Bài giảng Vi xử lý - Chương 3: Vi điều khiển. Họ vi điều khiển 8051 (Phần 6)
Assembly Language Programming
Assembler Operation
Assembly Language Program Format
Assemble-Time Expression Evaluation
Assembler Directives
Assembler Controls
Linker Operation
Linking Relocatable Segments and Modules
data space)EPROM SEGMENT CODE (declares that EPROM is a code segment. To actually begin using this segment, the RSEG directive is used)2021/10/2416T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUSymbol Definition EQU and SET -- numberssymbol EQU expression (assigns a numeric value to a specific symbol name) N27 EQU 27 HERE EQU $ MESSAGE: DB ‘This is a message’ LENGTH EQU $-MESSAGEsymbol SET expression (similar to EQU except that symbol can be redefined later using another SET directive)2021/10/2417T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUSymbol Definition DATA, IDATA, XDATA, BIT, & CODE: assign addresses of the corresponding segment type to a symbol.e.g., FLAG1 EQU 05H FLAG2 BIT 05H SETB FLAG1 SETB FLAG2 MOV FLAG1,#0 MOV FLAG2,#0(error message: data segment address expected)2021/10/2418T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUStorage Initialization/Reservation DS (define storage)[label:] DS expression (reserves spaces in byte units, can be used in any segment type except BIT) DSEG AT 30H ;put in data segment ;(absolute , internal)LENGTH EQU 40BUFFER: DS LENGTH ;reserve 40 bytes MOV R7,#LENGTH MOV R0,#BUFFER ;R0=30HLOOP: MOV @R0,#0 INC R0 DJNZ R7,LOOP2021/10/2419T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUStorage Initialization/Reservation Create 1000 bytes in external RAM at 4000HXSTART EQU 4000HXLENGTH EQU 1000 XSEG AT XSTART ;put I data segment ;(absolute , internal)XBUFFER: DS XLENGTH ;reserve 40 bytes MOV DPTR,#XBUFFERLOOP: CLR A MOV @DPTR,A INC DPTR MOV A,DPL CJNE A,#LOW(XBUFFER + XLENGTH + 1),LOOP MOV A,DPH CJNE A,#HIGH(XBUFFER + XLENGTH + 1),LOOP (continue)2021/10/2420T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUStorage Initialization/Reservation DBIT: reserve space in bit units[label:] DBIT expression BSEG ;bit segment, absolute (00H-7FH)KBFLAG: DBIT 1 ;keyboard statusPRFLAG: DBIT 1 ;printer statusDKFLAG: DBIT 1 ;disk statusDB (define byte): initialize code memory w bye values[label:] DB expression [,expression] [] CSEG AT 0100HSQUARES: DB 0,1,4,9,16,25 ;squares of number 0-5MESSAGE: DB ‘Login:’,0 ;null-terminated char stringDW (define word)[label:] DW expression [,expression] [] CSEG AT 0200H DW $,’A’,1234H,2,’BC’ ;02 00 00 41 12 34 00 ;02 42 432021/10/2421T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUProgram Linkage Allows separately assembled modules (files) to communicate by permitting intermodule referencing and naming of the modulesPUBLIC (declare public for other modules to reference) PUBLIC symbol [,symbol] []allows the list of specified symbols to be known and used outside the currently assembled module.EXTRN (declare symbols defined outside current module) EXTRN symbol [,symbol] []EXTRN CODE(HELLO,GOOD_BYE)CALL HELLOCALL GOOD_BYEEND PUBLIC HELLO,GOOD_BYE HELLO: (begin sub) ... RETGOOD_BYE: (begin sub) RETMAIN.SRCMESSAGE.SRC2021/10/2422T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUSegment Selection RSEG (selecting relocatable segment) RSEG segment_namesegment_name is previously defined by SEGMENT directive.Selecting Absolute Segments CSEG [AT address] DSEG [AT address] ISEG [AT address] BSEG [AT address] XSEG [AT address]Each segment has its own location counter which is set to 0 initially2021/10/2423T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUSegment Selection LOC OBJ LINE SOURCE 1 ONCHIP SEGMENT DATA 2 EPROM SEGMENT CODE 3---- 4 BSEG AT 70H ;begin abs bit seg0070 5 FLAG1: DBIT 10071 6 FLAG2 DBIT 1 7---- 8 RSEG ONCHIP ;begin relocatable data seg0000 9 TOTAL: DS 10001 10 COUNT: DS 10002 11 SUM16: DS 2 12---- 13 RSEG EPROM ;begin relocatable code seg0000 750000 F 14 BEGIN: MOV TOTAL,#0 15 (continue program) 16 END2021/10/2424T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUAssembler ControlsEstablish the format of the listing and object files. Controls the look of listing file, without having any effect on the program.Can be entered on the invocation line or placed in the source program (preceded with $)Primary controls and general controlse.g., DATE, INCLUDE, LIST, MACRO(50), XREF2021/10/2425T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUAssembler ControlsNAMEPrimary/GeneralDEFAULT Abbrev.MeaningDATE(date)PDATA()DAPlaces string in header (9 Char. max.) DEBUGPNODEBUGDBOutputs debug symbol information to object file NODEBUGPNODEBUGNODBSymbol information not placed in object file EJECTGNot applicableEJContinue listing on next page ERRORPRINTPNOERRORPRINTEPDesignates a file to receive error Messages in addition to the listing file (defaults to console) NOERRORPRINTPNOERRORPRINTNOEPDesignates that error messages will be printed in listing file onlyGENPGENONLYGOList only the fully expanded source as if all lines generated by a macro call were already in the source file2021/10/2426T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUAssembler ControlsGENONLYGGENONLYNOGEList only the original source text in the listing file INCLUDE(file)GNot applicableICDesignates a file to be included as part of the programLISTGNOLISTLIPrint subsequent lines of source code in listing fileNOLISTGNOLISTNOLIDo not print subsequent lines of source code in listing fileMACRO(mem_percent)PMACRO(50)MREvaluate and expand all macro calls. Allocate percentage of free memory for macro processingNOMACROPMACRO(50)NOMRDo not evaluate macro callsMOD51PMOD51MORecognize the 8051-specific predefined special function registersNOMOD51PMOD51NOMODo not recognize 8051-specific predefined special function registers 2021/10/2427T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUAssembler ControlsOBJECT(file)POBJECT(source.OBJ)OJDesignates file to receive object codeNOOBJECTPOBJECT(source.OBJ)NOOJDesignates that no object file will be createdPAGINGPPAGINGPIDesignates that listing file be broken into pages and each will have a headerNOPAGINGPPAGINGNOPIDesignates that listing file will contain no page breaksPAGELENGTHPPAGELENGTH(60)PLSets maximum number of lines in each page of listing file (range = 10 to 65,536)PAGEWIDTHPPAGEWIDTH(120)PWSets maximum number of characters in each line of listing file (range = 72 to 132)PRINT(file)PPRINT(source.LST)PRDesignates file to receive source listingNOPRINTPPRINT(source.LST)NOPRDesignates that no listing file will be created2021/10/2428T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUAssembler ControlsSAVEGNot applicableSAStores current control settings from SAVE stackRESTOREGNot applicableRSRestores control settings from SAVE stackREGISTERBANK(rb,..)PREGISTERBANK(0)RBIndicates one or more banks used in program moduleNOREGISTERBANKPREGISTERBANK(0)NORBIndicates that no register banks are usedSYMBOLSPSYMBOLSSBCreates a formatted table of all symbols used in programNOSYMBOLSPSYMBOLSNOSBDesignates that no symbol table is createdTITLE(string)GTITLE()TTPlaces a string in all subsequent page headers (max. 60 characters)WORKFILES(path)PSame as sourceWFDesignates alternate path for temporary workfiles2021/10/2429T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUAssembler ControlsXREFPNOXREFXRCreates a cross reference listing of all symbols used in programNOXREFPNOXREFNOXRDesignates that no cross reference list is created2021/10/2430T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHULinker OperationsIntel RL51: links modules into an output file: RL51 input_list [TO output_file] [location_controls] input_list: a list of relocatable object modules (files) separated by commas. Output_file: the name of the output absolute object module (executable program). Location controls: set start addresses for the named segments.e.g., RL51 MAIN.OBJ,MESSAGE.OBJ, SUBROUTINE.OBJ TO EXAMPLE & CODE (EPROM(4000H)) DATA(ONCHIP(30H))2021/10/2431T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHULinker Operations2021/10/2432T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUAnnotated Example: ECHO.LST2021/10/2433T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUAnnotated Example: ECHO.LST2021/10/2434T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUAnnotated Example: IO.LST2021/10/2435T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUAnnotated Example2021/10/2436T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUAnnotated Example2021/10/2437T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUAnnotated Example2021/10/2438T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUAnnotated Example: ECHO+IO2021/10/2439T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHU2021/10/2440T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUMACROSMacro allows frequently used sections of code to be defined once using a simple mnemonic and used anywhere in the program by inserting the mnemonic.ASM51’s MPL: string replacement.%DEFINE (call_pattern) (macro_body)%DEFINE (PUSH_DPTR) (PUSH DPH PUSH DPL)%PUSH_DPTR will be replaced by PUSH DPH and PUSH DPL two instructions in the .LST file2021/10/2441T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUAdvantages of Using MacrosMore readableThe source program is shorter and requires less typingUsing macros reduces bugsUsing macros frees the programmer from dealing with low-level details2021/10/2442T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUParameter Passing%DEFINE (macro_name(parameter_list)) (macro_body)%DEFINE (CMPA# (VALUE)) (CJNE A,#%VALUE, $ + 3 )%CMPA# (20H) = CJNE A,#20H,$+32021/10/2443T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUParameter PassingJUMP if A is greater than X:%DEFINE (macro_name(parameter_list)) (macro_body)%DEFINE (JGT(VALUE,LABEL)) (CJNE A,#%VALUE+1, $ + 3 ; JNC %LABEL ;JGT )%JGT(‘Z’,GREATER_THAN)2021/10/2444T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHULocal Labels%DEFINE (macro_name [(parameter_list)]) [LOCAL list_of_local_labels] (macro_body)%DEFINE (DEC_DPTR) LOCAL SKIP (DEC DPL MOV A,DPL CJNE A,#0FFH,%SKIP DEC DPH %SKIP: )2021/10/2445T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHULocal Labels%DEC_DPTR = DEC DPL MOV A,DPL CJNE A,#0FFH, SKIP00 DEC DPH SKIP00:Side effect: A is used and changed2021/10/2446T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUPreserve A by Push-Pop%DEFINE (DEC_DPTR) LOCAL SKIP (PUSH A DEC DPL MOV A,DPL CJNE A,#0FFH,%SKIP DEC DPH %SKIP: POP A )2021/10/2447T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHURepeat Operations-- Built-in Macros%REPEAT (expression) (text)%REPEAT (100) (NOP )2021/10/2448T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHUControl Flow OperationsConditional Assembly in ASM51: %IF (expression) THEN (balanced_text) [ELSE (balanced_text)]INTERNAL EQU 1 ;1=8051 serial I/O drivers . ;0=8251 serial I/O drivers %IF (INTERNAL) THEN(INCHAR: . ;8051 driver .OUTCHR: . . ) ELSE(INCHAR: . ;8251 driver .OUTCHR: . . )2021/10/2449T. L. Jong, Dept. of E.E., NTHU
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