Bài giảng Hệ chuyên gia - Phan Huy Khánh - Chương 2: Biểu diễn tri thức nhờ logic vị từ bậc một (Phần 2)
n 1879, Kempeproduced a famous proof of the 4 color
VUsing only 4 colors
VAnymap of countries can be colored in such a way that
no 2 bordering countries have the same color
aIn1890, Heawoodshowed:
VTheproof not to be a proof at all!
aWhen is a proof a proof, and when is it not a proof?
aLogic to the rescue!
rue Q False True False True P False False True True 39/68 Terminology (P ∧ ¬R ∧ Q) → (¬P ∨ R ∨ Q) propositional variables literals a A literal is either a propositional variable, or the negation of a propositional variable conjunction of literals disjunction of literals 40/68 Special Forms a A formula is in Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) if it is a disjunction D 1 ∨ D 2 ∨ … ∨ D n where each D i is a conjunction of literals a A formula is in Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) if it is a conjunction C 1 ∧ C 2 ∧ … ∧ C n where each C i is a disjunction of literals 41/68 Example a Disjunctive Normal Forms (¬P ∧ ¬R) ∨ (¬P ∧ Q) ∨ (Q ∧ ¬R) ∨ Q (¬P ∧ ¬R ∧ ¬Q) ∨ (¬P ∧ ¬R ∧ Q) ∨ (¬P ∧ R ∧ Q) ∨ (P ∧ ¬R ∧ Q) ∨ (P ∧ R ∧ Q) a Conjunctive Normal Forms (¬P ∨ ¬R ∨ Q) ∧ (¬P ∨ R ∨ Q) ∧ (P ∨ ¬R ∨ Q) (¬P ∨ Q) ∧ (¬R ∨ Q) P ∧ Q 42/68 Logical Equivalence Two propositions are (logically) equivalent if and only if for each case their truth values are the same (“≡”) also called identities Examples: P ≡ (P∨P) “1+1=2” ↔ “1+1=2 or 1+1=2” ¬¬P ≡ P “He did not not do it” ↔ “He did it” ¬(P∧Q) ≡ ¬P ∨ ¬Q “If P then not P” ≡ “not P” Proving that two propositions are equivalent can be done by comparing their two truth tables 43/68 Example of Equivalence a How to prove “Q ∧ (¬R→P) ↔ (R∧Q)∨(P∧Q)”? a Earlier we saw… while for the other proposition… 44/68 Biconditional vs. Equivalence a Don’t confuse the equivalence ≡ with the biconditional ↔ (only the biconditional has a truth table) a For example: P ≡ P is a proposition/tautology, a statement within logic, P ≡ P is mathematically correct, … about logic P ≡ ¬P is a contradiction (False), P ≡ ¬P is incorrect Hence P↔P ≡ ¬(P↔¬P), and so on TFF FTF FFT TTT QPQP ↔ 45/68 “The Laws of Logic” 1 1) Double negation law: ¬¬P ≡ P 2) De Morgan’s laws: ¬(P∧Q) ≡ ¬P∨¬Q and ¬(P∨Q) ≡ ¬P∧¬Q 3) Commutative laws: P∧Q ≡ Q∧P and P∨Q ≡ Q∨P 4) Associative laws: P∧(Q∧R) ≡ (P∧Q)∧R and P∨(Q∨R) ≡ (P∨Q)∨R 5) Distributive laws: P∧(Q∨R) ≡ (P∧Q)∨(P∧R) and P∨(Q∧R) ≡ (P∨Q)∧(P∨R) Augustus De Morgan (June 27, 1806 – March 18, 1871) 46/68 “The Laws of Logic” 2 6) Idempotent laws: P∧P ≡ P and P∨P ≡ P 7) Identity laws: P∨False ≡ P and P∧True ≡ P 8) Inverse laws: P∨¬P ≡ True and P∧¬P ≡ False 9) Domination laws: P∨True ≡ True and P∧False ≡ False 10)Absorption laws: P∨(P∧Q) ≡ P and P∧(P∨Q) ≡ P 47/68 Proving Equivalences Here is how to prove our “Q ∧ (¬R→P) ≡ (R∧Q)∨(P∧Q)” Q ∧ (¬R→P) ≡ Q∧(¬¬R∨P) [P→Q ≡ ¬P∨Q rule] ≡ Q∧(R∨P) [double negation] ≡ (Q∧R)∨(Q∧P) [distributive law] ≡ (R∧Q)∨(Q∧P) [commutative law] ≡ (R∧Q)∨(P∧Q) [commutative law] 48/68 Rules of Inference a In real life when proving mathematical statements often we do not establish an equivalence but a consequence V Theorems are true/correct mathematical statements V Axioms are “self-evident” theorems V Using the rules of inference we can make a (valid) argument to derive other theorems from the axioms V An argument is valid if and only if the validity of the hypotheses implies the validity of the conclusion a Typically, an argument uses hypotheses or premises to reach a conclusion a Example: “Assuming the hypotheses H1, H2, H3 it follows that conclusion C holds” a How to do this is described by the rules of inference 49/68 Theorem a Every formula is logically equivalent to formula in disjunctive normal form a Example: (P → Q ) ∧ (R → Q) is logically equivalent to: (¬P ∧ ¬R ∧ ¬Q) ∨ (¬P ∧ ¬R ∧ Q) ∨ (¬P ∧ R ∧ Q) ∨ (P ∧ ¬R ∧ Q) ∨ (P ∧ R ∧ Q) 50/68 Shape of an Argument premises or hypotheses conclusion “therefore” symbol The therefore symbol “∴” is a bit old fashioned C H H H 3 2 1 ∴ 51/68 Some Small Arguments Valid Arguments RQ RP QP P ∧∴ → → Q QP QP ∴ ∨¬ ∨ QQ ¬∨∴ Invalid Arguments “inverse fallacy” RP Q P ∧∴ Q P QP ¬∴ ¬ → 52/68 About Arguments We can check arguments with the help of truth tables An argument is valid if for all cases where the hypotheses are True, the Conclusion is True as well Arguments are to conditionals (“→”), what Equivalences (“↔”) are to biconditionals (“↔”) Arguments are correct or incorrect / valid or invalid; a conditional is True or False 53/68 About Arguments a For propositions P, Q, if P→Q is a tautology, then P logically implies Q This is denoted by “P → Q” a Arguments are correct or incorrect / valid or invalid; a conditional is True or False a Arguments are to conditionals (“→”), what Equivalences (“↔”) are to biconditionals (“↔”) 54/68 Checking Arguments a An argument (H1∧ … ∧Hn) → C is valid if V for all cases where the hypotheses Hj are True V the Conclusion C is True as well aWe can check arguments with the help of truth tables But just as with equivalences there are other ways of proving the validity of an argument 55/68 Rules of Inference I Modus Tollens P Q QP ¬∴ ¬ → Rule of Detachment (Modus Ponens) Q P QP ∴ → nConjunctio QP Q P ∧∴ Syllogism RP RQ QP →∴ → → 56/68 Rules of Inference II Rule of Disjunctive Syllogism Rule of Contradiction Conjunctive Simplification Disjunctive Amplification Q P QP ∴ ¬ ∨ P QP ∴ ∧ QP P ∨∴P FalseP ¬∴ → Mần reng tui lấy ví dụ ? 1. Tìm không gian các sự kiện, nhân vật thật 2. Tìm các phát biểu tương ứng với các biến trong luật 3. Gán nghĩa cho tứng thành phần của luật 4. Nhận kết quả 57/68 Rules of Inference III Conditional Proof Proof by Cases Constructive Dilemma Destructive Dilemma RP SQ SR QP ¬∨¬∴ ¬∨¬ → → SQ RP SR QP ∨∴ ∨ → → r )RQ(P QP ∴ →→ ∧ R)QP( RQ RP →∨∴ → → 58/68 Proving Validity of Arguments Using basic inference steps and equivalence rules one can prove the validity of arguments Example: Yes, according to truth tables But also, And because P→¬P ↔ ¬P∨¬P ↔ ¬P we have the validity proven a second time Valid? Syllogism pp pq qp ¬→∴ ¬→ → p pq qp ¬∴ ¬→ → 59/68 Longer Arguments… Example: ((¬P∨¬Q)→(R∧S)) ∧ (R→T) ∧ (¬T) → P 1) R→T [Premise] 2) ¬T [Premise] 3) ¬R [Steps 1, 2 and Modus Tollens] 4) ¬R∨¬S [Step 3 and Disjunctive Amplification] 5) ¬(R∧S) [Step 4 and DeMorgan’s Law] 6) (¬P∨¬Q)→(R∧S) [Premise] 7) ¬(¬P∨¬Q) [Steps 5, 6 and Modus Tollens] 8) ¬¬P∧¬¬Q [Step 7 and DeMorgan’s Law] 9) P∧Q [Step 8 and Double Negation] 10) P [Step 9 and Conjunctive Simplification] 60/68 General Remarks a Propositions that only use ∧, ∨, ¬, (, ) are the objects in Boolean algebra (without the implication “→”) V Note: the Laws of Logic do not use “→” a This is what you typically have in IF … THEN construction a The implication becomes useful when you want to connect Boolean algebra with the rules of inference a “False → P ↔ True” follows from proof by contradiction V It holds that (P∧¬P) → P hence (P∧¬P) → P↔ True V Take the two cases P ↔ True and P↔ False 61/68 Terminology: 4 Conditionals a For the propositions P and Q and the conditional P → Q, we have the three other conditionals: converse: Q → P inverse: ¬P → ¬Q contrapositive: ¬Q → ¬P … the contrapositive, hence: (P→Q) ↔ (¬Q→¬P). We also have for the other two: (Q→P) ↔ (¬P→¬Q) but not: (P→Q) ↔ (Q→P) or (P→Q) ↔ (¬P→¬Q) O n l y o n e o f t h e s e i s e q u i v a l e n t w i t h P → Q … 63/68 Example of Inferencing a Consider the following argument: 1. Today is Tuesday or Wednesday 2. But it can't be Wednesday, since the doctor's office is open today, and that office is always closed on Wednesdays 3. Therefore today must be Tuesday a This sequence of reasoning (inferencing) can be represented as a series of application of modus ponens to the corresponding propositions as follows Q P QP ∴ → 64/68 Example of Inferencing (Cont) a The modus ponens is an inference rule which deduces Q from P -> Q and P T Today is Tuesday W Today is Wednesday D The doctor's office is open today C The doctor's office is always closed on Wednesdays a The above reasoning can be represented by propositions as follows 1. T V W 2. D C ------------ ¬W ------------ 3. T Q P QP ∴ → 65/68 Example of Inferencing (Cont) a To see if this conclusion T is correct, let us first find the relationship among C, D, and W C can be expressed using D and W That is, restate C first as the doctor's office is always closed if it is Wednesday Then C ≡ (W → ¬D) Thus substituting (W → ¬D) for C, we can proceed as follows D W → ¬D ------------ ¬W which is correct by modus tollens 66/68 Example of Inferencing (Cont) a From this ¬W combined with T V W of 1. above, ¬W T V W ------------ T which is correct by disjunctive syllogism Thus we can conclude that the given argument is correct To save space we also write this process as follows eliminating one of the ¬W's: D W → ¬D ------------ ¬W T V W ------------ T 67/68 Limitations of Propositional Logic 1 a Propositional Logic : V is good for facts, not individuals But hard to identify individuals (terms) V E.g., Mary, John, 17, Canada aWe could try a variable JohnIsTall, but suppose we then want to encode a rule that tall people are good at basketball V E.g., TallPeople → GoodAtBasketball Given a knowledge base that consists of V JohnIsTall V TallPeople → GoodAtBasketball 68/68 Limitations of Propositional Logic 2 aCan't directly talk about properties of individuals or relations between individuals V E.g., how to represent the fact that John is tall? aWe have no way to conclude that John is good at basketball! aGeneralizations, patterns, regularities can't easily be represented V E.g., all triangles have 3 sides
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Bài giảng Hệ chuyên gia - Phan Huy Khánh - Chương 2 Biểu diễn tri thức nhờ logic vị từ bậc một (Phần 2).pdf