Applied Nonlinear Control - Chapter 7: Sliding Control - Nguyễn Tân Tiến
Given initial condition (7.2), the problem of tracking
x ≡ xd is equivalent to that of remaining on the surfaces
S(t) for all t > 0 ; indeed s ≡ 0 represents a linear differential
equation whose unit solution is ~ x ≡ 0 , given initial condition
(7.2). ⇒ The problem of tracking the n-dimensional vector
xd can be reduced to that of keeping the scalar quantity s at
Bounds on s can be directly translated into bounds on the
tracking error vector x ~ , and therefore the scalar s represents
a true measure of tracking performance. Assume that
x~(0) = 0 , we have
ror x~ by further low-pass filtering, according to definition (7.3) s x~1storder filter (7.29) 1)( 1 −+ np λ )()( εOf d +∆− x φofchoice sofdefinition Fig. 7.9 Structure of the closed-loop error dynamics Control action is a function of x and dx . Since λ is break- frequency of filter (7.3), it must be chosen to be “small” with respect to high-frequency un-modeled dynamics (such as un- modeled structural modes or neglected time-delays). Furthermore, we can now turn the boundary layer thickness φ so that (7.29) also presents a first-order filter of bandwidth λ . It suffices to let λ=φ x )( dk (7.30) which can be written from (7.27) as )( dk xφφ =+ λ& (7.31) (7.27) can be rewritten as φxxx λ+−= )()()( dkkk (7.32) ⊗ Note that: - The s-trajectory is a compact descriptor of the closed- loop behavior: control activity directly depends on s , while tracking error x~ is merely a filtered version of s - The s-trajectory represents a time-varying measure of the validity of the assumptions on model uncertainty. - The boundary layer thickness φ describes the evolution of dynamics model uncertainty with time. It is thus particularly informative to plot )(ts , )(tφ , and )(tφ− on a single diagram as illustrated in Fig. 7.11b. Example 7.3________________________________________ Consider again the system described by (7.10): uxxtax +−= 3cos)( 2&&& . Assume that λη /)0( =φ with 1.0=η , 20=λ . From (7.31) and (7.32) ( ) ( ) φ φ && && −+= ++−+= η ληη xx xxxxxk dd 3cos5.0 3cos5.03cos5.0)( 2 22 where, )3cos5.0( 2 ηλ ++−= xxd&& φφ . The control law is now Applied Nonlinear Control Nguyen Tan Tien - 2002.5 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 7 Sliding Control 35 ]/)~20~[()3cos5.0( ~3cos5.1 )/()(ˆ 2 2 φφ φ xxsatxx xxxx ssatxkuu d +−+− −+= −= &&& &&&& η λ ⊗ Note that: - The arbitrary constant η (which formally, reflects the time to reach the boundary layer starting from the outside) is chosen to be small as compared to the average value of )( dk x , so as to fully exploit our knowledge of the structure of parametric uncertainty. - The value of λ is selected based on the frequency range of un-modeled dynamics. The control input, tracking error, and s -trajectories are plotted in Fig. 7.11. 0 1.0 2.0 40.5 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 Co nt ro l I np ut Time (s) -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 6 5 0 1.0 2.0 40.5 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 5 4 Time (s) Tr ac ki ng E rr or (x 10 -3 ) Fig. 7.11a Control input and resulting tracking performance -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 S- tr aj ec to rie s ( x1 0- 2 ) 0 1.0 2.0 40.5 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time (s) φ φ− s Fig. 7.11b s-trajectories with time-varying boundary layer We see that while the maximum value of the time-varying boundary layer thickness φ is the same as that originally chosen (purposefully) as the constant value of φ in Example 7.2, the tracking error is consistently better (up to 4 times better) than that in Example 7.2, because varying the thickness of the boundary layer allow us to make better use of the available bandwidth. __________________________________________________________________________________________ In the case that 1≠β , one can easily show that (7.31) and (7.32) become (with )( dd xββ = ) d dk β λ φ x ≥)( ⇒ )( dd k xφφ βλ =+& (7.33) d dk β λ φ x ≤)( ⇒ d d d k ββ λ )( 2 xφφ =+& (7.34) ddkkk βλ φ/xxx +−= )()()( (7.35) with initial condition )0(φ defined as: λβ /))0(()0( dd k xφ = (7.36) Example 7.4________________________________________ A simplified model of the motion of an under water vehicle can be written (7.21): uxxcxm =+ &&&& . The a priori bounds on m and c are: 51 ≤≤ m and 5.15.0 ≤≤ c . Their estimate values are 5ˆ =m and 1ˆ =c . 20=λ , 1.0=η . The smooth control input using time-varying boundary layer, as describe above is designed as follows: xxs ~~ λ+= & xxxs d &&&&&& ~λ+−= )~( xxmuxxcsm d &&&&&& λ−−+−= )~(ˆˆˆ xxmxxcuu d &&&&& λ−+=→ )sgn()~(ˆˆ )sgn(ˆ skxxmxxc skuu d −−+= −= &&&&& λ )sgn()~()ˆ()ˆ( )~()sgn()~(ˆˆ skxxmmxxcc xxmskxxmxxcxxcsm d dd −−−+−= −−−−++−= &&&&& &&&&&&&&&&& λ λλ Condition (7.5): sss η−≤& smssm η−≤& ( ) smsskxxmmxxcc d ηλ −≤−−−+− )sgn()~()ˆ()ˆ( &&&&& ( ) smsxxmmxxcxxccssk d ηλ +−−++−≥ )~()ˆ(ˆ)ˆ()sgn( &&&&&&&( ) ηλ msxxmmxxcck d +−−+−≥ )sgn()~()ˆ()ˆ( &&&&& ηλ msxxmmxxcck d +−−+−≥ )sgn()~()ˆ()ˆ( &&&&& And the controller is −= += −= −= +−−+−= −+= )/sat(ˆ ~~ )( )( )max(~ˆmaxˆmax)( )~(ˆˆˆ 2 φ φ φφ skuu xxs xkk xk mxxmmxccxk xxmxxcu d d d λ λ ηλ λ & & & &&&& &&&&& The results are given in Fig. 7.12 0 1.0 2.0 40.5 1.5 2.5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 5 4 D es ire d Tr aj ec to rie s Time (s) acceleration (m/s2 ) velocity (m/s) distance (m) -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 1.0 2.0 40.5 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time (s) C on tr ol In pu t a. References b. Control input 0 2 4 61 3 5 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Time (s) Tr ac ki ng E rr or (x 10 -2 ) 0 2 4 61 3 5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 S- tra je ct or ie s ( x1 0- 2 ) Time (s) φ s φ− c. Tracking error b. s- trajectories Fig.12 __________________________________________________________________________________________ ⊗ Remark: - The desired trajectory dx must itself be chosen smooth enough not to excite the high frequency un-modeled dynamics. - An argument similar to that of the above discussion shows that the choice of dynamics (7.3) used to define sliding surfaces is the “best-conditioned” among linear dynamics, in the sense that it guarantees the best tracking performance given the desired control bandwidth and the extent of parameter uncertainty. - If the model or its bounds are so imprecise that F can only be chosen as a large constant, then φ from (7.31) is Applied Nonlinear Control Nguyen Tan Tien - 2002.5 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 7 Sliding Control 36 constant and large, so that the term )/sat( φsk simply equals βλ /s in the boundary layer. - A well-designed controller should be capable of gracefully handling exceptional disturbances, i.e., disturbances of intensity higher than the predicted bounds which are used in the derivation of the control law. - In the case that λ is time-varying, the term xu ~λ&−=′ should be added to the corresponding uˆ , while the augmenting gain )(xk according by the quantity )1( −′ βu . It will be discussed in next section. 7.3 The Modeling/Performance Trade-Offs The balance conditions (7.33)-(7.36) have practical implications in term of design/modeling/performance trade- offs. Neglecting time-constants of order λ/1 , condition (7.33) and (7.34) can be written dd n kβελ ≈ (7.39) Consider the control law (7.19): )]sgn(ˆ[ˆ 1 skubu −= − , we see that the effects of parameter uncertainty on f have been “dumped” in gain k . Conversely, better knowledge of f reduces k by a comparable quantity. Thus (7.39) is particularly useful in an incremental mode, i.e., to evaluate the effects of model simplification on tracking performance: )/( ndd k λβε ∆≈∆ (7.40) In particular, margin gains in performance are critically dependent on control bandwidth λ : if large λ ’s are available, poor dynamic models may lead to respectable tracking performance, and conversely large modeling efforts produce only minor absolute improvements in tracking accuracy. And it is not overly surprising that system performance be very sensitive to control bandwidth. Thus, give system model (7.1), how large λ can be chosen ? In mechanical system, for instance, given clean measurements, λ typically limited by three factors: i. structural resonant modes: λ must be smaller than the frequency Rν of the lowest un-modeled structural resonant mode; a reasonable interpretation of this constrain is, classically RR νπλλ 3 2≈≤ (7.41) although in practice this bound may be modulated by engineering judgment, taking notably into account the natural damping of the structural modes. Furthermore, in certain case, it may account for the fact that Rλ may actually vary with the task. ii. neglected time delays: along the same lines, we have a condition for the form A A T3 1≈≤ λλ (7.42) where AT is the largest un-modeled time-delay (for instance in the actuators). iii. sampling rate: with a full-period processing delay, one gets a condition of the form samplingS νλλ 5 1≈≤ (7.43) where, samplingν is the sampling rate. The desired control bandwidth λ is the minimum of three bounds (7.41-43). Ideally, the most effective design corresponds to matching these limitations, i.e., having λλλλ ≈≈≈ SAR (7.44) 7.4 Multi-Input System Consider a nonlinear multi-input system of the form ∑ = += m j jiji n i ubfx i 1 )( )()( xx , mi ,,1L= , mj ,,1L= where T muuu ][ 21 L=u : the control input vector [ ]Tnn xxx &L)2()1( −−=x : the state vector 7.5 Summary
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