Đề tài Structure and Pointer
Add student(s)
Show student list
Find a student through his/her ID
Delete a student through his,her ID
Show students who satisfy some criteria:
Show students who rank as Good or Normal
Print the number of students who need to study the subjects again
Final Project PresentationStudent Management Program Instructor: Mr. Hoang Quang Huy Group members :Hoang Thanh AnNguyen Thanh BinhProblem StatementWrite a C program to create student’s basic database (name, birthday,marks) and perform basic operations on it (add, find, edit, order, filter, delete)Final ProgramAdd student(s)Show student listFind a student through his/her IDDelete a student through his,her IDShow students who satisfy some criteria:Show students who rank as Good or NormalPrint the number of students who need to study the subjects againIDE: C-freeInterfaceMethod?Structure and PointerPROGRAM STRUCTURELinked lista linked list is a data structure consisting of a group of nodes which together represent a sequenceWhat is NODE Pointer?A pointee type contains 2 things: an int, and a pointer to another NodeThis structure can be build using only the rules of pointee allocation, dereferencing, and assignment that we have seenDeclaration of Node: struct Node { int value; struct Node* next; };The basic steps for using NodeAllocate three pointers: x for the first Node, and temporary pointers y and z for the other two Nodes. Allocate three Node pointees and store references to them in the three pointers. Dereference each pointer to store the appropriate number into the value field in its pointee. Dereference each pointer to access the .next field in its pointee, and use pointer assignment to set the .next field to point to the appropriate Node. Structures & Pointers used in the programFuture RecomendationsMake the number of subjects adjustable.More filter optionsOpen and save data in a file.THANK YOU!
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