Microprocessing Systems - Chapter 6: Interrupts - Lê Chí Thông
ISR vs. Subroutine
• Similarity: CPU executes another program and then returns to
the original program.
• Difference: It is NOT known when the main program suspends
Lê Chí Thông Practice Problem 2 Write a program using Timer 1 and interrupt to output data from A to Port 1 every 100 us. Use crystal 12 MHz. ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN ORG 001BH ;Interrupt vector of Timer 1 MOV P1,A RETI ORG 0030H MAIN: MOV TMOD,#20H MOV TH1,#-100 SETB TR1 SETB EA SETB ET1 SJMP $ END Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 30Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 16 Practice Problem 3 Write a program using Timer and interrupt to send data from A to serial port (UART 8 bit, 1200 baud) every 250 us. Use crystal 12 MHz. Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 31Lê Chí Thông Practice Problem 3 Write a program using Timer and interrupt to send data from A to serial port (UART 8 bit, 1200 baud) every 250 us. Use crystal 12 MHz. Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 32Lê Chí Thông ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN ORG 000BH ACALL PHAT RETI ORG 0030H MAIN: MOV TMOD,#22H MOV SCON,#52H MOV TH1,#-26 SETB TR1 MOV TH0,#-250 SETB TR0 SETB EA SETB ET0 SJMP $ PHAT: JNB TI,$ CLR TI MOV SBUF,A RET END ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 17 Timer (16 bit) Interrupt Write a program using Timer 0 and interrupt to create a 1 kHz square wave on P1.1. (Crystal 12 MHz) Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 33Lê Chí Thông Timer (16 bit) Interrupt Write a program using Timer 0 and interrupt to create a 1 kHz square wave on P1.1. (Crystal 12 MHz) Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 34Lê Chí Thông ORG 0000H LJMP CTCHINH ORG 000BH LJMP CTNGATTIMER0 ORG 0030H CTCHINH: MOV TMOD,#01H MOV TH0,#HIGH(-500) MOV TL0,#LOW(-500) SETB TR0 SETB EA SETB ET0 SJMP $ CTNGATTIMER0: CPL P1.1 CLR TR0 MOV TH0,#HIGH(-500) MOV TL0,#LOW(-500) SETB TR0 RETI END ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 18 Timer (16 bit) Interrupt Write a program using Timer 0 and interrupt to create a 1 kHz square wave on P1.1. (Crystal 12 MHz) Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 35Lê Chí Thông ORG 0000H LJMP CTCHINH ORG 000BH LJMP CTNGATTIMER0 ORG 0030H CTCHINH: MOV TMOD,#01H SETB EA SETB ET0 SETB TF0 ; Ép ngắt SJMP $ CTNGATTIMER0: CPL P1.1 CLR TR0 MOV TH0,#HIGH(-500) MOV TL0,#LOW(-500) SETB TR0 RETI END Practice Problem 1 Write a program using Timer 1 and interrupt to create a 100 Hz square wave on P1.2. (Crystal 24MHz) Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 36Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 19 Practice Problem 1 Write a program using Timer 1 and interrupt to create a 100 Hz square wave on P1.2. (Crystal 24MHz) Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 37Lê Chí Thông ORG 0000H LJMP CTCHINH ORG 001BH LJMP CTNGATTIMER1 ORG 0030H CTCHINH: MOV TMOD,#10H SETB EA SETB ET1 SETB TF1 ; Ép ngắt SJMP $ CTNGATTIMER1: CPL P1.2 CLR TR1 MOV TH1,#HIGH(-10000) MOV TL1,#LOW(-10000) SETB TR1 RETI END Practice Problem 2 Write a program using Timer 1 and interrupt to complement P1.2 every 1 sec. (Crystal 12 MHz) Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 38Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 20 Practice Problem 2 Write a program using Timer 1 and interrupt to complement P1.2 every 1 sec. (Crystal 12 MHz) Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 39Lê Chí Thông ORG 0000H LJMP CTCHINH ORG 001BH LJMP CTNGATTIMER1 ORG 0030H CTCHINH: MOV TMOD,#10H SETB EA SETB ET1 SETB TF1 ; Ép ngắt SJMP $ CTNGATTIMER1: CPL P1.2 CLR TR1 MOV TH1,#HIGH(-10000) MOV TL1,#LOW(-10000) SETB TR1 RETI END Two Square Waves Using Timer Interrupts Write a program using interrupts to create 7 kHz and 500 Hz square waves on P1.7 and P1.6. (Crystal 12 MHz) Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 40Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 21 Two Square Waves Using Timer Interrupts ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN ORG 000BH LJMP T0ISR ORG 001BH LJMP T1ISR ORG 0030H MAIN: MOV TMOD,#12H MOV IE,#8AH MOV TH0,#-71 SETB TR0 MOV TH1,#HIGH(-1000) MOV TL1,#LOW(-1000) SETB TR1 SJMP $ Write a program using interrupts to create 7 kHz and 500 Hz square waves on P1.7 and P1.6 T0ISR: CPL P1.7 RETI T1ISR: CPL P1.6 CLR TR1 MOV TH1,#HIGH(-1000) MOV TL1,#LOW(-1000) SETB TR1 RETI END Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 41Lê Chí Thông Character Output Using Interrupts ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN ORG 0023H LJMP SPISR ORG 0030H MAIN: MOV TMOD,#20H MOV TH1,#-26 SETB TR1 MOV SCON,#42H MOV IE,#90H MOV A,#20H SETB TI SJMP $ Write a program using interrupts to continually transmit the ASCII code set (excluding control codes) to a terminal attached to the 8051’s serial port (1200 baud, 12 MHz crystal). The ASCII codes consist of 95 graphic codes (20H to 7EH) and 33 control codes (00H to 1FH, and 7FH). SPISR: CJNE A,#7FH,SKIP MOV A,#20H SKIP: MOV SBUF,A INC A CLR TI RETI END Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 42Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 22 Character Output Using Interrupts (2) Write a program using interrupts to continually transmit the ASCII code set (excluding control codes) to a terminal attached to the 8051’s serial port (1200 baud, 12 MHz crystal). The ASCII codes consist of 95 graphic codes (20H to 7EH) and 33 control codes (00H to 1FH, and 7FH). Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 43Lê Chí Thông Character Output Using Interrupts (2) ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN ORG 0023H LJMP SPISR ORG 0030H MAIN: MOV SCON,#52H MOV TMOD,#20H MOV TH1,#-26 SETB TR1 MOV A,#20H MOV IE,#90H SJMP $ Write a program using interrupts to continually transmit the ASCII code set (excluding control codes) to a terminal attached to the 8051’s serial port (1200 baud, 12 MHz crystal). The ASCII codes consist of 95 graphic codes (20H to 7EH) and 33 control codes (00H to 1FH, and 7FH). SPISR: CLR TI MOV SBUF,A INC A CJNE A,#7FH,SKIP MOV A,#20H SKIP: RETI END Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 44Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 23 Furnace Controller Using interrupts, design an 8051 furnace controller that keeps a building at 20oC ± 1oC. Temperature sensors are connected to /INT0 and /INT1 and provide /HOT and /COLD signals. The furnace ON/OFF solenoid is connected to P1.7. /HOT = 0 if T > 21oC /COLD = 0 if T < 19oC P1.7 = 1 : Furnace ON P1.7 = 0 : Furnace OFF P3.2 P3.3 Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 45Lê Chí Thông Furnace Controller ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN ORG 0003H E0ISR: CLR P1.7 ;turn furnace off RETI ORG 0013H E1ISR: SETB P1.7 ;turn furnace on RETI ORG 0030H MAIN: MOV IE,#85H ;enable external 0 & 1 interrupts SETB IT0 ;negative edge triggered for external 0 SETB IT1 ;negative edge triggered for external 1 SETB P1.7 ;turn furnace on JB P3.2,SKIP ;if T > 21 degrees, CLR P1.7 ; turn furnace off SKIP: SJMP $ ;do nothing END Using interrupts, design an 8051 furnace controller that keeps a building at 20oC ± 1oC. Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 46Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 24 Intrusion Warning System (1) Design an intrusion warning system using interrupts that sounds a 400 Hz tone using loudspeaker connected to P1.7 whenever a door sensor connected /INT0 makes a high-to-low transition. P3.2 Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 47Lê Chí Thông Intrusion Warning System (1) Design an intrusion warning system using interrupts that sounds a 400 Hz tone using loudspeaker connected to P1.7 whenever a door sensor connected /INT0 makes a high-to-low transition. ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN ORG 0003H LJMP E0ISR ORG 001BH LJMP T1ISR ORG 0030H MAIN: SETB IT0 MOV TMOD,#10H MOV IE,#81H SJMP $ E0ISR: SETB TF1 SETB ET1 RETI T1ISR: CLR TR1 MOV TH1,#HIGH(-1250) MOV TL1,#LOW(-1250) CPL P1.7 SETB TR1 RETI END Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 48Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 25 Intrusion Warning System (2) P3.2 50 ms Design an intrusion warning system using interrupts that sounds a 400 Hz tone for 50 ms (using loudspeaker connected to P1.7) whenever a door sensor connected /INT0 makes a high-to-low transition. Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 49Lê Chí Thông Intrusion Warning System (2) Design an intrusion warning system using interrupts that sounds a 400 Hz tone for 50 ms (using loudspeaker connected to P1.7) whenever a door sensor connected /INT0 makes a high-to-low transition. ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN ORG 0003H LJMP E0ISR ORG 000BH LJMP T0ISR ORG 001BH LJMP T1ISR ORG 0030H MAIN: SETB IT0 MOV TMOD,#11H MOV IE,#81H SJMP $ E0ISR: MOV TH0,#HIGH(-50000) MOV TL0,#LOW(-50000) SETB TR0 SETB TF1 SETB ET0 SETB ET1 RETI T0ISR: CLR TR0 CLR ET0 CLR ET1 RETI T1ISR: CLR TR1 MOV TH1,#HIGH(-1250) MOV TL1,#LOW(-1250) CPL P1.7 SETB TR1 RETI END Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 50Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 26 Intrusion Warning System (3) Design an intrusion warning system using interrupts that sounds a 400 Hz tone for 1 second (using loudspeaker connected to P1.7) whenever a door sensor connected /INT0 makes a high-to-low transition. P3.2 Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 51Lê Chí Thông Intrusion Warning System (3) ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN ORG 0003H LJMP E0ISR ORG 000BH LJMP T0ISR ORG 001BH LJMP T1ISR ORG 0030H MAIN: SETB IT0 MOV TMOD,#11H MOV IE,#81H SJMP $ E0ISR: MOV R7,#20 SETB TF0 SETB TF1 SETB ET0 SETB ET1 RETI T0ISR: CLR TR0 DJNZ R7,SKIP CLR ET0 CLR ET1 LJMP EXIT SKIP: MOV TH0,#HIGH(-50000) MOV TL0,#LOW(-50000) SETB TR0 EXIT: RETI T1ISR: CLR TR1 MOV TH1,#HIGH(-1250) MOV TL1,#LOW(-1250) CPL P1.7 SETB TR1 RETI END Design an intrusion warning system using interrupts that sounds a 400 Hz tone for 1 second (using loudspeaker connected to P1.7) whenever a door sensor connected /INT0 makes a high-to-low transition. Ref. I. Scott Mackenzie 52Lê Chí Thông ĐH Bách Khoa TP.HCM Lê Chí Thông sites.google.com/site/chithong 27 53 References Lê Chí Thông • I. Scott Mackenzie, The 8051 Microcontroller • Các tài liệu trên Internet không trích dẫn hoặc không ghi tác giả
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