4) Dr. Le Dung 33 Hanoi University of Science and Technology T-FF with Preset and Clear inputs Applications of the Flip-Flop Dr. Le Dung 34 Hanoi University of Science and Technology + Thiết kế các bộ đếm (Counter) + Thiết kế thanh ghi dịch (Shift register) + Thiết kế mạch dãy + Các ứng dụng khác 18 Some applications of the Flip-Flop (1) Dr. Le Dung 35 Hanoi University of Science and Technology 3 bits Up-Counter Some applications of the Flip-Flop (2) Dr. Le Dung 36 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Serial shift register
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