Drug-coated balloon in primary PCI for stemi
Primary percutaneous coronary intervention
(PPCI) is the preferred reperfusion therapy for ST
elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)
Associated with higher reperfusion rates (vs lytic)
↓ rates of reinfarction, CVA and death
Started with primary angioplasty (POBA)
Associated with abrupt closure, recurrent ischaemia ; occlusion and
restenosis at 6 mths
DRUG-COATED BALLOON IN PRIMARY PCI FOR STEMI Ho Hee Hwa Background Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) is the preferred reperfusion therapy for ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) Associated with higher reperfusion rates (vs lytic) ↓ rates of reinfarction, CVA and death Started with primary angioplasty (POBA) Associated with abrupt closure, recurrent ischaemia ; occlusion and restenosis at 6 mths PAMI-STENT(1999) Routine implantation of bare metal stents associated with ↓ TVR 6 mth mortality rate was similar CADILLAC STUDY (2002) Routine implantation of bare metal stents associated with ↓ TVR 6 mth mortality rate was similar Use of DES in PPCI for STEMI Trials evaluating use of DES in AMI (Typhoon, Passion, Sesami,etc) Meta-analysis of 7 trials: similar mortality benefit compared to BMS but ↓TLR in DES Recent trial : Comfortable AMI (risk of MACE at 1 year lower with the biodegradable polymer BioMatrix stent 5.3% 4.3%3.7% 6.0% 7.8% 11.2% 12.6% 20.0% DES BMS STRATEGY 8 mo (n = 175) TYPHOON 12 mo (n = 700) SESAMI 12 mo (n = 320) PASSION 12 mo (n = 619) P =0.23 Drug-eluting stents in AMI (RCTs) TLR P <0.001 P <0.001 P =0.006 Coronary Stenting Stenting generally accepted as routine revascularisation strategy ACC/AHA 2013 ESC 2014 Recommendation I I LOE A A Primary PCI in STEMI Is it feasible to use DEB during PPCI? Issues with DEB in PPCI Is DEB effective in a thrombus-laden artery? Can pt tolerate prolonged balloon inflation? Are we willing to accept a less than perfect result? DEB in STEMI DEB-AMI (drug eluting balloon in acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction) trial: a multicenter randomized comparison of DEB + BMS versus BMS versus DES in PPCI with 6-month angiographic, intravascular, functional, and clinical outcomes. In STEMI patients, DEB + BMS implantation failed to show angiographic superiority to BMS only. Angiographic results of DES were superior to both BMS and DEB. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 Jun 19;59(25):2327-37. X TTSH PPCI-DEB Registry Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Drug-Coated Balloon Angioplasty as Primary Therapy in PPCI PPCI Strategy for DEB Aspirate + Predilate Dissection Type A-B TIMI 3 flow Residual stenosis < 30% TIMI thrombus grade 1-2 DEB PPCI Strategy for DEB Bail-out stenting when there is significant recoil/dissection ( > type B) TTSH PPCI DEB Registry Study Period: Jan 2010 to April 2014 Number of Patients: 97 patients Number of Lesions: 97 lesions Male: Female (%) = 83: 17 Mean age : 60 + 12 yrs Clinical Presentation: N/(%) Ant STEMI 50(51) Inf/post STEMI 47 (49) LVEF (%) : 42 + 11 TTSH PPCI DEB Registry CVS Risk Factors: N/(%) Smoking 48 (50) Diabetes mellitus 33 (34) Hyperlipidemia 50 (52) Hypertension 55 (57) Prior MI 13 (13) Prior PCI 13 (13) TTSH PPCI DEB Registry Angiographic and Procedural Variables: No. of vessel disease N/(%) 1VD 38 (39) 2VD 33 (34) 3VD 26 (27) Bifurcation 46 (47) Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors 78 (80) TTSH PPCI DEB Registry Target Vessel for PCI N/(%) LAD 43 (44) RCA 23 (24) CIRC 14 (14) Others 17 (17) * Others include diagonal, PL/PDA, OM Proximal LAD (de novo ) 12 (12) TTSH PPCI DEB Registry PCI details: N/(%) Thrombosuction 50 (52) Predilatation 100 (100) TTSH PPCI DEB Registry Baseline Thrombus Grade : N/(%) Grade 5 58 (60) Thrombus Grade before DEB N/(%) Grade 0 45 (46) Grade 1 45 (46) Grade 2 7 (7) TTSH PPCI DEB Registry PCI details: N/(%) POBA (DEB-only) 93 (96) Stent (DEB+BMS) 4 (4) Post PCI TIMI flow TIMI 2 2 (2) TIMI 3 95 (98) Residual stenosis (%) 27 + 14 TTSH PPCI DEB Registry PCI details: N/(%) Inflation time 53 + 21 s Inflation pressure 10 + 3 atm Reference diameter ,mm : 2.45 + 0.5 Mean number of DEB : 1.3 + 0.6 Mean size of DEB, mm : 2.6 + 0.5 Length of DEB, mm : 24 + 11 TTSH PPCI DEB Registry Clinical Outcomes (1 Month): N= 97/(%) All cause mortality 4 (4) MI 0 (0) TLR 0 (0) Lesion thrombosis 0 (0) TTSH PPCI DEB Registry Clinical Outcomes (9 Month): N=93/(%) MACE 6 (6.4) All cause mortality 1 (1) MI 2 (2.1) TLR 5 (5.4) Lesion thrombosis 0 (0) June 2015 CASE EXAMPLES DCB in Primary PCI Anterior STEMI in Aug 2014 DCB in Primary PCI DCB 2.5 x 20 RCA Progress Pt developed inferior MI ( > 1 yr later) August 2014 October 2015 LAD August 2014 October 2015 DCB in Primary PCI DCB 2.5 x 30mm DCB in Primary PCI “First-in-Man” DCB Angioplasty in A Patient with 2 STEMIs Int J Cardiol. 2016 Mar 28;214:19-20 [Epub ahead of print] KISS strategy in bi/tri-furcation Keep it simple and straightforward! KISS strategy in bi/tri-furcation SP 3.5*15; 3.0*17 3 Uses of DEB in PPCI POBA of de novo lesion POBA of late/very late stent thrombosis Adjunctive therapy for diffuse lesion DEB for very late ST Avoid stent-in stent approach DEB as adjunctive therapy DEB 3.0 x 20 Avoid excessive metal Stent thrombosis in STEMI Horizons-AMI - Stent thrombosis ~ 3.5% Comfortable-AMI - 0.9% (BES) ; 2.1% (BMS) at 1 year - 1.4 % (BES) ; 2.6 % (BMS) at 2 years ST Rate ~ 1 to 3.5% Risk of Stent Thrombosis Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease Pure Old Balloon Angioplasty (POBA) Bio- absorbable Scaffold Bare Metal Stent (BMS) POBA again? >> DEB Drug Eluting Stent (DES) PCI Cycle 1980s 1990s 2000 2010 NEW ERA: Leaving Nothing Behind! Conclusion Use of DEB in PPCI for STEMI ( as primary therapy/adjunctive therapy) is feasible in selected grp of pts Can be used in de novo, VLST and adjunctive therapy Careful patient selection Tips and tricks in using DEB in PPCI PCI approach: aspirate >> predilate >> DEB Gp2b/3a inhibitors Know how to grade dissection THANK YOU PAPPA study EuroIntervention. 2014 Sep;10(5):584-90. Safety and feasibility of a PAclitaxel-eluting balloon angioplasty in Primary Percutaneous coronary intervention in Amsterdam (PAPPA): one-year clinical outcome of a pilot study. MACE at 1 year is low – 5% 2 deaths and 3 TLRs PAPPA study Recruited 100 patients 59 patients – DCB-only ; High rate of bail- out stenting – 41 pts (41%) Thrombus aspiration (96%) Predilatation DCB (Pantera Lux) with B:V > 1.1 ; minimum 60s DES vs BMS NEJM Sept 2016 NORSTENT Study NEJM Sept 2016 TTSH PPCI DEB Registry Target lesion revascularisation: N=5 - All patients underwent CABG - 2 cases of “true” restenosis - 3 underwent CABG as part of revascularisation strategy for TVD DEB for de novo lesion SP 2.5*26 SP 3.0*17 Acute Closure No acute closure in our study Careful patient selection
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