Bài giảng Công nghệ phần mềm nâng cao - Phạm Ngọc Hùng - Các phương pháp hình thức cho phát triển phần mềm
Formal Specification
Formal Verification
Model Checking
Theorem Proving
Tóm tắt nội dung Bài giảng Công nghệ phần mềm nâng cao - Phạm Ngọc Hùng - Các phương pháp hình thức cho phát triển phần mềm, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút "TẢI VỀ" ở trên
Introduction to Formal Methods Các Phương Pháp Hình Thức Cho Phát Triển Phần Mềm Outline Introduction Formal Specification Formal Verification Model Checking Theorem Proving Introduction Good papers to begin with them: “Formal Methods: State of the Art and Future Directions”, Edmund M. Clarke, Jeannette M. Wing, ACM Computing Surveys, 1996 “Ten Commandments of Formal Methods ... Ten Years Later”, Jonathan P., Bowen and Mike Hinchey, IEEE Computer, 39(1):40-48, J 2006anuary . Scientists Quotes Teaching to unsuspecting youngsters the effective use of formal methods is one of the joys of life because it is so extremely rewarding “The Cruelty of Really Teaching Computing Science” is a 1988 paper by E. W. Dijkstra, Scientists Quotes A more mathematical approach is inevitable. Professional software development—not the everyday brand practiced by the public at large will become more like a true engineering— discipline, applying mathematical techniques. I don't know how long this evolution will take, but it will happen. The basic theory is there, but much work remains to make it widely applicable. (Bertrand Meyer, a pioneer of object technology) Scientists Quotes Software engineers want to be real engineers. Real engineers use mathematics. Formal methods are the mathematics of software engineering. Therefore, software engineers should use formal methods. (Mike Holloway, NASA) Introduction Major goal of software engineers Develop reliable systems Formal Methods Mathematical languages, techniques and tools Used to specify and verify systems Goal: Help engineers construct more reliable systems A mean to examine the entire state space of a d i ( h th h d ft )es gn w e er ar ware or so ware Establish a correctness or safety property that is true for all possible inputs Introduction Past years of the formal methods Obscure notation Non-scalable techniques Inadequate tool support Hard to use tools Very few case studies Not convincing for practitioners Introduction Nowadays Trying to find more rigorous notations Model checking and theorem proving complement simulation in Hardware industry More industrial sized case studies Researchers try to gaining benefits of using formal methods … Introduction Formal methods can be applied at various points through the development process Specification Verification Specification: Give a description of the system to be developed, and its properties V ifi ti P di th er ca on: rove or sprove e correctness of a system with respect to the f l ifi ti torma spec ca on or proper y Specification Using a language with a mathematically defined syntax and semantics System properties Functional behavior Timing behavior Performance characteristics I t l t tn erna s ruc ure Specification Specification has been most successful for behavioral properties A trend is to integrate different specification languages Each enable to handle a different aspect of a system Some other non-behavioral aspects of a system Performance Real-time constraints Security policies Architectural design Specification Formal methods for specification of the ti l tsequen a sys ems Z (Spivey 1988) Constructive Z (Mirian 1997) VDM (Jones 1986) Larch (Guttag & Horning 1993) States are described in rich math structures (set, relation, function) Transition are described in terms of pre- and post- conditions Specification Formal methods for specification of the concurrent systems CSP (Hoare 1985) CCS (Milner 1980) Statecharts (Harel 1987) T l L i (P li 1981) empora og c nue I/O Automata (Lynch and Tuttle 1987) States range over simple domains like integers , Behavior is defined in terms of sequences, trees partial orders of events, Specification Formal methods for handling both rich state space and complexity due to concurrency RAISE (Nielsen 1989) LOTOS (ISO 1987) Case Studies: CICS The CICS project CICS: Customer Information Control System The on-line transaction processing system of choice for large IBM installations In the 1980s Oxford Univ. and IBM Hursley Labs f li d f CICS i h Zorma ze parts o w t There was an overall improvement in the quality f th d to e pro uc It is estimated that it reduced 9% of the total development cost Case Studies: CICS This work won the Queen’s Award for Technological The highest honor that can be bestowed on a UK company. Case Studies: CUTE CUTE: A Concolic Unit Testing Engine for C Developed by a team managed by Gul Agha – 2005 Concolic testing use the symbolic execution to generate inputs that direct a program to alternate paths use the concrete execution to guide the symbolic execution along a concrete path Case Studies: CUTE CUTE was used to automatically test SGLIB, a popular C data structure library used in a commercial tool CUTE took less than 2 seconds to find two previously unknown errors! a segmentation fault an infinite loop The homepage of CUTE: Case Studies: Intel’s Successes Intel uses formal verification quite extensively Verification of Intel Pentium 4 floating-point unit with a mixture of STE and theorem proving Verification of bus protocols using pure temporal logic model checking Verification of microcode and software for many Intel Itanium floating-point operations, using pure theorem proving FV found many high-quality bugs in P4 and verified “20%” of design FV is now standard practice in the floating-point domain Case Studies: NASA SATS Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS) U f ft t th t ill se o a so ware sys em a w sequence aircraft into the SATS airspace in the absence of an airport controller There are serious safety issues associated with these software systems and their underlying key algorithms Case Studies: NASA SATS The criticality of such software systems necessitates that strong guarantees of the safety be developed for them Under the SATS program NASA Langley researchers are currently investigating rigorous verification of these software system using formal methods Modeling and Verification of Air Traffic Conflict Detection and Alerting … Verification Two well established approaches to verification Model Checking Theorem Proving Model checking Build a finite model of system and perform an exhaustive search Theorem Proving M h i ti f l i l f ec an za on o a og ca proo Model Checking The technical challenge is to devise an algorithm for handling large spaces Rebeca uses compositional verification Model Checking There are two general approaches in model checking 1 Temporal Model Checking. 2. Model checking with a automaton spec The difference is between the specification First one : Temporal Logic Second one : Automaton Model Checking Model checking is completely automatic It produces counter examples The counter example usually represents subtle error in design Th i di d t t t l i bl ! e ma n sa van age : s a e exp os on pro em Model Checking Several approaches for facing the state explosion Ordered binary decision diagrams (BDD) – McMillan Partial Order – Peled Localization reduction – Kurshan S ti i i i ti El id eman c m n m za on – sea y Checking large systems by using appropriate abstraction techniques Burch et al. 10 ^ 120 states! Theorem Proving Both the system and its desired properties are expressed in some mathematical logic Theorem proving is the process of finding a proof from the axioms of the system It can be roughly classified Highly automated programs Interactive systems with special purpose capabilities In contrast to model checking, it can deal with infinite space R li t h i lik d ti e es on ec n ques e re uc on Pham Ngoc Hung, Coltech, VNU, 2009 29
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Bài giảng Công nghệ phần mềm nâng cao - Phạm Ngọc Hùng - Các phương pháp hình thức cho phát triển phần mềm.pdf