Fundamentals of Control Systems - Nguyễn Trọng Tấn
The response has value 3 when t goes to infinity and it doesn’t have any oscillation. The system is stable. Because G1 has a single pole p = -1 (the pole lies in the left-haft s-plane) and the gain K=3.
The response has overshoot at t = 1.5 second then stable when t goes to infinity. The response has oscillation. Because G2 has two complex poles lie in the left-haft s-plane then the system is stable.
Homework 04 Course: Fundamentals of Control Systems Class: DD12KST1 Group 12: Student Student’s Identification Number Nguyen Trong Tuan 4120 4295 Nguyen Duy Vinh 4120 4579 Phan Trung Duong 4120 0648 Ho Dac Thuan 4120 3697 Part2: Computer exercise 2.1. Given the transfer functions: a). Using Matlab to find the equivalent transfer function of the following systems: >> G1=tf([3],[1 1]) Transfer function: 3 ----- s + 1 >> G2=tf([5],[1 4 20]) Transfer function: 5 -------------- s^2 + 4 s + 20 >> G3=tf([2],[1 -5]) Transfer function: 2 ----- s - 5 >> G4=tf([1 1],[1 -2 2]) Transfer function: s + 1 ------------- s^2 - 2 s + 2 >> Ga=tf(G1-G2) Transfer function: 3 s^2 + 7 s + 55 ----------------------- s^3 + 5 s^2 + 24 s + 20 >> Geq1=series(Ga,G3) Transfer function: 6 s^2 + 14 s + 110 ----------------------- s^4 - s^2 - 100 s – 100 >> Gb=feedback(G3,G4) Transfer function: 2 s^2 - 4 s + 4 ---------------------- s^3 - 7 s^2 + 14 s - 8 >> Geq2=series(G1,Gb) Transfer function: 6 s^2 - 12 s + 12 ----------------------------- s^4 - 6 s^3 + 7 s^2 + 6 s – 8 b). The step response of the systems: ¶ The step response of the system G1(s): The response has value 3 when t goes to infinity and it doesn’t have any oscillation. The system is stable. Because G1 has a single pole p = -1 (the pole lies in the left-haft s-plane) and the gain K=3. ¶ The step response of the system G2(s): The response has overshoot at t = 1.5 second then stable when t goes to infinity. The response has oscillation. Because G2 has two complex poles lie in the left-haft s-plane then the system is stable. ¶ The step response of the system G3(s): The response is stable when t < 1 second then increases to infinity. Because G3 has pole p = 5 (the pole lies in the right-haft s-plane). The system is unstable. ¶ The step response of the system G4(s): The response has oscillation and increases to infinity. Because G4 has two poles lie in the right-haft s-plane. The system is unstable. 2.2. Simulate the cascade tanks in the problem 1 using Simulink. Plot the output of the system when the input is u(t) =1(t) (unit step input).
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