Bài giảng Vi xử lý - Chương 5: Thiết kế hệ vi xử lý (Phần 2)
LCD is gaining popular and replacing LEDs
(7-segment ), due to
1. declining price
2. the ability to display numbers, characters,
and graphics
3. relieving the CPU task by incorporating a
refreshing controller
4. ease of programming for characters and
graphics (OLED is the coming display)
4/4/2011 1 1 Chương 5 Thiết kế hệ vi xử lý 2 5.6 Giao tiếp bộ hiển thị (Display) 5.6.2 Giao tiếp với LCD 4/4/2011 2 3 LCD controller 4 LCD Operation LCD is gaining popular and replacing LEDs (7-segment ), due to 1. declining price 2. the ability to display numbers, characters, and graphics 3. relieving the CPU task by incorporating a refreshing controller 4. ease of programming for characters and graphics (OLED is the coming display) 4/4/2011 3 5 LCD Pin Descriptions 14-pin LCD module is discussed here, table 12-1 lists pin’s function, Fig 12-1 shows the pin positions for various LCDs – Vcc, Vss provide +5V and ground – Vee is used for contrast controlling – RS (register select) is used to select the instruction command code register (RS = 0) or data register (RS = 1) – LCD command codes is listed at table 12-2 – R/W (read/write) allows user to write to (R/W = 0) or read from (R/W = 1) information – E (enable) latch information at data pins; when data is supplied to data pins, a high-to-low pulse must be applied to this pin – D0-D7 are the 8-bit data pins; send information to LCD (R/W = 0) and read contents of LCD internal registers (R/W = 1) – to display letters and numbers, ASCII codes are sent while RS = 1 6 4/4/2011 4 7 8 Pin diagrams – RS = 0, the command code register is selected, we can send instruction to LCD to perform clear, shift, blink – when RS = 0, and R/W = 1, D7 is busy flag, when D7 = 0, LCD is ready to receive new information; it is recommended to check the busy flag before writing any data to the LCD 4/4/2011 5 9 LCD Interfacing • Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) have become a cheap and easy way to display text for an embedded system – Various configurations (1 line by 20 characters upto 8 lines by 80 characters). • LCD needs a driving circuit to work. • Driving circuit and LCD are often integrated into a single chip Hitachi LM015 can display one line of 16 characters • The display has one register into which commands are sent and one register into which data to be displayed are sent • Two registers are differentiated by the RS input • Data lines (DB7-DB0) are used to transfer both commands (clearing, cursor positioning, etc) and data (character to be displayed) 10 Alphanumeric LCD Interfacing • Pinout – 8 data pins D7:D0 – RS: Data or Command Register Select – R/W: Read or Write – E: Enable (Latch data) • RS – Register Select – RS = 0 Command Register – RS = 1 Data Register • R/W = 0 Write, R/W = 1 Read • E – Enable – Used to latch the data present on the data pins. • D0 – D7 – Bi-directional data/command pins. – Alphanumeric characters are sent in ASCII format. E R/W RS DB7–DB0 LCD controller communications bus Microcontroller 8 LCD Module 4/4/2011 6 11 LCD Commands • The LCD’s internal controller can accept several commands and modify the display accordingly. These commands would be things like: – Clear screen – Return home – Decrement/Increment cursor • After writing to the LCD, it takes some time for it to complete its internal operations. During this time, it will not accept any new commands or data. – We need to insert time delay between any two commands or data sent to LCD 12 Interfacing LCD with 8051 LM015 8051 P1.7-P1.0 D7-D0 RW RS E P3.4 P3.5 P3.3 4/4/2011 7 13 Interfacing LCD with 8051 In main program: . . . MOV A, COMMAND CALL CMD CALL DELAY MOV A, ANOTHER_CMD CALL CMD CALL DELAY MOV A, #’A’ CALL DATA CALL DELAY MOV A, #’B’ CALL DATA CALL DELAY . Command and Data Write Routines DATA: MOV P1, A ; A is ascii data SETB P3.3 ; RS=1 data CLR P3.4 ; RW=0 for write SETB P3.5 ; H->L pulse on E CLR P3.5 RET CMD: MOV P1, A ; A has the cmd word CLR P3.3 ; RS=0 for cmd CLR P3.4 ; RW=0 for write SETB P3.5 ; H->L pulse on E CLR P3.5 RET 14 4/4/2011 8 15 16 4/4/2011 9 17 18 LCD 4/4/2011 10 19 LCD Timing 20 4/4/2011 11 21 22 Stepper Motors • more accurately controlled than a normal motor allowing fractional turns or n revolutions to be easily done • low speed, and lower torque than a comparable D.C. motor • useful for precise positioning for robotics • Servomotors require a position feedback signal for control 4/4/2011 12 23 Stepper Motor Diagram 24 Stepper Motor Step Angles 4/4/2011 13 25 Terminology • Steps per second, RPM – SPS = (RPM * SPR) /60 • Number of teeth • 4-step, wave drive 4-step, 8-step • Motor speed (SPS) • Holding torque 26 Stepper Motor Types – Variable Reluctance – Permanent Magnet 4/4/2011 14 27 Variable Reluctance Motors 28 Variable Reluctance Motors • This is usually a four wire motor – the common wire goes to the +ve supply and the windings are stepped through • Our example is a 30o motor • The rotor has 4 poles and the stator has 6 poles • Example 4/4/2011 15 29 Variable Reluctance Motors • To rotate we excite the 3 windings in sequence – W1 - 1001001001001001001001001 – W2 - 0100100100100100100100100 – W3 - 0010010010010010010010010 • This gives two full revolutions 30 Unipolar Motors 4/4/2011 16 31 Unipolar Motors • To rotate we excite the 2 windings in sequence – W1a - 1000100010001000100010001 – W1b - 0010001000100010001000100 – W2a - 0100010001000100010001000 – W2b - 0001000100010001000100010 • This gives two full revolutions 32 Basic Actuation Wave Forms 4/4/2011 17 33 Unipolar Motors • To rotate we excite the 2 windings in sequence – W1a - 1100110011001100110011001 – W1b - 0011001100110011001100110 – W2a - 0110011001100110011001100 – W2b - 1001100110011001100110011 • This gives two full revolutions at 1.4 times greater torque but twice the power 34 Enhanced Waveforms • better torque • more precise control 4/4/2011 18 35 Unipolar Motors • The two sequences are not the same, so by combining the two you can produce half stepping – W1a - 11000001110000011100000111 – W1b - 00011100000111000001110000 – W2a - 01110000011100000111000001 – W2b - 00000111000001110000011100 36 Motor Control Circuits • For low current options the ULN200x family of Darlington Arrays will drive the windings direct. 4/4/2011 19 37 Interfacing to Stepper Motors 38 Example (với 80x86) 4/4/2011 20 39 Giao tiếp với DAC 40 4/4/2011 21 41 42 4/4/2011 22 43 44 4/4/2011 23 45 46 4/4/2011 24 47 48 Digital to Analog Converter 4/4/2011 25 49 Example – Step Ramp 50 Giao tiếp với ADC 4/4/2011 26 51 52 4/4/2011 27 53 54 4/4/2011 28 55 56 4/4/2011 29 57 58 4/4/2011 30 59 60 4/4/2011 31 61 62 Analog to Digital 4/4/2011 32 63 Vin Range 64 Timing Diagram for ADC transaction 4/4/2011 33 65 CLK IN and CLK R 66 External clocking scheme for ADC0804 4/4/2011 34 67 Assembly for ADC0804 68 Interfacing ADC 4/4/2011 35 69 Example (với 80x86) 70 8051 giao tiếp với ADC 4/4/2011 36 71 Temperature Sensor 72 ADC0808/0809: multi-(analog)-channel 4/4/2011 37 73 Pin interface on ADC0808/0809 74 Timing Diagram for the ADC0809 4/4/2011 38 75 Schematic for 8051 connected to ADC0809 up to 8 inputs selects input 76 Reference voltages 4/4/2011 39 77 Single-ended vs Differential Pair input 78 Digital vs Analog Ground 4/4/2011 40 79 Assembly for ADC0809 80 Assembly for ADC0809 (2/2) 4/4/2011 41 81 Printer Connection 82 IO Base Address for LPT 4/4/2011 42 83 Printer’s Ports 84 Useful Links • • • • rs.php
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