Applied Nonlinear Control - Chapter 8: Adaptive Control - Nguyễn Tân Tiến
A MRAC can be schematically represented by Fig. 8.3. It is
composed of four parts: a plant containing unknown
parameters, a reference model for compactly specifying the
desired output of the control system, a feedback control law
containing adjustable parameters, and an adaptation
mechanism for updating the adjustable parameters.
The plant is assumed to have a known structure, although the
parameters are unknown.
- For linear plants, the numbers of poles and zeros are
assumed to be known, but their locations are not.
- For nonlinear plants, this implies that the structure of the
dynamic equations is known, but that some parameters are
A reference model is used to specify the ideal response of the
adaptive control system to external command. The choice of
the reference model has to satisfy two requirements:
- It should reflect the performance specification in the control
tasks such as rise time, settling time, overshoot or frequency
domain characteristics.
- This ideal behavior should be achievable for the adaptive
control system, i.e., there are some inherence constrains on
the structure of reference model given the assumed structure
of the plant model.
The controller is usually parameterized by a number of
adjustable parameters. The controller should have perfect
tracking capacity in order to allow the possibility f tracking
convergence. Existing adaptive control designs normally
required linear parametrization of the controller in order to
obtain adaptation mechanisms with guaranteed stability and
tracking convergence.
The adaptation mechanism is used to adjust the parameters in
the control law. In MRAC systems, the adaptation law
searches for parameters such that the response of the plant
under adaptive control becomes the same as that of the
reference model. The main difference from conventional
control lies in the existence of this mechanism.
n-parametric uncertainties can be present. These include - high-frequency un-modeled dynamics, such as actuator dynamics or structural vibrations - low-frequency un-modeled dynamics, such as Coulomb friction and stiction - measurement- noise - computation round-off error and sampling delay Since adaptive controllers are designed to control real physical systems and such non-parametric uncertainties are unavoidable, it is important to ask the following questions concerning the non-parametric uncertainties: - what effects can they have on adaptive control systems ? - when are adaptive control systems sensitive to them ? - how can adaptive control systems be made insensitive to them ? While precise answers to such questions are difficult to obtain, because adaptive control systems are nonlinear systems, some Applied Nonlinear Control Nguyen Tan Tien - 2002.6 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 8 Adaptive Control 46 qualitative answers can improve our understanding of adaptive control system behavior in practical applications. Parameter drift When the signal v is persistently exciting, both simulations and analysis indicate that the adaptive control systems have some robustness with respect to non-parametric uncertainties. However, when the signals are not persistently exciting, even small uncertainties may lead to severe problems for adaptive controllers. The following example illustrates this situation. Example 8.7 Rohrs’s example_________________________ Consider the plant described by the following nominal model p p ap k pH +=)(0 The reference model has the following SPR function 3 3)( +=+= pap k pM m m The real plant, however, is assumed to have the transfer function relation u ppp y 22930 229 1 2 2 +++= This means that the real plant is of third order while the nominal plant is of only first order. The un-modeled dynamics are thus to seen to be )22930/(229 2 ++ pp , which are high- frequency but lightly-damped poles at )15( j±− . Beside the un-modeled dynamics, it is assumed that there is some measurement noise )(tm in the adaptive system. The whole adaptive control system is shown in Fig. 8.18. The measurement noise is assumed to be )1.16sin(5.0)( ttn = . )(tym )(tr u 22930 229 1 2 2 +++ ppp 3 3 +p )(te 1y reference model nominal un-modeled yaˆ raˆ )(tn Fig. 8.18 Adaptive control with un-modeled dynamics and measurement noise Corresponding to the reference input 2)( =tr , the results of adaptive control system are shown in Fig. 8.19. It is seen that the output )(ty initially converges to the vicinity of 2=y , then operates with a small oscillatory error related to the measurement noise, and finally diverges to infinity. Fig. 8.19 Instability and parameter drift _________________________________________________________________________________________ In view of the global tracking convergence proven in the absence of non-parametric uncertainties and the small amount of non-parametric uncertainties present in the above example, the observed instability can seem quite surprising. Dead-zone 8.7 On-line Parameter Estimation Few basic methods of on-line estimation are studied. Continuous-time formulation is used. 8.7.1 Linear parameterization model The essence of parameter estimation is to extract parameter information from available data concerning the system. The quite general model for parameter estimation applications is in the linear parameterization form aWy )()( tt = (8.77) where nR∈y : known “output” of the system mR∈a : unknown parameters to be estimated mnRt ×∈)(W : known signal matrix (8.77) is simply a linear equation in terms of the unknown a. Model (8.77), although simple, is actually quite general. Any linear system can be rewritten in this form after filtering both side of the system dynamics equation through an exponentially stable filter of proper order, as seen in the following example. Example 8.9 Filtering linear dynamics__________________ Consider the first-order dynamics ubyay 11 +−=& (8.78) Assume that 11,ba in model are unknown, and that the output y and the input u are available. The above model cannot be directly used for estimation, because the derivative of y appears in the above equation (noting that numerically differentiating y is usually undesirable because of noise consideration). To eliminate y& in the above equation, let us filter (multiply) both side of the equation by )/(1 fp λ+ (where p is the Laplace operator and fλ is a known positive constant). Rearranging, this leads to the form 11)()( buayty fff +−= λ (8.78) where )/( ff pyy λ+= and )/( ff puu λ+= with subscript f denoting filtered quantities. Note that, as a result of the filtering operation, the only unknown quantities in (8.79) are the parameters )( 1af −λ and 1b . The above filtering introduces a d.c. gain of fλ/1 , i.e., the magnitudes of fy and fu are smaller than those of y and u by a factor of fλ at low frequencies. Since smaller signals may lead to slower estimation, we may multiply both side of (8.79) by a constant number, i.e., fλ . Applied Nonlinear Control Nguyen Tan Tien - 2002.6 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 8 Adaptive Control 47 Generally, for a linear SISO system, its dynamics can be described by upBypA )()( = (8.80) where nn n ppapaapA ++++= −− 1110)( K 1 110)( −−+++= nn papbbpB K Divide both sides of (8.80) by a known monic polynomial of order n, leading to u pA pB pA pApAy )( )( )( )()( 00 0 −= (8.81) where nn n pppA ++++= −− 11100 ααα K has known coefficients. In view of the fact that 1 1111000 )()()()()( −−− −++−+−=− nnn papaapApA ααα K (8.81) can be rewritten in the form )(ty T wθ= (8.82) where [ ]Tnnn bbaaa 10111100 −−− −−−= LL αααθ Tnn A up A u A yp A py A y = −− 0 1 00 1 00 LLw Note that w can be computed on-line based on the available values of y and u . _________________________________________________________________________________________ Example 8.9 Linear parametrization of robot dynamics_____ lc1 l1 l2 lc2 I2, m2 I1, m1 q2,τ2 q1,τ1 Fig. 6.2 A two-link robot Consider the nonlinear dynamics of a two-link robot = + −−−= 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 212 2 1 2221 1211 0 τ τ g g q q qh qhqhqh q q HH HH & & & &&& && && (6.9) where, [ ]Tqqq 21= : joint angles [ ]T21 τττ = : joint inputs (torques) 2221 2 2 2 121 2 1111 )cos2( IqllllmIlmH ccc +++++= 2 2 2222122112 cos IlmqclmHH c ++== 2 2 2222 IlmH c += 2212 sin qllmh c= ]cos)cos([cos 1121221111 qlqqlgmqglmg cc +++= )cos( 21222 qqglmg c += Let us define ,21 ma = ,222 clma = ,21113 clmIa += and 2 2224 clmIa += . Then each term on the left-hand side of (6.9) is linear terms of the equivalent inertia parameters [ ]Taaaa 4321=a . Specially, 212 2 114311 cos2 qlalaaaH +++= 422 aH = 42122112 cos aqlaHH +== Thus we can write aqqqYτ ),,(1 &&&= (8.83) This linear parametrization property actually applies to any mechanical system, including multiple-link robots. Relation (8.83) cannot be directly used for parameter estimation, because of the present of the un-measurable joint acceleration q&& . To avoid this, we can use the above filtering technique. Specially, let )(tw be the impulse response of a stable, proper filter. Then, convolving both sides of (6.9), yields ∫∫ ++−=− tt drrtwdrrrtw 00 ])[()()( GqCqHτ &&& (8.84) Using partial integration, the first term on the right hand side of (8.84) can be rewritten as ∫ ∫∫ −− −−= −−=− t ttt drrtwrtw ww drw dr drtwdrrtw 0 000 ])()([ )0(])0([)0()()0( ][)()( qH-qH qqHqqH qHqHqH &&&& && &&&& This means that the equation (8.48) can be rewritten as aqqWy ),()( &=t (8.85) where y is the filtered torque and W is the filtered version of 1Y . Thus the matrix W can be computed from available measurements of q and q& . The filtered torque y can also be computed because the torque signals issued by the computer are known. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.7.2 Prediction-error-based estimation model 8.7.3 The gradient estimator 8.7.4 The standard least-squares estimator 8.7.5 Least-squares with exponential forgetting Applied Nonlinear Control Nguyen Tan Tien - 2002.6 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 8 Adaptive Control 48 8.7.6 Bounded gain forgetting 8.7.7 Concluding remarks and implementation issues 8.8 Composite Adaptation
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