Applied Nonlinear Control - Chapter 2: Phase Plane Analysis - Nguyễn Tân Tiến
There are a number of methods for constructing phase plane
trajectories for linear or nonlinear system, such that so-called
analytical method, the method of isoclines, the delta method,
Lienard’s method, and Pell’s method.
Analytical method
There are two techniques for generating phase plane portraits
analytically. Both technique lead to a functional relation
between the two phase variables x1 and x2 in the form
g(x1, x2 ) = 0 (2.6)
where the constant c represents the effects of initial conditions
(and, possibly, of external input signals). Plotting this relation
in the phase plane for different initial conditions yields a phase
oordinates. We now to describe two techniques for computing time history from phase portrait. Both of techniques involve a step-by step procedure for recovering time. Obtaining time from xxt &/∆≈∆ In a short time t∆ , the change of x is approximately txx ∆≈∆ & (2.8) where x& is the velocity corresponding to the increment x∆ . From (2.8), the length of time corresponding to the increment x∆ is xxt &/∆≈∆ . This implies that, in order to obtain the time corresponding to the motion from one point to another point along the trajectory, we should divide the corresponding part of the trajectory into a number of small segments (not necessarily equally spaced), find the time associated with each segment, and then add up the results. To obtain the history of states corresponding to a certain initial condition, we simply compute the time t for each point on the phase trajectory, and then plots x with respects to t and x& with respects to t . Obtaining time from dxxt ∫≈ )/1( & Since dtdxx /=& , we can write xdxdt &/= . Therefore, ∫≈− xx dxxtt 0 )/1(0 & where x corresponding to time t and 0x corresponding to time 0t . This implies that, if we plot a phase plane portrait with new coordinates x and )/1( x& , then the area under the resulting curve is the corresponding time interval. 2.4 Phase Plane Analysis of Linear Systems The general form of a linear second-order system is 211 xbxax +=& (2.9a) 212 xdxcx +=& (2.9b) Transform these equations into a scalar second-order differential equation in the form )( 1112 xaxdxcbxb −+= && . Consequently, differentiation of (2.9a) and then substitution of (2.9b) leads to 111 )()( xdabcxdax −++= &&& . Therefore, we will simply consider the second-order linear system described by 0=++ xbxax &&& (2.10) To obtain the phase portrait of this linear system, we solve for the time history tt ekektx 21 21)( λλ += for 21 λλ ≠ (2.11a) tt etkektx 21 21)( λλ += for 21 λλ = (2.11b) whre the constant 21,λλ are the solutions of the characteristic equation 0))(( 21 2 =−−=++ λλ ssbass The roots 21,λλ can be explicitly represented as 2 42 1 baa −+−=λ and 2 42 2 baa −−−=λ For linear systems described by (2.10), there is only one singular point )0( ≠b , namely the origin. However, the trajectories in the vicinity of this singularity point can display quite different characteristics, depending on the values of a and b . The following cases can occur • 21,λλ are both real and have the same sign (+ or -) • 21,λλ are both real and have opposite sign • 21,λλ are complex conjugates with non-zero real parts • 21,λλ are complex conjugates with real parts equal to 0 We now briefly discuss each of the above four cases Stable or unstable node (Fig. 2.9.a -b) The first case corresponds to a node. A node can be stable or unstable: 0, 21 <λλ : singularity point is called stable node. 0, 21 >λλ : singularity point is called unstable node. There is no oscillation in the trajectories. Saddle point (Fig. 2.9.c) The second case ( 21 0 λλ << ) corresponds to a saddle point. Because of the unstable pole 2λ , almost all of the system trajectories diverge to infinity. Applied Nonlinear Control Nguyen Tan Tien - 2002.3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 2 Phase Plane Analysis 5 ωj σ ωj σ ωj σ ωj σ ωj σ ωj σ center point stable node unstable node saddle point stable focus unstable focus x x& x x& x x& x x& x x& x x& )(a )(b )(c )(d )(e )( f Fig. 2.9 Phase-portraits of linear systems Stable or unstable locus (Fig. 2.9.d-e) The third case corresponds to a focus. 0),Re( 21 <λλ : stable focus 0),Re( 21 >λλ : unstable focus Center point (Fig. 2.9.f) The last case corresponds to a certain point. All trajectories are ellipses and the singularity point is the centre of these ellipses. ⊗ Note that the stability characteristics of linear systems are uniquely determined by the nature of their singularity points. This, however, is not true for nonlinear systems. 2.5 Phase Plane Analysis of Nonlinear Systems In discussing the phase plane analysis of nonlinear system, two points should be kept in mind: • Phase plane analysis of nonlinear systems is related to that of liner systems, because the local behavior of nonlinear systems can be approximated by the behavior of a linear system. • Nonlinear systems can display much more complicated patterns in the phase plane, such as multiple equilibrium points and limit cycles. Local behavior of nonlinear systems If the singular point of interest is not at the origin, by defining the difference between the original state and the singular point as a new set of state variables, we can shift the singular point to the origin. Therefore, without loss of generality, we may simply consider Eq.(2.1) with a singular point at 0. Using Taylor expansion, Eqs. (2.1) can be rewritten in the form ),( 211211 xxgxbxax ++=& ),( 212212 xxgxdxcx ++=& where 21, gg contain higher order terms. In the vicinity of the origin, the higher order terms can be neglected, and therefore, the nonlinear system trajectories essentially satisfy the linearized equation 211 xbxax +=& 212 xdxcx +=& As a result, the local behavior of the nonlinear system can be approximated by the patterns shown in Fig. 2.9. Limit cycle In the phase plane, a limit cycle is defied as an isolated closed curve. The trajectory has to be both closed, indicating the periodic nature of the motion, and isolated, indicating the limiting nature of the cycle (with near by trajectories converging or diverging from it). Depending on the motion patterns of the trajectories in the vicinity of the limit cycle, we can distinguish three kinds of limit cycles. • Stable Limit Cycles: all trajectories in the vicinity of the limit cycle converge to it as ∞→t (Fig. 2.10.a). • Unstable Limit Cycles: all trajectories in the vicinity of the limit cycle diverge to it as ∞→t (Fig. 2.10.b) • Semi-Stable Limit Cycles: some of the trajectories in the vicinity of the limit cycle converge to it as ∞→t (Fig. 2.10.c) 2x 1x converging trajectories 2 x 1x diverging trajectories 2 x 1x converging diverging limit cycle limit cycle limit cycle )(a )(b )(c Fig. 2.10 Stable, unstable, and semi-stable limit cycles Example 2.7 Stable, unstable, and semi-stable limit cycle___ Consider the following nonlinear systems (a) −+−−= −+−= )1( )1( 2 2 2 1212 2 2 2 1121 xxxxx xxxxx & & (2.12) (b) −++−= −++= )1( )1( 2 2 2 1212 2 2 2 1121 xxxxx xxxxx & & (2.13) (c) −+−−= −+−= 22 2 2 1212 22 2 2 1121 )1( )1( xxxxx xxxxx & & (2.14) Applied Nonlinear Control Nguyen Tan Tien - 2002.3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 2 Phase Plane Analysis 6 By introducing a polar coordinates 2 2 2 1 xxr += = − 1 21tan)( x xtθ the dynamics of (2.12) are transformed as )1( 2 −−= rr dt dr 1−= dt dθ When the state starts on the unicycle, the above equation shows that 0)( =tr& . Therefore, the state will circle around the origin with a period π2/1 . When 1r& . This implies that the state tends to the circle from inside. When 1>r , then 0<r& . This implies that the states tend to the unit circle from outside. Therefore, the unit circle is a stable limit cycle. This can also be concluded by examining the analytical solution of (2.12) tec tr 2 01 1)( −+ = and tt −= 0)( θθ , where 112 0 0 −= r c Similarly, we can find that the system (b) has an unstable limit cycle and system (c) has a semi-stable limit cycle. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.6 Existence of Limit Cycles Theorem 2.1 (Pointcare) If a limit cycle exists in the second- order autonomous system (2.1), the N=S+1. Where, N represents the number of nodes, centers, and foci enclosed by a limit cycle, S represents the number of enclosed saddle points. This theorem is sometime called index theorem. Theorem 2.2 (Pointcare-Bendixson) If a trajectory of the second-order autonomous system remains in a finite region Ω , then one of the following is true: (a) the trajectory goes to an equilibrium point (b) the trajectory tends to an asymptotically stable limit cycle (c) the trajectory is itself a limit cycle Theorem 2.3 (Bendixson) For a nonlinear system (2.1), no limit cycle can exist in the region Ω of the phase plane in which 2211 // xfxf ∂∂+∂∂ does not vanish and does not change sign. Example 2.8________________________________________ Consider the nonlinear system 2 2121 4)( xxxgx +=& 2 2 112 4)( xxxhx +=& Since )(4 22 2 1 2 2 1 1 xx x f x f +=∂ ∂+∂ ∂ , which is always strictly positive (except at the origin), the system does not have any limit cycles any where in the phase plane. __________________________________________________________________________________________
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