Adaptive controller for UAV Guidance
what does the factor affect to fly process and the parameters of the transfer function of the UAV system?
How can we have a good UAV system? What dose it require?
=>That is the application of modern control theory, for more concretely, that is use of Adaptive control technique in this UAV system.
ADAPTIVE CONTROLLER FOR UAV GUIDANCEGVHD: Dr Huynh Thai HoangGroup 6:Hoang Viet HaThai Xuan Hong NhatVo Mai Duy QuyINTRODUCEDYNAMIC MODELLINGCONTROLLEROverallRESULT & FEEDBACKHARDWARE & SOFTWARE IntroduceWhat is UAV?IntroduceApplication of UAVIn AgricultureIntroduceApplication of UAVto prevent and fight fire IntroduceApplication of UAVPhotograph or find information IntroduceApplication of UAVOr communicationHow is the Modern control theory applied in here?what does the factor affect to fly process and the parameters of the transfer function of the UAV system?How can we have a good UAV system? What dose it require?=>That is the application of modern control theory, for more concretely, that is use of Adaptive control technique in this UAV system.SOLUTIONADAPTIVE CONTROLAdaptive Control is the control method used by a controller which must adapt to a controlled system with parameters which vary, or are initially uncertain. For example, as an aircraft flies, its mass will slowly decrease as a result of fuel consumption; a control law is needed that adapts itself to such changing conditionsDynamic modelingDynamic modelingDynamic ModelingCombined adaptive controllerThe adaptation algorithm includes the bang-bang controller with forced sliding motion, parametric identification algorithm and the parallel feedforward compensatorCombined adaptive controllerThe identification algorithm:Combined adaptive controllerCOMBINED ADAPTIVE CONTROLLERCombinde adaptive controllerThe sliding-mode controllerThe guidance lawDefine the guidance signalHardware Kadet senior ARFHARDWAREThe verdex-XM4 motherboard is equipped with a PXA270 processor with a speed of 600 MHz, 64 MB of SDRAM.The Robostix card.The IMU has an orientation accuracy of ± 2.0. GPS module with a LEA-5H chip with an accuracy of 2.5 m CEP. The cameraBatteryHardware Software ConclusionsThe combined adaptive control law for an autopilot of the UAV homing guidance system is proposed. The adap-tation algorithm provides the prescribed dynamic properties of the attitude control system for various flight conditions ofthe UAV. ConclusionsA UAV plant becomes unstable if the roll or the pitch angle become too large, and the overcompensation of the Adaptive controller will create big angles. We can overcome proplem by combined between the Fuzzy Logic Control and Adaptive Control ensures that there is little to no overcompensation for the errors.Thank youReferences:[1] B.R. Andrievsky, A.L. Fradkov, A.A. Stotsky “Shunt compensation for indirect sliding-mode adaptive control”,Proc. 13th Triennial IFAC World Congress, S. Fr., USA,(1996).[2] B.R. Andrievsky, A.L. Fradkov. “Combined adaptive flight control system”, Proc. 5th Intern. ESA Conference on Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and ControlSystems, Frascati, Italy, 22–25 October, (ESA-516, Feb.2003), pp. 299-302,(2002).
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