Bài giảng Matlab ứng dụng - Phương trình vi phân thường
ài toán giá trị đầu :
¾Ví dụ định luật 2 Newton
¾Phương pháp Euler
¾Phương pháp điểm giữa
¾Phương pháp Runge-Kutta
Bài toán giá trị biên :
¾Ví dụ định luật 2 Newton
¾Phương pháp Euler
¾Phương pháp điểm giữa
¾Phương pháp Runge-Kutta
¾Phương trình vi phân cấp 2 :
¾Phương trình vi phân cấp 4
1.0 1.5 1.8 2.0 3.0 3.5 4.5 α maxρ a) Luật Parabol b) Luật tổ hợp tuyến tính 32 2 1 cxcxc ++ xc x c 2 1 + TS N g u y ễ n H o à i S ơ n Matlab program clear all clc alpha=[1 1.5 1.8 2.0 3.0 3.5 4.5]'; rho= [0.098158 0.075798 0.066604 0.049851 0.046624 0.04189 0.0346]'; % luật parabol qua 7 điểm: c1x^2+c2x+c3 A=[alpha.^2 alpha ones(size(alpha))]; disp(A'*A) disp(A'*rho) c =(A'*A)\(A'*rho) % vẽ đồ thị xfit=linspace(min(alpha),max(alpha)); yfit1=c(1)*xfit.^2+c(2)*xfit+c(3); % luật c1/x+c2x A=[1./alpha alpha]; c=(A'*A)\(A'*rho); xfit=linspace(min(alpha),max(alpha)); yfit2=c(1)./xfit+c(2)*xfit; plot(alpha,rho,'o',xfit,yfit1,'r',xfit,yfit2,'c') xlabel('alpha') ylabel('rho') title(‘rho=f(alpha)') legend(‘ dữ liệu đo đạc','luật parabol',luật tổ hợp') grid on TS N g u y ễ n H o à i S ơ n • II. Dùng tích phân số : • 1. Luật hình thang (Trapzoidal Rule) : ))()(( 2 )( 1 1 ii x x i xfxf h dxxf i i +≈ −∫ − x0 = a x1 x2 …. Xn-1 xn=b y f(x) x Eh E xfxf xfxfxfhI nn trap +⎟⎟⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜⎝ ⎛ ++ +++= − )()(2 .....)(2)(2)( 2 1 210 bxaxhiax N abh ni ==+=−= ,,*, 0 ( ) EfffffhI nntrap ++++++= −1210 2.....222 Ví dụ ∑ = +− +=−−≈ N i ii ii xxxxf N abE 1 11'' 3 3 2 ),()( 12 1 ∫∫ ⎟⎟⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜⎝ ⎛ ⎟⎠ ⎞⎜⎝ ⎛+== 2 0 222 0 2 1)( dxxdxxfS πTính tích phân: TS N g u y ễ n H o à i S ơ n Matlab program clear all clc N=16; a=0; b=2; h=(b-a)/N; S=0; for i=0:N x=a+i*h; if i==0 | i==N c=1; else c=2; end S=S+c*pi*(1+(x/2).^2).^2; end S=h*S/2 Kết qủa: -1.0341 -0.2609 -0.0654 -0.0163 -0.0040 -0.0010 12.7627 11.9895 11.7940 11.7449 11.7326 11.7296 1. 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 0.03125 2 4 8 16 32 64 EhShhN • 2. Luật Simpson 1/3 (Simpson Rule) : [ ]∫ +++== b a EbfxfafhdxxfS )()(4)( 3 )( 2 , 2 ,, 20 baxabhbxax +=−=== [ ]∫ +++== b a EfffhdxxfS 210 43 )( EbfihafihafafhS N i N i simp +⎥⎦ ⎤⎢⎣ ⎡ +++++= ∑ ∑− = − = 1 1 2 2 )()(2)(4)( 3 E xfxf xfxfxfxfhS nn simp +⎟⎟⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜⎝ ⎛ ++ ++++= − )()(4..... )(4)(2)(4)( 3 1 3210 ∑ = +− +==−≈ N i ii ii xxxNxfffhNE 1 11'''''''''''' 5 2 ,/)(, 902 TS N g u y ễ n H o à i S ơ n Matlab program clear all clc N=16; a=0; b=2; h=(b-a)/N; S=0; for i=0:N x=a+i*h; if i==0 | i==N c=1; elseif i==fix(i/2)*2+1 c=4; else c=2; end S=S+c*pi*(1+(x/2).^2).^2; end S=h*S/3 -0.0523 -0.0032 -0.0002 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 11.7809 11.7318 11.7288 11.7286 11.7286 11.7286 1. 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 0.03125 2 4 8 16 32 64 EhShhN Kết qủa: 1.32 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 Số phân đoạn 1.32 1.31 5 1.31 1.30 5 1.3 1.29 5 1.29 Luật Simpson Luật hình thang Chính xác Giá trị tích phân TS N g u y ễ n H o à i S ơ n Sai số phương pháp: TS N g u y ễ n H o à i S ơ n 3. Tích phân Gauss (Gauss quadrature): )()()()( 2211 1 1 nn xfwxfwxfwdxxfI +++≈= ∫− L clear all clc format long x1=-0.861136; x2=-0.339981; x3=0.339981; x4=0.861136; % ------trọng số------------------------------------ w1=0.347855; w2=0.652145; w3=0.652145; w4=0.347855; f1=w1*gauss1(x1); f2=w2*gauss1(x2); f3=w3*gauss1(x3); f4=w4*gauss1(x4); m=f1+f2+f3+f4 %-------------------------------------------------------------------- function ff=gauss1(x) ff=400*x^5-900*x^4+675*x^3-200*x^2+25*x+0.2; kết quả: I=-4.929329328775451e+002 Ví dụ: ∫ − +−+−+= 1 1 5432 )400900675200252.0( dxxxxxxI Tính với 4 điểm Gauss: Matlab program TS N g u y ễ n H o à i S ơ n MATLAB - FEM Bài tập 3.4 clear all; clc; close all echo off %------------------------------------------------------------- Edof=[1 1 2 3 4 5 6; 2 4 5 6 7 8 9]; %------------------------------------------------------------- K=zeros(9); f=zeros(9,1); f(8)=-88.9/2; %------------------------------------------------------------- h=17.9; tw=0.315; bf=6.015;tf=0.525; A=2*tf*bf+tw*(h-2*tf); I=2.5e-2; E=2.1e8; L=6.1; ep=[E A I]; Ex=[0 L; L 3*L/2]; Ey=zeros(2,2); Eq=zeros(2,2); %------------------------------------------------------------- for i=1:2 [Ke,fe]=beam2e(Ex(i,:),Ey(i,:),ep); [K,f]=assem(Edof(i,:),K,Ke,f,fe); end Ed=extract(Edof,a); [es1,edi1,eci1]=beam2s(Ex(1,:),Ey(1,:),ep,Ed(1,:),Eq(1,:),20); [es2,edi2,eci2]=beam2s(Ex(2,:),Ey(2,:),ep,Ed(2,:),Eq(2,:),10); %------------------------------------------------------------- %------------------------------------------------------------- bc=[1 0;2 0;4 0;5 0;7 0;9 0]; a=solveq(K,f,bc); %------------------------------------------------------------- function [Ke,fe]=beam2e(ex,ey,ep,eq); %--------------------------------------------------------------------- % INPUT: % ex = [x1 x2] % ey = [y1 y2] element node coordinates % % ep = [E A I] element properties % E: Young's modulus % A: Cross section area % I: Moment of inertia % % eq = [qx qy] distributed loads, local directions % % OUTPUT: Ke : element stiffness matrix (6 x 6) % fe : element load vector (6 x 1) %------------------------------------------------------------- b=[ ex(2)-ex(1); ey(2)-ey(1) ]; L=sqrt(b'*b); n=b/L; TS N g u y ễ n H o à i S ơ n MATLAB - FEM E=ep(1); A=ep(2); I=ep(3); qx=0; qy=0; if nargin>3; qx=eq(1); qy=eq(2); end Kle=[E*A/L 0 0 -E*A/L 0 0 ; 0 12*E*I/L^3 6*E*I/L^2 0 -12*E*I/L^3 6*E*I/L^2; 0 6*E*I/L^2 4*E*I/L 0 -6*E*I/L^2 2*E*I/L; -E*A/L 0 0 E*A/L 0 0 ; 0 -12*E*I/L^3 -6*E*I/L^2 0 12*E*I/L^3 - 6*E*I/L^2; 0 6*E*I/L^2 2*E*I/L 0 -6*E*I/L^2 4*E*I/L]; fle=L*[qx/2 qy/2 qy*L/12 qx/2 qy/2 -qy*L/12]'; G=[n(1) n(2) 0 0 0 0; -n(2) n(1) 0 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 n(1) n(2) 0; 0 0 0 -n(2) n(1) 0; 0 0 0 0 0 1]; Ke=G'*Kle*G; fe=G'*fle; %--------------------------end------------------------------ function [K,f]=assem(edof,K,Ke,f,fe) %------------------------------------------------------------- % INPUT: edof: dof topology matrix % K : the global stiffness matrix % Ke: element stiffness matrix % f : the global force vector % fe: element force vector % % OUTPUT: K : the new global stiffness matrix % f : the new global force vector %------------------------------------------------------------- [nie,n]=size(edof); t=edof(:,2:n); for i = 1:nie K(t(i,:),t(i,:)) = K(t(i,:),t(i,:))+Ke; if nargin==5 f(t(i,:))=f(t(i,:))+fe; end end %--------------------------end-------------------------------- TS N g u y ễ n H o à i S ơ n MATLAB - FEM function [d,Q]=solveq(K,f,bc) % a=solveq(K,f) % [a,Q]=solveq(K,f,bc) %------------------------------------------------------------- % PURPOSE % Solve static FE-equations considering boundary conditions. % % INPUT: K : global stiffness matrix, dim(K)= nd x nd % f : global load vector, dim(f)= nd x 1 % % bc : boundary condition matrix % dim(bc)= nbc x 2, nbc : number of b.c.'s % % OUTPUT: a : solution including boundary values % Q : reaction force vector % dim(a)=dim(Q)= nd x 1, nd : number of dof's %------------------------------------------------------------- if nargin==2 ; d=K\f ; elseif nargin==3; [nd,nd]=size(K); fdof=[1:nd]'; % d=zeros(size(fdof)); Q=zeros(size(fdof)); % pdof=bc(:,1); dp=bc(:,2); fdof(pdof)=[]; s=K(fdof,fdof)\(f(fdof)-K(fdof,pdof)*dp); %A=K(fdof,fdof); %B=(f(fdof)-K(fdof,pdof)*dp); %s=pcg(A,B); % d(pdof)=dp; d(fdof)=s; end Q=K*d-f; %--------------------------end-------------------------------- function [ed]=extract(edof,a) %------------------------------------------------------------- % PURPOSE % Extract element displacements from the global % displacement % vector according to the topology matrix edof. % INPUT: a: the global displacement vector % edof: topology matrix % OUTPUT: ed: element displacement matrix %------------------------------------------------------------- [nie,n]=size(edof); t=edof(:,2:n); % for i = 1:nie ed(i,1:(n-1))=a(t(i,:))'; end % %--------------------------end-------------------------------- TS N g u y ễ n H o à i S ơ n MATLAB - FEM function [es,edi,eci]=beam2s(ex,ey,ep,ed,eq,n) % PURPOSE % Compute section forces in two dimensional beam element %(beam2e). % INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] % ey = [y1 y2] element node coordinates % ep = [E A I] element properties, % E: Young's modulus % A: cross section area % I: moment of inertia % ed = [u1 ... u6] element displacements % eq = [qx qy] distributed loads, local directions % n : number of evaluation points ( default=2 ) % % OUTPUT: % es = [ N1 V1 M1 ; section forces, local directions, in N2 V2 M2 %; n points along the beam, dim(es)= n x 3 .........] % edi = [ u1 v1 ; element displacements, local directions, u2 v2 %; in n points along the beam, dim(es)= n x 2 ....] % eci = [ x1 ; local x-coordinates of the evaluation % x2 ; points, (x1=0 and xn=L) ...] %------------------------------------------------------------- EA=ep(1)*ep(2); EI=ep(1)*ep(3); b=[ ex(2)-ex(1); ey(2)-ey(1) ]; L=sqrt(b'*b); C=[0 0 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 1; 0 0 0 0 1 0; L 0 0 1 0 0; 0 L^3 L^2 0 L 1; 0 3*L^2 2*L 0 1 0]; n=b/L; G=[n(1) n(2) 0 0 0 0; -n(2) n(1) 0 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 n(1) n(2) 0; 0 0 0 -n(2) n(1) 0; 0 0 0 0 0 1]; M=inv(C)*(G*ed'-[0 0 0 -qx*L^2/(2*EA) qy*L^4/(24*EI) qy*L^3/(6*EI)]' ); A=[M(1) M(4)]'; B=[M(2) M(3) M(5) M(6)]'; x=[0:L/(ne-1):L]'; zero=zeros(size(x)); one=ones(size(x)); u=[x one]*A-(x.^2)*qx/(2*EA); du=[one zero]*A-x*qx/EA; v=[x.^3 x.^2 x one]*B+(x.^4)*qy/(24*EI); % dv=[3*x.^2 2*x one zero]*B+(x.^3)*qy/(6*EI); d2v=[6*x 2*one zero zero]*B+(x.^2)*qy/(2*EI); d3v=[6*one zero zero zero]*B+x*qy/EI; N=EA*du; M=EI*d2v; V=-EI*d3v; es=[N V M]; edi=[u v]; eci=x; %--------------------------end-------------------------------- if length(ed(:,1)) > 1 disp('Only one row is allowed in the ed matrix !!!') return end qx=0; qy=0; if nargin>4; qx=eq(1); qy=eq(2); end ne=2; if nargin>5; ne=n; end;
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Bài giảng Matlab ứng dụng - Phương trình vi phân thường.pdf