Microprocessing Systems - Chapter 8: C Programming for 8051 - Lê Chí Thông
• Structure of a C program
• Using Keil
• Declaration of the types of memory
• Variable types
• Keywords in Keil C51
• Functions
• Operations – Statements
• Time delay
• I/O programming
hông sites.google.com/site/chithong 33 I/O Programming – Example 2 Lê Chí Thông 65 Source: Chung-Ping Young I/O Programming – Example 3 66 Source: Chung-Ping Young Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 34 I/O Programming – Example 4 67 Source: Chung-Ping Young Lê Chí Thông I/O Programming – Example 5 68 Source: Chung-Ping Young Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 35 I/O Programming – Example 6 69 Source: Chung-Ping Young Lê Chí Thông I/O Programming – Example 7 70 Source: Chung-Ping Young Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 36 I/O Programming – Example 8 71 Source: Chung-Ping Young Lê Chí Thông I/O Programming – Example 9 72 Source: Chung-Ping Young Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 37 Your turn! (switch case) Write an 8051 C program to read the P1.0 and P1.1 bits and send an ASCII character to P0 according to the following table. Lê Chí Thông 73 P1.0 P1.1 Character 0 0 ‘0’ 0 1 ‘1’ 1 0 ‘2’ 1 1 ‘3’ Solution (switch case) Write an 8051 C program to read the P1.0 and P1.1 bits and send an ASCII character to P0 according to the following table. Lê Chí Thông 74 #include main() { unsigned char in1; in1 = P1; in1 = in1 & 0x3; switch (in1) { case(0): { P0='0'; break; } case(1): { P0='1'; break; } case(2): { P0='2'; break; } case(3): { P0='3'; break; } } //switch } //main ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 38 Your Turn! (Packed-BCD to ASCII) • Write an 8051 C program to convert packed BCD 0x29 to ASCII and output the bytes to Port 1 and Port 2. Lê Chí Thông 75 Solution (Packed-BCD to ASCII) • Write an 8051 C program to convert packed BCD 0x29 to ASCII and output the bytes to Port 1 and Port 2. Lê Chí Thông 76 #include main() { unsigned char x,y; unsigned char mybyte=0x29; x=mybyte&0x0F; P1=x|0x30; y=mybyte&0xF0; y=y>>4; P2=y|0x30; } ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 39 Your Turn! (ASCII to Packed-BCD) • Write an 8051 C program to convert ASCII digits of ‘4’ and ‘7’ to packed BCD and send them to Port 1. Lê Chí Thông 77 Solution (ASCII to Packed-BCD) • Write an 8051 C program to convert ASCII digits of ‘4’ and ‘7’ to packed BCD and send them to Port 1. Lê Chí Thông 78 #include main() { unsigned char bcdbyte; unsigned char w = '4'; unsigned char z = '7'; w=w&0x0F; w=w<<4; z=z&0x0F; bcdbyte=w|z; P1=bcdbyte; } ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 40 Your Turn! (Binary to Decimal) • Write an 8051 C program to convert 11111101B to decimal and send the digits to Port 0, Port 1 and Port 2. Lê Chí Thông 79 Solution (Binary to Decimal) • Write an 8051 C program to convert 11111101B to decimal and send the digits to Port 0, Port 1 and Port 2. Lê Chí Thông 80 #include main() { unsigned char x,bin,d1,d2,d3; bin=0xFD; x=bin/10; d1=bin%10; d2=x%10; d3=x/10; P0=d1; P1=d2; P2=d3; } ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 41 RAM space (1) • Compile and single-step the following program on Keil. Examine the contents of the internal RAM space to locate the ASCII values. Lê Chí Thông 81 #include void main(void) { unsigned char mynum[]="ABCDEF"; //RAM space unsigned char z; for (z=0;z<=6;z++) P1=mynum[z]; } RAM space (2) • Write, compile and single-step the following program on Keil. Examine the contents of the internal RAM space to locate the values. Lê Chí Thông 82 #include void main(void) { unsigned char mydata[100]; //RAM space unsigned char x,z=0; for (x=0;x<100;x++) { z--; mydata[x]=z; P1=z; } } ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 42 Code space • Compile and single-step the following program on Keil. Examine the contents of the code space to locate the ASCII values. Lê Chí Thông 83 #include void main(void) { code unsigned char mynum[]="ABCDEF"; unsigned char z; for (z=0;z<=6;z++) P1=mynum[z]; } Compare and contrast the following programs and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Lê Chí Thông 84 (a) #include void main(void) { P1=‘H’; P1=‘E’; P1=‘L’; P1=‘L’; P1=‘O’; } (b) #include void main(void){ unsigned char mydata[]=“HELLO”; unsigned char z; for (z=0;z<=5;z++) P1=mydata[z];} (c) #include void main(void){ code unsigned char mydata[]=“HELLO”; unsigned char z; for (z=0;z<=5;z++) P1=mydata[z];} ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 43 Lê Chí Thông 85 Lê Chí Thông 86 ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 44 Data Serialization • Write a C program to send out the value 44H serially one bit at a time via P1.0. The LSB should go out first. Lê Chí Thông 87 #include sbit P1b0=P1^0; sbit regALSB=ACC^0; void main(void) { unsigned char conbyte=0x44; unsigned char x; ACC=conbyte; for (x=0;x<8;x++) { P1b0=regALSB; ACC=ACC>>1; } } Your Turn! (Data Serialization) • Write a C program to send out the value 44H serially one bit at a time via P1.0. The MSB should go out first. Lê Chí Thông 88 ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 45 Solution (Data Serialization) • Write a C program to send out the value 44H serially one bit at a time via P1.0. The MSB should go out first. Lê Chí Thông 89 #include sbit P1b0=P1^0; sbit regAMSB=ACC^7; void main(void) { unsigned char conbyte=0x44; unsigned char x; ACC=conbyte; for (x=0;x<8;x++) { P1b0=regAMSB; ACC=ACC<<1; } } Data Serialization (2) • Write a C program to bring in a byte of data serially one bit at a time via P1.0. The LSB should come in first. Lê Chí Thông 90 #include sbit P1b0=P1^0; sbit ACCMSB=ACC^7; bit membit; void main(void) { unsigned char x; for (x=0;x<8;x++) { membit=P1b0; ACC=ACC>>1; ACCMSB=membit; } P2=ACC; } ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 46 Your Turn! (Data Serialization 2) • Write a C program to bring in a byte of data serially one bit at a time via P1.0. The MSB should come in first. Lê Chí Thông 91 Solution (Data Serialization 2) • Write a C program to bring in a byte of data serially one bit at a time via P1.0. The MSB should come in first. Lê Chí Thông 92 #include sbit P1b0=P1^0; sbit regALSB=ACC^0; bit membit; void main(void) { unsigned char x; for (x=0;x<8;x++) { membit=P1b0; ACC=ACC<<1; regALSB=membit; } P2=ACC; } ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 47 Write a program using Timer 0 to create a 10 Hz square wave on P1.0 MOV TMOD, #01H ; Timer 0, mode 1 (16-bit timer mode) LOOP: MOV TH0, #HIGH(-50000); high byte of -50,000 MOV TL0, #LOW(-50000) ; low byte of -50,000 SETB TR0 ; start timer WAIT: JNB TF0, WAIT ; wait for overflow CLR TR0 ; stop timer CLR TF0 ; clear timer overflow flag CPL P1.0 ; toggle port bit SJMP LOOP ; repeat 93Lê Chí Thông Timer - Assembly language Delay 50,000 μs P1.0 NOT (P1.0) (source) Write a program using Timer 0 to create a 10 Hz square wave on P1.0 #include sbit LED1 = P1^0; int count; main() { TMOD = 0x01; loop: count = -50000; TL0 = count & 0x00FF; TH0 = count >> 8; TR0 = 1; while(TF0 == 0) {} TR0 = 0; TF0 = 0; LED1 = !LED1; goto loop; } 94Lê Chí Thông Timer - C language Delay 50,000 μs P1.0 NOT (P1.0) (source) ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 48 Ex: Write a program that sets up the on-chip serial port, sets the baud rate, and waits for a character. When a character is received, it is transmitted using the putchar function. #include ”reg51.h” #include ”stdio.h” void main (void){ SCON = 0x50; //SCON: mode 1, 8-bit UART, enable receiver TMOD |= 0x20;//TMOD: timer 1, mode 2, 8-bit reload TH1 = -13 ; //TH1: reload value for 2400 baud TR1 = 1; //TR1: timer 1 run TI = 1; //TI: set TI to send first char of UART while(1) { char aaa; aaa = _getkey(); //waits for a character putchar(aaa); //transmit } } 95Lê Chí Thông Serial Port (source) Transmission – Assembly Language ORG 0000H MOV SCON,#01010010B ;Serial port mode 1 MOV TMOD,#00100000B ;Timer 1 mode 2 MOV TH1,#-24 ;reload count for 1200 baud SETB TR1 ;start Timer 1 MOV R2,#10 ;number of loops MOV R0,#30H ;starting address LOOP: MOV A,@R0 ;get data ACALL SEND ;send data INC R0 ;increase pointer DJNZ R2,LOOP ;loop 10 times SJMP DONE SEND: JNB TI,$ ;transmit buffer empty? No:check again CLR TI ;yes: clear flag and MOV SBUF,A ; send data RET ;return DONE: NOP END Assume a 10-byte string of data is stored in the internal RAM from the location 30H. Write a program that sends this string to the 8051 serial port (1200 baud, crystal 11.0592 MHz) 96Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 49 Transmission – C Language Assume a 10-byte string of data is stored in the internal RAM from the location 30H. Write a program that sends this string to the 8051 serial port (1200 baud, crystal 11.0592 MHz) 97Lê Chí Thông LED Chaser • Write a C program to bring in a byte of data serially one bit at a time via P1.0. The MSB should come in first. Lê Chí Thông 98 #include sbit P1b0=P1^0; sbit regALSB=ACC^0; bit membit; void main(void) { unsigned char x; for (x=0;x<8;x++) { membit=P1b0; ACC=ACC<<1; regALSB=membit; } P2=ACC; } ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 50 Lê Chí Thông 99 100 References Lê Chí Thông • Chung-Ping Young, 8051 Programming in C, Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, TAIWAN • Mazidi, Mazidi and McKinlay, The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C
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