Bài giảng Signals and Systems - Chapter: The z-transform - Đặng Quang Hiếu
Relationship to Fourier transform
◮ Fourier transform is the z-transform evaluated in the unit
circle z = ejω.
X(ejω) = X(z)|z=ejω
◮ z-transform is the Fourier transform of x[n]r −n
X(z) =∞ X
x[n](rejω)−n = FT{x[n]r −n}
◮ Region of convergence (ROC) of X(z) is the set of points in
the complex plane (z-plane) for which the z-transform
summation converges (or the Fourier transform of x[n]r −n
ET2060 - Signals and Systems The z-transform Dr. Quang Hieu Dang Hanoi University of Science and Technology School of Electronics and Telecommunications Autumn 2012 Definition of z-transform n z z z−1 x [n] z←−→ X (z) where z is a complex variable, z = re jω, and X (z) = ∞∑ x=−∞ x [n]z−n Examples: Find z-transform of (a) x [n] = δ[n] (b) x [n] = u[n] Relationship to Fourier transform ◮ Fourier transform is the z-transform evaluated in the unit circle z = e jω. X (e jω) = X (z)|z=e jω ◮ z-transform is the Fourier transform of x [n]r−n X (z) = ∞∑ n=−∞ x [n](re jω)−n = FT{x [n]r−n} ◮ Region of convergence (ROC) of X (z) is the set of points in the complex plane (z-plane) for which the z-transform summation converges (or the Fourier transform of x [n]r−n exists!). ∞∑ n=−∞ |x [n]r−n|dt <∞ Examples Find z-transform and draw its ROC for following sequences: (a) x [n] = 2δ[n − 2] + δ[n]− 3δ[n + 1] (b) x [n] = anu[n] (c) x [n] = −anu[−n − 1] (d) x [n] = 2nu[n]− 3nu[−n− 1] (e) x [n] = cos(ω0n)u[n] X (z) rational. Zeros and poles X (z) = N(z) D(z) = b0 + b1z + · · ·+ bMzM a0 + a1z + · · · + aNzN ◮ Zeros z0r : X (z0r ) = 0 → are roots of N(z) ◮ Poles zpk : X (zpk) =∞ → are roots of D(z) Examples: Given x [n] = anrectN [n]. (a) Find its z-transform and ROC. (b) Find zeros, poles and draw them in the z-plane. Properties of ROC (i) If X (z) converges when z = z0 then it converges for all |z | = |z0|. Therefore, ROC generally has a ring shape: r1 < |z | < r2. (ii) ROC does not include poles (iii) If x [n] is finite length, the ROC will be the entire z-plane (may exclude 0 and/or ∞). (iv) If x [n] is a left / right-sided signal, ROC? (v) If x [n] is a two-sided signal, ROC? (vi) If X (z) is a rational function with poles zpk , ROC? The inverse z-transform Apply inverse Fourier transform: x [n]r−n = 1 2π ∫ 2π X (re jω)e jωndω We have: x [n] = 1 2πj ∮ C X (z)zn−1dz where C is a counterclockwise closed path encircling the origin and entirely in the ROC. Properties ◮ Linearity ◮ Time-shifting: x [n − n0] z←−→ z−n0X (z) ◮ Scaling in z-domain: anx [n] z←−→ X (z/a) ◮ Time reversal: x [−n] z←−→ X (1/z) ◮ Complex conjugate: x∗[n] z←−→ X ∗(z∗) ◮ Convolution: x1[n] ∗ x2[n] z←−→ X1(z)X2(z) ◮ Differentiation in z-domain: nx [n] z←−→ −z dX (z)dz ◮ Initial value theorem: If the signal is causal (x [n] = 0, ∀n < 0) then x [0] = lim z→∞X (z) ◮ Correlation, multiplication? Inverse z-transform: Power series expansions Given X (z) and its ROC, expand X (z) into power series X (z) = ∞∑ n=−∞ cnz −n which satisfies the ROC condition. Consequently, x [n] = cn, ∀n. If X (z) is a rational fucntion, use long-division! Example: Find inverse z-transform of X (z) = 1 + 2z−1 1− 2z−1 + z−2 when (a) x [n] causal (b) x [n] anti-causal Partial-fraction expansions (1) X (z) = N(z) D(z) = b0 + b1z + · · ·+ bMzM a0 + a1z + · · · + aNzN When M < N, expand X (z) as X (z) = N∑ k=1 Ak z − zpk where zpk are simple poles of X (z) and Ak = (z − zpk)X (z) ∣∣ z=zpk When M ≥ N, X (z) = G (z) + N′(z)D(z) where M ′ < N. Example: Given X (z) = 1 1− 1.5z−1 + 0.5z−2 Find x[n]? Partial-fraction expansions (2) A pole zpk of multiplicity ℓ, X (z) is expanded as: A1k z − zpk + A2k (z − zpk)2 + · · ·+ Aℓk (z − zpk)ℓ ◮ How to calculate Aik? ◮ Inverse z-transform of 1(z−zpk)m ? Example: Find inverse z-transform of X (z) = z (z − 12 )2(z − 1) Complex poles? Self study! Transfer function H(z) of a discrete-time LTI system x [n] y [n]h[n] y [n] = x [n] ∗ h[n] Apply z-transform to both sides, use convolution property: H(z) = Y (z) X (z) X (z) Y (z)H(z) Transfer function (2) An LTI system represented by y [n] = − N∑ k=1 aky [n − k] + M∑ r=0 brx [n − r ] Apply z-transform to both sides H(z) = ∑M r=0 brz −r 1 + ∑N k=1 akz −k → Pole-zero system. Causality and stability ◮ Causal: ROC{H(z)} outside a circle. ◮ Stable: ROC{H(z)} include unit circle (z = e jω). ◮ H(z) rational, causal, stable: All poles of H(z) are within the unit circle. Transfer function and system’s diagram Find the constant-coefficient difference equation for the LTI system described in the following diagram X (z) Y (z)b b z−1 z−1 −1 −2 2 3 b z−1 0.5 −1 Unilateral z-transform X+(z) = ZT+{x [n]} = ∞∑ n=0 x [n]z−n Properties are similar to the bilateral case, except: ◮ Time shifting ZT+{x [n − k]} = z−k [X+(z) + k∑ n=1 x [−n]zn], k > 0 ZT+{x [n + k]} = z−k [X+(z)− k−1∑ n=0 x [n]z−n], k > 0 ◮ Final-value theorem lim n→∞ x [n] = limz→1 (z − 1)X+(z) Solution to constant coefficient difference equation Example: Solve the difference equation (find y [n], n ≥ 0): y [n]− 3y [n − 1] + 2y [n − 2] = x [n] where input is x [n] = 3n−2, with inital conditions: y [−2] = −4 9 , y [−1] = −1 3
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