Fundamentals of Electric Circuit - Chapter 0: Introduction
Chapter 1: Basic concepts.
I. Introduction.
II. Systems of Units.
III. Charge and Current.
Chapter 2: Basic laws.
I. Introduction.
II. Ohm’s law
III. Nodes, branches, and loops.
IV. Kirchhoff’s laws.
IV. Voltage.
V. Power and Energy.
VI. Circuit elements.
V. Series resistors and voltage division.
VI. Parallel resistors and current
VII. Wye-delta transformations
Fundamentals of Electric Circuit Lecturer: Dr. Viet Son Nguyen Department: Instrumentation & Industrial Informatics School of Electrical Address: C1 - 108 – Hanoi University of Science and Technology - 2011 - Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2011 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS References: 1. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits - Charles K. Alexander - McGraw-Hill-2001 (*) 2. Electric circuits - Schaum - McGraw-Hill - 2003 (*) 3. Giáo trình lý thuyết mạch điện - PGS - TS. Lê Văn Bảng - 2005. 4. Fundamentals of electric circuits - David A.Bell - Prentice Hall - 1990. 5. Electric circuits - Norman Blabanian - Mc Graw-Hill - 1994. 6. An introduction to circuit analysis a system approach - Donald E.Scott - McGraw-Hill - 1994. 7. Methodes d’etudes des circuit electriques - Fancois Mesa - Eyrolles - 1987. 8. Cơ sở kỹ thuật điện 1 & 2 - Nguyễn Bình Thành - 1971. 9. Cơ sở kỹ thuật điện - Quyển 1 - Bộ môn Kỹ thuật đo và Tin học công nghiệp – 2004 (*) Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2011 3 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Contents of Part 1: DC circuits Chapter 1: Basic concepts. I. Introduction. II. Systems of Units. III. Charge and Current. Chapter 2: Basic laws. I. Introduction. II. Ohm’s law III. Nodes, branches, and loops. IV. Kirchhoff’s laws. IV. Voltage. V. Power and Energy. VI. Circuit elements. V. Series resistors and voltage division. VI. Parallel resistors and current division. VII. Wye-delta transformations Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2011 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Contents: Chapter 3: Methods of analysis. I. Introduction. II. Nodal analysis. III. Mesh analysis. VI. Nodal versus mesh analysis. Chapter 4: Circuit Theorems. I. Introduction. II. Linearity property III. Superposition. IV. Source transformation. V. Thevenin’s Theorem. V. Norton’s theorem. VI. Derivations of Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems VII. Maximum power transfer Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2011 5 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Contents: Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers. I. Introduction. II. Operational amplifiers. III. Ideal Op Amp. IV. Inverting – Non-inverting amplifier. V. Summing amplifier. VI. Difference amplifier. VII. Cascaded Op Amp circuits. Chapter 6: Capacitors and Inductors. I. Introduction. II. Capacitors. III. Series and parallel capacitors. IV. Inductors. V. Series and parallel inductors. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2011 6 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Contents: Chapter 7: First-order circuits. I. Introduction. II. The source-free an RC circuit. III. The source-free an RL circuit. IV. Singularity functions V. Step response of an RC circuit. VI. Step response of an RL circuit. VII. First-order Op Amp circuit. Chapter 8: Second-order circuits. I. Introduction. II. Finding initial and final values III. The source-free series RLC circuit. IV. The source-free series parallel RLC circuit. V. Step response of a series RLC circuit. VI. Step response of a parallel RLC circuit. VII. General second-order circuits VIII. Second-order Op Amp circuits. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2011 7 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Contents of Part 2: AC circuits Chapter 9: Sinusoids and phasors. I. Introduction. II. Sinusoids. III. Phases. IV. Phases relationships for circuit elements. V. Impedance and admittance. VI. Kirchhoff’s law in the frequency domain. VII. Impedance combinations. Chapter 10: Sinusoidal steady-state analysis. I. Introduction. II. Nodal analysis. III. Mesh analysis. IV. Superposition theorem. V. Source transformation. VI. Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits. VII. Op Amp AC circuits. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2011 8 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Contents of Part 2: AC circuits Chapter 11: AC power analysis. I. Introduction. II. Instantaneous and average power. III. Maximum average power transfer. IV. Effective or RMS values. V. Apparent power and power factor. VI. Complex power. VII. Conservation of AC power. VIII. Power factor correction. Chapter 12: Three-phase circuits. I. Introduction. II. Balanced three-phase voltages III. Balanced Wye-Wye connection. IV. Balanced Wye-Delta connection. V. Balanced Delta-Delta connection. VI. Balanced Delta-Wye connection. VII. Power in a balanced system. VIII. Unbalanced three-phase systems Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2011 9 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Contents of Part 2: AC circuits Chapter 13: Magnetically coupled circuits. I. Introduction. II. Mutual inductance. III. Energy in a coupled circuit. IV. Linear transformers. V. Ideal transformers. VI. Ideal autotransformers. VII. Three-phase transformers. Chapter 14: Frequency response. I. Introduction. II. Transfer function III. The Decibel scale. IV. Bode plots. V. Series resonance. VI. Parallel resonance. VII. Passive filters. VIII. Active filters. IX. Scaling. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2011 10 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Contents of Part 3: Advanced circuit analysis Chapter 15: The Laplace transform. I. Introduction. II. Definition of the Laplace transform. III. Properties of the Laplace transform. IV. The inverse Laplace transform. V. Application to circuits VI. Transfer functions. VII. The convolution integral. Chapter 16: The Fourier series. I. Introduction. II. Trigonometric Fourier series III. Symmetry considerations. IV. Circuit applications. V. Average power and RMS values. VI. Exponential Fourier Series. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2011 11 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Contents of Part 3: Advanced circuit analysis Chapter 17: Fourier transform I. Introduction. II. Definition of the Fourier transform. III. Properties of the Laplace transform. IV. Circuit applications. V. Parseval’s theorem. VI. Comparing the Fourier and Laplace transforms. Chapter 18: Two port networks. I. Introduction. II. Impedance parameters. III. Admittance parameters. IV. Hybrid parameters. V. Transmission parameters. VI. Relationships between parameters. VII. Interconnection of networks.
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