Bài giảng Tối ưu hóa vận hành hệ thống điện - Chapter 1: Concept and definition - Võ Ngọc Điều
Electric Capacity is a term that defines the rated continuous loadcarrying ability, expressed in megawatts (MW) or megavolt-amperes
(MVA) of generation, transmission, or other electrical equipment
• Electric Energy is the term that defines the generation or use of
electric power by a device over a period of time. It is expressed in
kilowatt-hours (kWh), megawatt-hours (MWh), or gigawatt-hours
• In context of electric circuits, the term ‘load’ refers to any device in
which power is being dissipated (i.e. consumed)
• In larger context of the power system, loads are usually modeled in an
aggregated way rather than an individual appliance. Load may refer to
an entire household, a city block or all the customers within a certain
r response. As the load demand of the power system increases, the speed of generators will decrease and this will reduce the system frequency. Similarly, as system load demand decreases, the speed of the system generators would increase and this will increase the system frequency. The power system frequency control must be maintained for the power system grid to remain stable. • Online Load Flow (OLF): This function generally utilizes the output of network topology, i.e. the real time network model, and the bus injections from state estimation for purpose of security monitoring, security analysis and penalty factor calculations. This function performs “if then condition” to determine the possible system states (voltages) in face of system outages such as loss of a line due to weather condition or sudden loss of a generator. 10 2/16/2014 6 Operation ControlCont’d. • Economic Dispatch Calculation: Economic dispatch calculation of a power system determines the loading of each generator on a minute-by-minute basis so as to minimize the operating costs. • Operating Reserve Calculation: The objective of operating reserve calculation is to calculate the actual reserve carried by each unit and to check whether or not there is a sufficient reserve in a system. The operating reserve consists of spinning reserve (synchronized), non- spinning reserve (non-synchronized), and interruptible load. 11 Operation Philosophy - Important Terms - • Stability: - Continuance of intact operation following a disturbance. It depends on the operating condition and the nature of the physical disturbance. • Security: - Degree of risk in power system ability to survive imminent disturbances (contingencies) without interruption of customer service. It relates to robustness of the system to imminent disturbances and, hence, depends on the system operating condition as well as the contingent probability of disturbances. • Reliability: - Probability of power system satisfactory operation over the long run. It denotes the ability to supply adequate electric service on a nearly continuous basis, with few interruptions over an extended time period. 12 2/16/2014 7 Operation Philosophy - Threats of Power Systems Security - • Frequency instability - is inability of a power system to maintain steady frequency within the operating limits - it is in its nature rather a tracking than truly a stability control problem • Voltage instability - the inability of a power system to maintain steady acceptable voltages at all buses - system enters a state of voltage instability when a disturbance, increase in load demand, or change in system conditions causes a progressive and uncontrollable drop in voltage. 13 Operation Philosophy - Threats of Power Systems Security - • Transient angular instability - inability of the power system to maintain synchronism when subjected to a severe transient disturbance • Small-signal angular instability - inability of the power system to maintain synchronism under small disturbances - modes: • local • Inter-area • Cascading spreading of components overloads and outages 14 2/16/2014 8 Operation Philosophy - Operation States - - Normal – no equipment overloaded. The system can withstand any contingency without violating any of constraints. - Alert – no equipment overloaded yet. The system is weakened - a contingency may cause an overloading of equipment, resulting in emergency state. - Emergency – Some equipment overloaded. If no control action executed, system progresses into In Extremis. - In Extremis – Cascading spreading of system components outages resulting in partial or system-wide blackout. - Restoration – Energizing of the system or its parts and reconnection and resynchronization of system parts. 15 Operation Philosophy - Operation States - 16 2/16/2014 9 Operation Philosophy - Security - • Security: - “degree of risk in power system ability to survive imminent disturbances (contingencies) without interruption of customer service. It relates to robustness of the system to imminent disturbances and, hence, depends on the system operating condition as well as the contingent probability of disturbances.” - Normal state is secure - All other states are insecure • The transition/border between Normal and Alert state is expressed by N – 1 criterion: - Outage of a single component can not lead to violation of operation limits of any other component. 17 Operation Philosophy - Preventive Control - • Preventive Control: - to keep the system in Normal state - to bring the system back into Normal state - Hierarchical automatic control: • Frequency control •Voltage control - Centralized manual control: • Decision support tools • Operator judgment 18 2/16/2014 10 Operation Philosophy - Preventive Control - • Preventive control measures: - Generation redispatch (change of active power production of generators) - Change of reference points of controllable devices (e.g. FACTS, phase-shifting transformers) - Start-up of generation units - Change of voltage reference points of generators and voltage control devices (e.g. StaticVar Compensator) - Switching of shunt elements (e.g. reactors, capacitors) - Change of substation configuration (e.g. busbars splitting) 19 Operation Philosophy - Emergency Control - • Emergency control: - to stop the further system degradation and failure propagation - to bring the system back into Alert state - Protection based systems • Under frequency load shedding (UFLS) schemes • Under voltage load shedding (UVLS) schemes • System Protection Schemes (SPS) - Damping control 20 2/16/2014 11 Operation Philosophy - Emergency Control - • Emergency control measures: - Tripping of generators - Fast generation reduction through fast-valving or water diversion - Fast HVDC power transfer control - Load shedding - Controlled opening of interconnection to neighboring systems to prevent spreading of frequency problems - Controlled islanding of local system into separate areas with generation-load balance - Blocking of tap changer of transformers - Insertion of a breaking resistor 21 Day-ahead Planning - Time Scale Decomposition - 22 2/16/2014 12 Day-ahead Planning - Day Ahead Operation Planning - • Construction of the base case plan (i.e. loading and generation) for the coming day (0:00 – 24:00, basic unit is 1 hour): - Expected loads’ values - Scheduled generators’ production - Limitations of the transmission system are not considered yet ! 23 Day-ahead Planning - Day Ahead Operation Planning - • Security considerations and possible adjustments of the base case plan - Scheduled outages (i.e. expected topology) - Security Assessment of the base case plan, i.e. compliance with N-1 - Modifications of the base case plan, if needed: • Generation redispatch • Topology changes (including maintenance disapprovals) 24 2/16/2014 13 Day-ahead Planning - Regulated markets => vertically integrated utility - • Construction of the Base Case Plan - Load forecast - Generation dispatch (including basic generation, AGC participation and reserves allocation) • Security Considerations - Security Assessment of the base case plan, i.e. compliance with N-1 Criterion - If the base plan violates security constraints => Security constrained OPF (Optimal Power Flow) 25 Day-ahead Planning - Deregulated markets => TSO/ISO - • Construction of the Base Case Plan - Collection of long-term bilateral agreements - Clearance of day-ahead,AGC and balancing markets - Scheduling of AGC areas interchanges - Allocation of transmission capacity between systems • Security Considerations - Security Assessment of the base case plan, i.e. compliance with N-1 Criterion - If the base plan violates security constraints => Congestion Management 26 2/16/2014 14 Operation - On-line Operation - • On-line system state differs from the day-ahead forecast because: - Day-ahead plan unit is one hour - Load values vary - Contingencies: • Transmission components • Generators • Operator observes: - If the day-ahead plan is followed - System security: • Operator‘s judgment • On-line security assessment (either regular time intervals or ‘on demand‘) 27 Computations and Analysis • Activities: - Load forecast - Adequacy assessment - Security assessment - Short-circuit studies - Operation limits computation 28 2/16/2014 15 Preparation of Operation Procedures • Emergency Scenarios: - Recognition signs of a dangerous situation - Employment of necessary controls • System Restoration 29 Transmission System Operation Rules – Trans. Capacity • Definitions by ETSO: - NTC (Net Transfer capacity) – the maximum exchange program between two areas compatible with security standards applicable in both areas and taking into account technical uncertainties on future network conditions • NTC = TTC – TRM - AAC (Already Allocated Capacity) – total amount of allocated transmission rights, whether they are capacity or exchange programs depending on the allocation method - ATC (Available Transmission Capacity) – the part of NTC that remains available, after each phase of the allocation procedure, for further commercial activity • ATC = NTC - AAC 30 2/16/2014 16 Transmission System Operation Rules – Trans. Capacity • Important remarks: - There are two phases of activities related to trans. capacities: • planning phase – computation of NTC etc. • allocation phase – market mechanism - NTC does not consider transient stability dependent on clearing time ! - NTC considers all other stability and components overloads limits under N-1 criteria assumption - NTC is time dependent - NTC refers to an interface between two systems (i.e. may be several tie-lines) - NTC is theoretical value (parallel flows etc.) 31
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