Bài giảng Tối ưu hóa vận hành hệ thống điện - Chapter 5: Optimal Power Flow - Võ Ngọc Điều
• Objective: minimize the cost of generation
• Constraints
– Equality constraint: load generation balance
– Inequality constraints: upper and lower limits on
generating units output
• Compact expression: 13 Mathematical formulation of the OPF (6) • Inequality constraints: – Limits on the control variables: – Operating limits on flows: – Operating limits on voltages • Compact expression: 14 2/16/2014 8 Mathematical formulation of the OPF (7) 15 Mathematical formulation of the OPF (8) 16 2/16/2014 9 Mathematical formulation of the OPF (8) 17 Compact form of the OPF problem 18 Subject to: 2/16/2014 10 OPF Challenges • Size of the problem – 1000’s of lines, hundreds of controls – Which inequality constraints are binding? • Problem is non-linear • Problem is non-convex • Some of the variables are discrete – Position of transformer and phase shifter taps – Status of switched capacitors or reactors 19 Solving the OPF 20 2/16/2014 11 Solving the OPF using gradient methods • Build the Lagrangian function • The gradient of the Lagrangian indicates the direction of steepest ascent: • Move in the opposite direction to the point with the largest gradient • Repeat until 21 Problems with gradient methods • Slow convergence • Objective function and constraints must be differentiable • Difficulties in handling inequality constraints – Binding inequality constraints change as the solution progresses – Difficult to enforce the complementary slackness conditions 22 2/16/2014 12 Problems with gradient methods 23 Problems with gradient methods 24 2/16/2014 13 Solving the OPF using interior point method • Best technique when a full AC solution is needed • Handle inequality constraints using barrier functions • Start from a point in the “interior” of the solution space • Efficient solution engines are available 25 Linearizing the OPF problem • Use the power of linear programming • Objective function – Use linear or piecewise linear cost functions • Equality constraints – Use dc power flow instead of ac power flow • Inequality constraints – dc power flow provides linear relations between injections (control variables) and MW line flows 26 2/16/2014 14 Sequential LP OPF • Consequence of linear approximation – The solution may be somewhat sub-optimal – The constraints may not be respected exactly • Need to iterate the solution of the linearized problem • Algorithm: 1. Linearize the problem around an operating point 2. Find the solution to this linearized optimization 3. Perform a full ac power flow at that solution to find the new operating point 4. Repeat 27 Advantages and disadvantages • Advantages of LPOPF method – Convergence of linear optimization is guaranteed – Fast – Reliable optimization engines are available – Used to calculate nodal prices in electricity markets • Disadvantages – Need to iterate the linearization – “Reactive power” aspects (VAr flows, voltages) are much harder to linearize than the “active power aspects” (MW flows) 28 2/16/2014 15 DC Power Flow Approximation Power Flow Equations • Set of non-linear simultaneous equations • Need a simple linear relation for fast and intuitive analysis • dc power flow provides such a relation but requires a number of approximations Pk I − Vk Vi[Gki cos(θk −θ i) + Bki sin(θk −θ i)] i=1 N ∑ = 0 QkI − Vk Vi[Gki sin(θ k −θ i ) − Bki cos(θk −θ i)] i=1 N ∑ = 0 2/16/2014 16 Neglect Reactive Power Pk I − Vk Vi[Gki cos(θk −θ i) + Bki sin(θk −θ i)] i=1 N ∑ = 0 QkI − Vk Vi[Gki sin(θ k −θ i ) − Bki cos(θk −θ i)] i=1 N ∑ = 0 Pk I − Vk Vi[Gki cos(θk −θ i) + Bki sin(θk −θ i)] i=1 N ∑ = 0 Neglect Resistance of the Branches Pk I − Vk Vi[Gki cos(θk −θ i) + Bki sin(θk −θ i)] i=1 N ∑ = 0 Pk I − Vk ViBki sin(θ k −θ i) i=1 N ∑ = 0 2/16/2014 17 Assume All Voltage Magnitudes = 1.0 p.u. Pk I − Vk ViBki sin(θ k −θ i) i=1 N ∑ = 0 Pk I − Bki sin(θ k −θ i ) i=1 N ∑ = 0 Assume all angles are small Pk I − Bki sin(θ k −θ i ) i=1 N ∑ = 0 If α is small: sinα ≈ α (α in radians) Pk I − Bki (θ k −θ i ) i=1 N ∑ = 0 or Pk I − (θk −θ i) xkii=1 N ∑ = 0 2/16/2014 18 Interpretation Pk I − (θ k −θ i ) xkii=1 N ∑ = 0 Pk I − Pki i=1 N ∑ = 0 Pki = (θ k −θ i ) xki P12 = (θ1 −θ2 ) x12 ; P23 = (θ 2 −θ3 ) x23 ; P31 = (θ 3 −θ1) x13 θ1 θ2 θ3 x13 x12 x23 P1 I P3 I P2 I P23P31 P12 Why is it called DC power flow? • Reactance plays the role of resistance in dc circuit • Voltage angle plays the role of dc voltage • Power plays the role of dc current Pki = (θ k −θ i ) xki Iki = (Vk − Vi) Rki 2/16/2014 19 Example of LPOPF • Solving the full non-linear OPF problem by hand is too difficult, even for small systems • We will solve linearized 3-bus examples by hand 37 Example 1 2 3 BA 450 MW 10 $/MWh CA PA PAMAX=390MW 20$/MWh CB PB PBMAX= 150 MW Economic dispatch: PA = PA max = 390 MW PB = 60 MW 2/16/2014 20 Flows resulting from the economic dispatch 39 1 2 3 BA 450 MW 390MW 60MW Assume that all the lines have the same reactance Fmax = 200MW Fmax = 200MWFmax = 260MW Do these injection result in acceptable flows? Calculating the flows using superposition Because we assume a linear model, superposition is applicable 1 60 MW 2 3 450 MW 390 MW 1 2 3 390 MW 390 MW 60 MW 1 2 3 60 MW 2/16/2014 21 Calculating the flows using superposition (1) 1 2 3 390 MW 390 MW FA FB FA = 2 x FB because the path 1-2-3 has twice the reactance of the path 1-3 FA + FB = 390 MW FA = 260 MW FB = 130 MW Calculating the flows using superposition (2) 1 2 3 60 MW 60 MW FD FC FC = 2 x FD because the path 2-1-3 has twice the reactance of the path 2-3 FC + FD = 60 MW FC = 40 MW FD = 20 MW 2/16/2014 22 Calculating the flows using superposition (3) 1 2 3 390 MW 390 MW 60 MW 1 2 3 60 MW 260 MW 130 MW 20 MW 40 MW 280 MW 1 60 MW 2 3 450 MW 390 MW 110 MW 170 MW Fmax = 260 MW Correcting unacceptable flows • Must use a combination of reducing the injection at bus 1 and increasing the injection at bus 2 to keep the load/generation balance • Decreasing the injection at 1 by 3 MW reduces F1-3 by 2 MW • Increasing the injection at 2 by 3 MW increases F1-3 by 1 MW • A combination of a 3 MW decrease at 1 and 3 MW increase at 2 decreases F1-3 by 1 MW • To achieve a 20 MW reduction in F1-3 we need to shift 60 MW of injection from bus 1 to bus 2 280 MW1 60 MW 2 3 450 MW 390 MW Must reduce flow F1-3 by 20 MW 2/16/2014 23 Check the solution using superposition 1 2 3 330 MW 330 MW 120 MW 1 2 3 120 MW 220 MW 110 MW 40 MW 80 MW 1 120 MW 2 3 450 MW 330 MW 260 MW 70 MW 190 MW Fmax = 260 MW Comments (1) • The OPF solution is more expensive than the ED solution – CED = 10 x 390 + 20 x 60 = $5,100 – COPF = 10 x 330 + 20 x 120 = $5,700 • The difference is the cost of security – Csecurity = COPF - CED = $600 • The constraint on the line flow is satisfied exactly – Reducing the flow below the limit would cost more 2/16/2014 24 Comments (2) • We have used an “ad hoc”method to solve this problem • In practice, there are systematic techniques for calculating the sensitivities of line flows to injections • These techniques are used to generate constraint equations that are added to the optimization problem Security Constrained OPF (SCOPF) • Conventional OPF only guarantees that the operating constraints are satisfied under normal operating conditions – All lines in service • This does not guarantee security – Must consider N-1 contingencies 2/16/2014 25 Example: base case solution of OPF 1 2 3 BA 450 MW 330MW 120MW 260 MW 70 MW 190 MW Example: contingency case 1 2 3 BA 450 MW 330MW 120MW 330 MW 0 MW 120 MW Unacceptable because overload of line 1-3 could lead to a cascade trip and a system collapse 2/16/2014 26 Formulation of the Security Constrained OPF Subject to: Power flow equations for the base case Operating limits for the base case Power flow equations for contingency k Operating limits for contingency k ∀k Subscript 0 indicates value of variables in the base case Subscript k indicates value of variables for contingency k Preventive security formulation subject to: This formulation implements preventive security because the control variables are not allowed to change after the contingency has occurred:uk = u0 ∀k 2/16/2014 27 Corrective security formulation • This formulation implements corrective security because the control variables are allowed to change after the contingency has occurred • The last equation limits the changes that can take place to what can be achieved in a reasonable amount of time • The objective function considers only the value of the control variables in the base case subject to: uk − u0 ≤ ∆u max Size of the SCOPF problem • Example - European transmission network: – 13,000 busses 13,000 voltage constraints – 20,000 branches 20,000 flow constraints – N-1 security 20,000 contingencies – In theory, we must consider 20,000 x (13,000 + 20,000) = 660 million inequality constraints • However: – Not all contingencies create limit violations – Some contingencies have only a local effect 2/16/2014 28 Limitations of N-1 criterion • Not all contingencies have the same probability – Long lines vs. short lines – Good weather vs. bad weather • Not all contingencies have the same consequences – Local undervoltage vs. edge of stability limit • N-2 conditions are not always “not credible” – Non-independent events • Does not ensure a consistent level of risk – Risk = probability x consequences Probabilistic security analysis • Goal: operate the system at a given risk level • Challenges – Probabilities of non-independent events • “Electrical” failures compounded by IT failures – Estimating the consequences • What portion of the system would be blacked out? – What preventive measures should be taken? • Vast number of possibilities
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