Lý thuyết điều khiển nâng cao - Chapter 5+6
In this section we consider the main receiver structures needed in CW
modulation systems.
Beside demodulation, a typical broadcast receiver must perform 3 other
(1) Carrier-frequency tuning to select the desired signal.
(2) Filtering to separate the desired signal from the others received
along with it.
(3) Amplification to compensate for transmission loss.
The simplest receiver is called a direct conversion receiver (homodyne rx).
n function of ak . The transmitted signal spectrum must be matched with the channel properties. In baseband systems, e.g., in cables, the degradation is not constant within the used frequency band. Typically, the channel degradation is increased in high frequencies. Therefore, a higher signal power should be put into lower frequencies, where the cable degradation is the smallest. This reduces cross talks and radio distortions. 53 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Line Coding vs. Nyquist-Pulse Shaping (1) Two different approaches to shape spectrum: (1) Line coding The pulse waveform is a square pulse. The spectrum is a sinc-type wide spectrum. The DC-component can be removed by constructing the signal properly. Usually, the symbol train is generated to have some correlation, in order to modify (or “shape”) the transmitted spectrum. Mostly used for binary signaling. In a pure line coding, the bandwidth consumption is not a limiting factor. 54 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Line Coding vs. Nyquist-Pulse Shaping (2) (2) Nyquist-pulse shaping Used when we want to reduce the bandwidth consumption. It is assumed that transmitted symbols are uncorrelated ⇒ the transmitted spectrum has the shape of Fourier transform of the pulse waveform. The pulse waveform is optimized so that the needed bandwidth is small ⇒ adjacent pulses are overlapped in time domain. The methods can also be combined. In practical systems, one of them is chosen. 55 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Line Coding (1) The goal of line coding: Spectrum management and spectrum shaping. To remove the variation of DC-component in AC-coupled systems. To avoid synchronization problems when the transmitted symbol train consists of long sequences with constant 0 or 1. System monitoring during the normal operation is possible by using proper line codes. 56 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Line Coding (2) 57 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Line Coding (3) 58 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Transmission Limitations (1) Digital baseband transmission model: The signal-plus-noise-and-interference waveform: where td is transmission delay and stands for pulse shape with transmission distortion (See a possibility waveform of y(t) in next slide). 59 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Transmission Limitations (2) The task of the regenerator is to recover the digital message from y(t). The synchronization signal may help the regenerator by identifying the optimum sampling times: If then 60 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Transmission Limitations (3) When rectangular pulses are passed through a bandlimited channel, the pulses will spread in time and the pulse for each symbol will smear into the time intervals of succeeding symbols. This leads to an increased probability of the receiver making an error in detecting a symbol ⇒ intersymbol interference – ISI. The combined effects of noise and ISI may result in errors in the regenerated message. If n(t) is white noise, then the noise power can be reduced by reducing the bandwidth of the LPF at receiver. However, the low pass filtering causes pulses to spread out which would increase the ISI. Consequently, the fundamental limitations of digital transmission is the relationship between ISI, bandwidth and signaling rate. 61 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Transmission Limitations (4) The Nyquist statement: Given an ideal low-pass channel with bandwidth B, it is possible to transmit independent symbols at a rate r ≤ 2B baud without ISI. It is not possible to transmit independent symbols at rate r > 2B. Signaling at the maximum rate r = 2B requires a special pulse shape, that is sinc pulse: having the bandlimited spectrum: 62 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Transmission Limitations (5) Eye diagram: An experimental display to know the channel characteristics, it further clarifies digital transmission limitations. Distorted polar binary signal and eye diagram: 63 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Transmission Limitations (6) General binary eye diagram: 64 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Bandlimited Digital PAM Systems (1) Consider digital baseband transmission with bandlimited channel. Consequently, the rectangular signaling pulses would be severely distorted (resulting in intersymbol interference - ISI). Instead, we must use bandlimited pulses specially shaped to avoid ISI. Nyquist- Pulse Shaping: Assumed that noise is absent, the signal at the input of the regenerator is: As before, the condition for p(t) is: which eliminates ISI, but now we impose additional requirement that the pulse spectrum be bandlimited: 65 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Bandlimited Digital PAM Systems (2) where This means that the signaling rate is: in which B may be considered as the minimum required transmission bandwidth, so that BT ≥ B. The Nyquist theorem states that the above bandlimited spectrum is satisfied if the p(t) has the form: With a cosine rolloff spectrum: 66 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Bandlimited Digital PAM Systems (3) Then, the spectrum of p(t) is: and the corresponding pulse shape is: 67 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Bandlimited Digital PAM Systems (4) 68 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Bandlimited Digital PAM Systems (5) When β = r/2 (100% rolloff), the pulse spectrum has the raised cosine shape: and 69 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Noise and Errors (1) We assumed that the channel is distortionless so the receiver signal is free of ISI. Assumed that, the additive white noise with zero mean, independent of the signal. Binary Error Probability: Baseband binary receiver: 70 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Noise and Errors (2) A sample-and-hold (S/H) extracts from y(t) the sample values: These sample values are compared with a fixed threshold level V: If y(tk ) > V, the output of the comparator gets high level (bit 1). If y(tk ) < V, the comparator goes low level (bit 0). Considering x(t) to be unipolar signal (ak = 1 for bit 1, and ak = 0 for bit 0). Let variable Y represents y(tk ) at an arbitrary sampling time, and n represents n(tk ). If H0 denotes hypothesis that ak = 0 and Y = n, then the pdf: where pN (n) is the pdf of noise alone. Similar, H1 denotes hypothesis that ak = A and Y = A + n, then: 71 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Noise and Errors (3) 72 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Noise and Errors (4) The comparator implements the decision rule: Choose H0 (ak = 0), if Y < V Choose H1 (ak = A), if Y > V The corresponding regeneration error probabilities are then given by: 73 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Noise and Errors (5) The threshold value is adjusted to minimize the average error probability: where Normally, Then, for optimum threshold Vopt , we have: Assumed that the noise is with Gaussian distribution with zero mean and variance σ2, so: Then, we obtain: 74 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Noise and Errors (6) Since pN (n) is even function and Vopt = A/2, then: For the polar signal, ak = ± A/2, we have Vopt = 0. From [1], we can write: The Q function is then obtained from the Table. 75 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Noise and Errors (7) Regenerative Repeater: Long-haul transmission requires repeaters. For analog repeaters, we obtain: where (S/N)1 is signal to noise ratio after one hop and m is number of hops. The transmitted power per repeater must be increased linearly with m. The contaminating noise progressively builds up from repeater to repeater. In contrast, a digital repeater is a regenerator, regenerating new digital signal to next repeater. For m is not too large, we obtain: It requires much smaller transmitted power per repeater than analog repeater. 76 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Noise and Errors (8) Matched Filtering: Every baseband digital receiver (including repeaters) should include a LPF designed to remove excess noise without introducing ISI. The optimum LPF for timelimited pulses in white noise is a matched filter. Let the received signal with duration τ (τ ≤ D) as: The matched filter is designed to maximize the signal to noise ratio (that means minimizing the error probability) at time: From [1], the impulse response of the matched filter is: with 77 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Noise and Errors (9) 78 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Noise and Errors (10) When the x(t) is in white noise, the output noise power from the matched filter is: Considering binary transmission systems with bit rate rb , average received power SR and noise density N0 . We can characterize this system in terms of two parameters: where Eb corresponds to average energy per bit, while γb represents the ratio of bit energy to noise density. 79 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Noise and Errors (11) If the signal consists of timelimited pulse p(t) with amplitude sequence ak , then: where for unipolar signal and for polar signal. Thus, we obtain: Therefore, 80 Telecomm. Dept. Faculty of EEE CS2009 BG, HCMUT Noise and Errors (12) M-ary Error Probability: The bit error probability (or bit error rate - BER) is: in which: where r is the M-ary signaling rate (symbol rate), rb is the bit rate, and SR is average received power.
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