Digital Electronics - Chapter 1: Binary system and Binary Codes - Dr Le Dung
1.1 Binary System
1.2 Binary Arithmetic
1.3 Sign Number Representation
1.4 Real Number Code
1.5 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD)
1.6 Character Code
1.7 Gray Code
1.8 Error Detection Codes and Error Correction Codes
1.9 Other (Information) Codes
9/10/12 1 Digital Electronics - Part I: Digital Principle - Dr. Lê Dũng Department of Electronics and Computer System (C9-401) School of Electronics and Telecommunications Hanoi University of Science and Technology Email: Part I: Digital Principles - Overview Boolean Functions (Boolean Algebra) True False 1 0 High Low Basic Logic Gates Inverter,AND,OR,NAND,NOR,XOR,XNOR Electronic circuits (Transistor BJT, Diode, Resister, MOS...) Implementation Digital System Digital Integrated Circuits Information Digitalization Logic Level Logic Clause Sequential Logic Circuits Combinational Logic Circuits Logic Circuits Analysis & Synthesis - Custom design - Standard cell design - Gate array - PLA, PLD, FPGA - FSMD design - VHDL Logic Families RTL, DTL, HTL TTL, CMOS PMOS, NMOS, BiMOS, ECL, Specifications: - Current & Voltages - Fan-in, Fan-out - Propagation Delay - Noise Margin - Power Dissipation - Speed Power Product Open-Collector Output & Tristate Output Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 2 9/10/12 2 Part I: Digital Principles - Contents Chapter 1 : Binary system and Binary Codes Chapter 2 : Boolean Algebra Chapter 3 : Logic Gates and Digital Integrated Circuits Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 3 Binary system and Binary Codes Chapter 1 1.1 Binary System 1.2 Binary Arithmetic 1.3 Sign Number Representation 1.4 Real Number Code 1.5 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) 1.6 Character Code 1.7 Gray Code 1.8 Error Detection Codes and Error Correction Codes 1.9 Other (Information) Codes Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 4 9/10/12 3 1.1 Binary System Decimal System Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 5 + 10 digits = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} radix = 10 (Decimal) + A number D = 1974.2810= 1•103 + 9•102 + 7•101 + 4•100 + 2•10-1 + 8•10-2 r (radix) = 10 and i (weighted position) runs from -2 to 3 1.1 Binary System Number System Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 6 + An ordered set of symbols + A number = Positional Notation + Polynomial Notation (with r- radix and i-weighted position) 9/10/12 4 1.1 Binary System Counting in Decimal System Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 7 + Based on the order {01 23456789} + When 9 return 0 at the weighted position (i) a change at the weighted position (i+1) For example: 00 01 02 09 10 11 12 19 20 21 22 29 ... 099 100 1.1 Binary System Binary System Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 8 + Two ordered symbols (2 bits) = {0,1} radix=2 (Binary) + Binary number B = 1011.1012 = 1•23 + 0•22 + 1•21 + 1•20 + 1•2-1 + 0•2-2 + 1•2-3 = 11.62510 r (radix) = 2, ai = digit (0 ≤ ai ≤ 1) + Binary counting {0 1} {00 01 10 11} {000 001 .111} {0000 0001 1111} 9/10/12 5 1.1 Binary System Why do we use the binary system ? Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 9 Calculating machine (Müller 1784) with decimal system Because: Two bits {0, 1} can be represented more easily by: + Two positions of an electrical switch. + Two distinct voltage or current levels allowed by a circuit. + Two distinct levels of light intensity + Two directions of magnetization or polarization + . 1.1 Binary System Hexadecimal System Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 10 + 16 symbols = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,} + Hexadecimal Number 2DC.1E16= 2•162 + 13•161 + 12•160 + 1•16-1 + 14•16-2 Disadvantage of Binary System ? - Not easy to read and remember Hexadecimal system radix = 16 (Hexadecimal system) Why ?. 9/10/12 6 1.1 Binary System Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 11 Base Conversions Convert to base 10 use the polynomial notation with radix and weighted positions Convert to base 2 use radix divide method for the integer part (remainders and quotient) use radix multiply method for the fraction part. Convert between base 2 and 16 4 bits 1 hexadecimal digit 1.2 Binary Arithmetic Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 12 Addition 1 + 1 = 0 carry 1 = 102 Binary addition table Add two binary numbers 9/10/12 7 1.2 Binary Arithmetic Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 13 Subtraction 1 - 1 = 0 - 0 = 0 1 - 0 = 0 0 - 1 = 1 borrow 1 A (Minuend) B (Subtrahend) borrow difference 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 - Note: A – B = A + (-B) that means Sub Add 1.2 Binary Arithmetic Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 14 Multiplication Binary multiplication table Multiply two binary numbers Note: - Multiplication by repeated Add & Shift - Can be implemented in a faster way 9/10/12 8 1.2 Binary Arithmetic Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 15 Division 1 / 1 = 1 0 / 0 = 0 = 0 / 1 1 / 0 = undefined Note: - Division by repeated Sub & Shift 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 Quotient Dividend Remainder Divisor - - - 1.3 Sign Number Representation Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 16 Sign Number Format S MSB Sign = 0 positive + = 1 negative - N = Representing the magnitude Representing the magnitude Sign magnitude representation Two’s complement system 9/10/12 9 1.3 Sign Number Representation Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 17 Sign-Magnitude representation S MSB N = Magnitude = absolute value of N 1010 - 2 1100 - 4 10000 0110 +6 + Carry error N - integer with n bits lies between -(2n-1-1) and +(2n-1-1) 0011 +3 1011 -3 0110 1110 -6 + Carry error 1.3 Sign Number Representation Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 18 Sign-Magnitude Numbers Addition and Subtraction Sign-magnitude representation leads to slow, expensive adder/subtractor due to repeated comparison and test of sign and magnitude This is why we represent numbers mostly using two’s complement system 9/10/12 10 1.3 Sign Number Representation Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 19 Two’s Complement System Radix-complement D* of a number D with n digits is D* = rn – D D* + D = rn Eg. The 2-complement of D = 00112 is D* = 24 - 3 = 13 = 11012 0011 +3 1101 (+3)2-complement 11110 0000 0 + Carry Ok represents (-3) Two’s Complement Calculation ? 1.3 Sign Number Representation Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 20 Two’s Complement System Two’s Complement Calculation: Algorithm 1: Complement bits then add 1 Algorithm 2: Copy from LSB to the first 1-bit then continue replace the bits with their complement until the MSB has been replaced 9/10/12 11 1.3 Sign Number Representation Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 21 Two’s Complement System 0 MSB +N = Magnitude = absolute value of N N - integer with n bits lies between -(2n-1-1) and +(2n-1-1) 1 -N = 2-complement calculation 1.3 Sign Number Representation Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 22 Add and Sub in Two’s Complement System 0010 +2 0100 +4 00000 0110 +6 Addition + 0010 +2 1100 - 4 00000 1110 - 2 + 1110 - 2 1100 - 4 11000 1010 - 6 + 0010 +2 1011 (+4)’ 00111 1110 - 2 Subtraction A+(B)’+1 + 0010 +2 0011 (- 4)’ 00111 0110 +6 + 1110 - 2 0011 (- 4)’ 11111 0010 +2 + 0111 +7 0110 +6 01100 1101 - 3 Overflow + 1001 - 7 1010 - 6 10000 0011 +3 + 9/10/12 12 1.3 Sign Number Representation Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 23 Summary of Two’s Complement Addition and Subtraction 1.4 Real Number Code Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 24 Coding the position of the radix point Fixed-point Floating-point 9/10/12 13 1.4 Real Number Code Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 25 Computer floating-point number 1.5 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 26 Coding 10 decimal digits by 4 bits DCBA DCBA Problem : Add two BCD codes ? 9/10/12 14 1.6 Character Codes Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 27 American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII 7-bit code) Unicode 1.7 Gray Code Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 28 00 01 11 10 10 11 01 00 Two consecutive number differ in only 1 bit (distance = 1) Why do we use the gray code ?. 9/10/12 15 1.8 Error Detection Code Error Correction Code Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 29 Error ? Error Control: Error Detection and Error Correction Party Code Hamming Code Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC-16, CRC-32) 1.9 Other Code Dr. Le Dung - School of Electronics and Telecommunications Page 30 Voice Encoding (Pulse Code Modulation) Image and Video Encoding (Pixels, Frames) Other information Encoding (ADC, DAC)
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