Bài giảng Digital Signal Processing - Chapter 2: Quantization - Võ Trung Dũng
If sampling is done at the higher rate f’s , then the total power σ’e2 of the quantization noise is
spread evenly over the f’s Nyquist interval.
Number of bit difference:
Analysis: a saving of half a bit per doubling of L. This is too small to be useful. For
example, in order to reduce a 16-bit quantizer for digital audio to a 1-bit quantizer, that
is, ∆B = 15, one would need the unreasonable oversampling ratio of L = 230.
1Digital Signal Processing Quantization Dr. Dung Trung Vo Telecommunication Divisions Department of Electrical and Electronics August, 2013 Quantization Process Analog to digital conversion: Sampling and quantization are necessary for any digital signal processing operation on analog signals: Sample/hold and ADC may be separate modules or may reside on board the same chip Signal quantization: Full-scale range R: in practice are between 1–10 volts. Quantization width or the quantizer resolution: Number of quantization levels: 2B B RQ 2 A/D converter Bipolar ADC: Unipolar ADC: Rounding: Truncation: ADC Classification kQnTxQ )( 2)(2 QkQnTxQkQ kQnTxQ )( QkQnTxkQ )( 2 )( 2 RnTxR Q RnTxQ )(0 2 Quantization error: Error distribution: Mean: Variance: Root-mean-square (rms) error: Ratio of R and Q is a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR, dynamic range of the quantizer): Quantization Process )()()( nTxnTxnTe Q 01 2/ 2/ _ Q Q ede Q e 12 1 22/ 2/ 2 _ 2 Qdee Q e Q Q 12 _ 2 Qeerms B Q RSNR 6log20 10 Example: In a digital audio application, the signal is sampled at a rate of 44 kHz and each sample quantized using an A/D converter having a full-scale range of 10 volts. Determine the number of bits B if the rms quantization error must be kept below 50 microvolts. Then, determine the actual rms error and the bit rate in bits per second Solve for B: Which is rounded to B = 16 bits, corresponding to 2B = 65536 quantization levels Bitrate: Dynamic range of the quantizer: Quantization Process 12/212/ Brms RQe 82.15 1210.50 10log 12 log 622 rmse RB VRe Brms 4412/2 sec/70444.16 KbitsBfs dBB 9616.66 Probabilistic interpretation of the quantization noise: quantized signal xQ(n) as a noisy version of the original unquantized signal x(n) to which a noise component e(n) has been added Statistical properties: are very complicated, may be assumed to be a stationary zero- mean white noise sequence with uniform probability density over the range [−Q/2,Q/2]. Moreover, e(n) is assumed to be uncorrelated with the signal x(n) Variance: Autocorrelation: Cross-correlation: Statistical properties - quantization noise )()()( nenxnxQ 12 )( 2 22 QneEe )()()()( 2 knekneEkR eee 0)()()( nxkneEkRex Purposes: Oversampling was mentioned earlier as a technique to alleviate the need for high quality prefilters and postfilters. It can also be used to trade off bits for samples: if we sample at a higher rate, we can use a coarser quantizer Power spectral density: quantized signal xQ(n) as a noisy version of the original unquantized signal x(n) to which a noise component e(n) has been added Analysis: Consider two cases, one with sampling rate fs and B bits per sample, and the other with higher sampling rate f s and B bits per sample. To maintain the same quality in the two cases, we require that the power spectral densities remain the same Oversampling s e ee f fS 2 )( 22 ss fff for s e s e ff ' '22 3 If sampling is done at the higher rate f’s , then the total power σ’e2 of the quantization noise is spread evenly over the f’s Nyquist interval. Number of bit difference: Analysis: a saving of half a bit per doubling of L. This is too small to be useful. For example, in order to reduce a 16-bit quantizer for digital audio to a 1-bit quantizer, that is, ∆B = 15, one would need the unreasonable oversampling ratio of L = 230. Oversampling BBB e eL 2)'(22 2 22' LB 2log5.0 Number of bit difference: Noise shaping quantizers reshape the spectrum of the quantization white noise into a more convenient shape. Power spectral density: Analysis: A noise shaping quantizer operating at the higher rate fs can reshape the flat noise spectrum so that most of the power is squeezed out of the fs Nyquist interval and moved into the outside of that interval. Noise shaping 2 2 2 )()()()( fH f fSfHfS NS s e eeNS A typical pth order noise shaping: Small f range: Assuming: a large oversampling ratio L, we will have fs <<f’s . Noise shaping p s NS f ffH 2 2 ' sin2)( 22 ss fff for p s NS f ffH 2 2 ' 2)( 2 'sff for 12 1 12 ' '12 ' ' 2 ' ' 22 122 2 2/ 2/ 22 2 ps s Lpf f p df f f f p e p s s p e f f p ss e e BBB e e 2)'(22 2 22' 12 1 12 2 pLp p Number of bit difference: Analysis: savings are (p+0.5) bits per doubling of L. Example: The first CD player built by Philips used a first-order noise shaper with 4-times oversampling, (p = 1, L = 4), achieves a savings of ∆B = 2.1 bits. The Philips CD player used a 14-bit, instead of a 16-bit, D/A converter at the analog reconstructing stage. A general DSP system with oversampling/noise shaping technique Noise shaping 12log5,0log)5.0( 2 22 p LpB p 4 Number of bit difference: Unipolar natural binary: Bipolar offset binary: Two’s complement D/A Converters )2...22( 22 1 1 B BQ bbbRx B BB bbbm ...22 2211 QmxQ )5.02...22( 22 1 1 BBQ bbbRx )5.02...22( 22 1 1 BBQ bbbRx B-bit A/D converter: Successive approximation A/D converter: A/D Converters D/A Converters Natural and offset binary cases, truncation: A/D Converters 5D/A Converters Example 2.4.1: Convert the analog values x = 3.5 and x = −1.5 volts to their offset binary representation, assuming B = 4 bits and R = 10 volts, as in Table 2.3.2. Solution: The following table shows the successive tests of the bits, the corresponding DAC output xQ at each test, and the comparator output C = u(x − xQ).: A/D Converters Natural and offset binary cases, rounding : Two’s complement case: A/D Converters Qxy 2 1 Purpose: Dither is a low-level white noise signal added to the input before quantization for the purpose of eliminating granulation or quantization distortions and making the total quantization error behave like white noise Analog dither: Nonsubtractive dither process and quantization: Analog and Digital Dither
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