Cấp cứu & xử trí đột quỵ cấp - Hoàng Bùi Hải
Stroke: 5th leading cause of death in the United States,
with 1 person dying every 4 min. Approximately 800,000
people have a stroke each year; 1 every 40 seconds.
There are three main kinds of stroke:
1. Ischemic strokes
2. Hemorrhagic strokes
3. Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), also referred to as
CẤP CỨU & XỬ TRÍ ĐỘT QUỴ CẤP FOR ADVANCED NURSING CARE TS.BS. Hoàng Bùi Hải Khoa Cấp cứu & HSTC, BV Đại học Y Hà Nội Bộ môn Hồi sức Cấp cứu, Đại học Y Hà Nội Thanh Hoá, 06/10/2017 Stroke: 5th leading cause of death in the United States, with 1 person dying every 4 min. Approximately 800,000 people have a stroke each year; 1 every 40 seconds. There are three main kinds of stroke: 1. Ischemic strokes 2. Hemorrhagic strokes 3. Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), also referred to as mini-strokes https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/7624.php Time is brain • 1.9 million neurons are lost each minute after a stroke • Protect ischaemic penumbra Stroke 2006 MỤC TIÊU & THỜI GIAN 1. NIHSS 2. Scored 0-42, 11 Items Evaluation and Diagnosis of AIS Immediate diagnostic studies ECG, Glucose, O2 sat, Chem 7, CBC, Troponin, PT, INR, aPTT (Class I, LOE B); Only blood glucose must precede IV rtPA administration, unless there is suspicion of a bleeding abnormality or coagulation abnormality (e.g, use of warfarin) Emergency Evaluation and Diagnosis of AIS Jauch EC, et al. Stroke. 2013;44(3):870-947 ‘Time is Brain’ - Stroke Pathway Triage, FAST test Speedy call to Stroke Team (whatever severity) Rapid admission to ASU Cerebral infarct - onset Onset Infarct Ischaemic penumbra Cerebral infarct – 6 hours 6 Hours Infarct Ischaemic penumbra Cerebral infarct – 24 hours 24 Hours Infarct Ischaemic penumbra Without thrombolysis 2hrs ACUTE STROKE MANAGEMENT ABC Airway Breathing Circulation After ABC GCS ECG Blood glucose Fluid access Hydration Bloods Nil by Mouth Transfer to CT, MRI-continue ABC Thrombolysis • Must be given within 4.5 hours of stroke • Strict inclusion criteria • Licensed for IV use in under 80’s • Dramatic increase in post-stroke quality of life Thrombolysis Alteplase rTPA 0.6mg /Kg 15% of total dose –Bolus 2-3 mins 90% of total dose –Infuse over 60 mins rTPA Alteplase Do not mix t-PA with any other medications. Do not use IV tubing with infusion filters. All patients must be on a cardiac monitor When infusion is complete, saline flush with Normal saline t-PA must be used within 8 hours of mixing when stored at room temperature or within 24 hours if refrigerated Complications of Thrombolysis Intra -cerebral haemorrhage-1.7% (1 in 77 patients) 0.28% fatal Bleeding-minor bleeding is common (IV site) Anaphylaxis- 1% Angiodoema 1.3% Major Heamorrhage 0.4% Angioedema Can thiệp lấy huyết khối • Can thiệp lấy huyết khối qua đường động mạch bằng dụng cụ cơ học (tại phòng can thiệp) • Cân nhắc chỉ định can thiệp nội mạch lấy huyết khối ngay sau khi khởi động quá trìnhdùng thuốc tiêu sợi huyết (nếu bệnh nhân có chỉ định dùng thuốc tiêu sợi huyết). Can thiệp nội mạch lấy huyết khối Tắc các động mạch lớn đoạn ngoài hoặc trong sọ: ĐM cảnh trong, não giữa đoạn M1; thân nền; não sau đoạn P1. >18 tuổi Modified RANKIN trước đột quỵ: 0 hoặc 1 Khởi phát ≤ 6 giờ. Mở rộng hơn, đối với động mạch thân nền và não sau, đến 8 giờ. NIHSS ≥ 6 điểm Điểm ASPECTS ≥ 6 điểm (đối với DWI-MRI ), ASPECTS ≥ 7 điểm (đối với CTScanner không tiêm cản quang). MONITORING First 24 hours 30% of all stroke patients will deteriorate in the first 24hours Stroke 2009 Monitor GCS Ability to engage with immediate surroundings Standardised stimuli E1-E4 V1-V5 M1-M6 Best and Worst Score GCS 15- E4 V5 M6 Awake, alert and fully responsive GCS 3-E1 V1 M1 No cerebrally mediated response to stimulus NIHSS - A Research Tool Fifteen item impairment scale • Neurological outcome • Degree of recovery Physiological Monitoring 1. Hypoxia Respirations Saturations <92% Associated with neurological deterioration 2. Temperature >38C must be treated. -associated with infarct volume 3. Arrhythmias Continuous ECG Early detection and treatment of AF Right hemisphere /insular lesions Physiological Monitoring contd 4.Blood pressure Non thrombolysed patients BP Not treated unless: Systolic >220mmHg or Diastolic >120mmHg with 2 consecutive readings Thrombolysed patients BP is treated if: Systolic >185mmHg or Diastolic >110mmHg with 2 consecutive readings Abrupt fall in BP may affect cerebral perfusion pressure Physiological Monitoring contd 5.Blood Sugar • Hyperglycaemia BM>10 treat & monitor • Hypoglycaemia –immediate treatment with glucose Hyperglycaemia is associated with poor clinical outcome Physiological Monitoring Contd 6. Hydration Glucose Cerebral perfusion 7. Anuria Polyuria Circulatory failure Complications of Stroke Aspiration Pneumonia Urinary infection DVT Pulmonary Embolus Shoulder subluxation Depression Malnourishment Pressure sores Falls Seizures Swallow Complications (Dysphagia) Chest Infection Aspiration Pneumonias 50% are silent • Swallow screen • Nil by mouth first 24hours • Guided eating & drinking regime • Encourage to cough • Sitting out of bed • Mobilisation Mouth Care Increased risk of infection Pain and discomfort Effects swallow • Gentle mouth care • Adequate hydration • Gentle tooth brushing Head Position Controversial • Head in a neutral position • Flat if tolerated. • Or 30 –40 degrees • Aids venous drainage & improves cerebral perfusion Bladder &Bowels Urinary incontinence Urinary infection • Avoid catheters • Early plan of care • Adequate hydration • Bowels • Privacy & dignity Psychological Support • Assess mood • Recognise grief/loss • Talk • Engage with family • Interests • Timely realistic goals • Refer Pressure Sores • Air mattress • Two hourly turns • Nutrition • Hydration • Personal hygiene Deep Vein Thrombosis • Early mobilisation • Low molecular weight heparin • Compression devices • TED stockings not beneficial in stroke patients Clots Trial 2009 Positioning Loss of sensation Loss of power Subluxation Supportive IV lines and BP cuffs avoided on affected limb Assess moving and handling Good technique Nutrition Malnourishment associated with poor outcome • Weight • MUST assessment • Naso gastric tube • History of patients eating habits Controversial • When to commence invasive feeding regime TAKE HOME MESSAGES Đột quỵ nhồi máu não là chính Tme is brain NIHSS (0-42 pts, 11 items) Tiêu sợi huyết cho đột quỵ NMN < 4.5 giờ Tiêu sợi huyết + lấy huyết khối qua catheter: Tắc ĐM cảnh, M1, não sau và thân nền Theo dõi các biến chứng: 24h đầu, thường gặp nhất. Dự phòng các biến chứng. XIN CHÂN THÀNH CẢM ƠN!
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