Applied Nonlinear Control - Chapter 3: Fundamentals of Lyapunov Theory - Nguyễn Tân Tiến
• If the linearized system is strictly stable (i.e., if all
eigenvalues of A are strictly in the left-half complex plane),
then the equilibrium point is asymptotically stable (for the
actual nonlinear system).
• If the linearizad system is un stable (i.e., if at least one
eigenvalue of A is strictly in the right-half complex plane),
then the equilibrium point is unstablle (for the nonlinear
• If the linearized system is marginally stable (i.e., if all
eigenvalues of A are in the left-half complex plane but at
least one of them is on the j axis), then one cannot ω
conclude anything from the linear approximation (the
equilibrium point may be stable, asymptotically stable, or
unstable for the nonlinear system)
in. Let A(x) denote the Jacobian matrix of the system, i.e., x fA ∂ ∂=)(x If the matrix TAAF += is negative definite in a neighborhood Ω , then the equilibrium point at the origin is asymptotically stable. A Lyapunov function for this system is )()()( xfxfx TV = If Ω is the entire state space and, in addition, ∞→)(xV as ∞→x , then the equilibrium point is globally asymptotically stable. Example 3 .19 ______________________________________ Consider the nonlinear system 211 26 xxx +−=& 3 2212 262 xxxx −−=& We have −− − ∂ ∂= 2 2662 26 xx fA −− −=+= 2 212124 412 x TAAF The matrix F is easily shown to be negative definite. Therefore, the origin is asymptotically stable. According to the theorem, a Lyapunov function candidate is 23 221 2 21 )262()26()( xxxxxV −−++−=x Since ∞→)(xV as ∞→x , the equilibrium state at the origin is globally asymptotically stable. __________________________________________________________________________________________ The applicability of the above theorem is limited in practice, because the Jcobians of many systems do not satisfy the negative definiteness requirement. In addition, for systems of higher order, it is difficult to check the negative definiteness of the matrix F for all x. Theorem 3.7 (Generalized Krasovkii Theorem) Consider the autonomous system defined by (3.2), with the equilibrium point of interest being the origin, and let A(x) denote the Jacobian matrix of the system. Then a sufficient condition for the origin to be asymptotically stable is that there exist two symmetric positive definite matrices P and Q, such that 0≠∀x , the matrix QPAPAxF ++= T)( is negative semi-definite in some neighborhood Ω of the origin. The function )()()( xfxfx TV = is then a Lyapunov function for this system. If the region Ω is the whole state space, and if in addition, ∞→)(xV as ∞→x , then the system is globally asymptotically stable. 3.5.3 The Variable Gradient Method The variable gradient method is a formal approach to constructing Lyapunov functions. To start with, let us note that a scalar function )(xV is related to its gradient V∇ by the integral relation ∫∇= x xx 0)( dVV where TnxVxVV }/,,/{ 1 ∂∂∂∂=∇ K . In order to recover a unique scalar function V from the gradient V∇ , the gradient function has to satisfy the so-called curl conditions ),,2,1,( nji x V x V i j j i K=∂ ∂∇=∂ ∂∇ Note that the ith component iV∇ is simply the directional derivative ixV ∂∂ / . For instance, in the case 2=n , the above simply means that 1 2 2 1 x V x V ∂ ∂∇=∂ ∂∇ The principle of the variable gradient method is to assume a specific form for the gradient V∇ , instead of assuming a specific form for a Lyapunov function V itself. A simple way is to assume that the gradient function is of the form ∑ = =∇ n j jiji xaV 1 (3.21) where the ija ’s are coefficients to be determined. This leads to the following procedure for seeking a Lyapunov functionV • assume that V∇ is given by (3.21) (or another form) • solve for the coefficients ija so as to sastify the curl equations • assume restrict the coefficients in (3.21) so that V& is negative semi-definite (at least locally) • computeV from V∇ by integration • check whetherV is positive definite Since satisfaction of the curl conditions implies that the above integration result is independent of the integration path, it is usually convenient to obtain V by integrating along a path which is parallel to each axis in turn, i.e., ++∇+∇= ∫∫ KKK 21 0 2120 111 )0,,0,()0,,0,()( xx dxxVdxxVV x ∫ ∇nx nn dxxV0 1 )0,,0,( K Applied Nonlinear Control Nguyen Tan Tien - 2002.3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 3 Fundamentals of Lyapunov Theory 17 Example 3 .20 ______________________________________ Let us use the variable gradient method top find a Lyapunov function for the nonlinear system 11 2xx −=& 2 2122 22 xxxx +−=& We assume that the gradient of the undetermined Lyapunov function has the following form 2121111 xaxaV +=∇ 2221212 xaxaV +=∇ The curl equation is 1 2 2 1 x V x V ∂ ∂∇=∂ ∂∇ ⇒ 1 21 121 2 12 212 x axa x axa ∂ ∂+=∂ ∂+ If the coefficients are chosen to be 0,1 21122211 ==== aaaa which leads to 11 xV =∇ , 22 xV =∇ then V& can be computed as 2 )( 2 2 2 1 0 22 0 11 21 xxdxxdxxV xx +=+= ∫∫x (3.22) This is indeed p.d., and therefore, the asymptotic stability is guaranteed. If the coefficients are chosen to be ,,1 221211 xaa == 3,3 22 2 221 == axa , we obtain the p.d. function 3 21 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 )( xxxxV ++=x (3.23) whose derivative is )3(262 22 2 121 2 2 2 2 2 1 xxxxxxxV −−−−=& . We can verify that V& is a locally negative definite function (noting that the quadratic terms are dominant near the origin), and therefore, (3.23) represents another Lyapunov function for the system. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.5.4 Physically motivated Lyapunov functions 3.5.5 Performance analysis Lyapunov analysis can be used to determine the convergence rates of linear and nonlinear systems. A simple convergence lemma Lemma: If a real function )(tW satisfies the inequality 0)()( ≤+ tWtW α& (3.26) where α is a real number. Then teWtW α−≤ )0()( The above Lemma implies that, if W is a non-negative function, the satisfaction of (3.26) guarantees the exponential convergence of W to zero. Estimating convergence rates for linear system Let denote the largest eigenvalue of the matrix P by )(max Pλ , the smallest eigenvalue of the matrix Q by )(min Qλ , and their ratio )(/)( minmax QP λλ by γ . The p.d. of P and Q implies that these scalars are all strictly positive. Since matrix theory shows that IPP )(maxλ≤ and QIQ ≤)(minλ , we have VxIPx P QxQx γλλ λ ≥≥ ])([ )( )( max max min TT This and (3.18) implies that VV γ−≤& .This, according to lemma, means that .)0( tT e γ−≤ VxQx This together with the fact 2min )()( t T xPxPx λ≥ , implies that the state x converges to the origin with a rate of at least 2/γ . The convergence rate estimate is largest for IQ = . Indeed, let 0P be the solution of the Lyapunov equation corresponding to IQ = is IAPPA −=+ 00T and let P the solution corresponding to some other choice of Q 1QPAPA −=+T Without loss of generality, we can assume that 1)( 1min =Qλ since rescaling 1Q will rescale P by the same factor, and therefore will not affect the value of the corresponding γ . Subtract the above two equations yields )()()( 100 I-QAP-PP-PA −=+T Now since )(1)( max1min IQ λλ == , the matrix )( 1 I-Q is positive semi-definite, and hence the above equation implies that )( 0P-P is positive semi-definite. Therefore )()( 0maxmax PP λλ ≥ Since )(1)( min1min IQ λλ == , the convergence rate estimate )(/)( maxmin PQ λλγ = corresponding to IQ = the larger than (or equal to) that corresponding to 1QQ = . Estimating convergence rates for nonlinear systems The estimation convergence rate for nonlinear systems also involves manipulating the expression of V& so as to obtain an explicit estimate of V . The difference lies in that, for nonlinear systems, V and V& are not necessarily quadratic function of the states. Example 3 .22 ______________________________________ Consider again the system in Example 3.8 2 21 2 2 2 111 4)2( xxxxxx −−+=& )2(4 22 2 122 2 12 −++= xxxxxx& Choose the Lyapunov function candidate 2x=V , its derivative is )1(2 −= VVV& . That is dt VV dV 2 )1( −=− . The solution of this equation is easily found to be Applied Nonlinear Control Nguyen Tan Tien - 2002.3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 3 Fundamentals of Lyapunov Theory 18 dt dt e eV 2 2 1 )( − − += α αx , where )0(1 )0( V V −=α . If 1)0()0( 2 <=Vx , i.e., if the trajectory starts inside the unit circle, then 0>α , and tetV 2)( −<α . This implies that the norm )(tx of the state vector converges to zero exponentially, with a rate of 1. However, if the trajectory starts outside the unit circle, i.e., if 1)0( >V , then 0<α , so that )(tV and therefore x tend to infinity in a finite time (the system is said to exhibit finite escape time, or “explosion”). __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.6 Control Design Based on Lyapunov’s Direct Method There are basically two ways of using Lyapunov’s direct method for control design, and both have a trial and error flavor: • Hypothesize one form of control law and then finding a Lyapunov function to justify the choice • Hypothesize a Lyapunov function candidate and then finding a control law to make this candidate a real Lyapunov function Example 3 .23 Regulator design_______________________ Consider the problem of stabilizing the system uxxx =+− 23&&& . __________________________________________________________________________________________
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