Adaptive control of a step-Up full-bridge DC-DC c onverter
Introduction on the DC-DC converter
The converter’s Nonlinearity and Modeling
Converter Analysis
Three terminal averaged switch model
Control Scheme
Evaluation on the Performance
Adaptive Control of aStep-UpFull-Bridge DC-DC C onverterInstructor: Dr. Huỳnh Thái HoàngGroup 2: Nguyễn Phạm Nhất Thiên Minh Đỗ Công Phẩm Nguyễn Tiến MạnhContentIntroduction on the DC-DC converterThe converter’s Nonlinearity and Modeling PS PWM CCM and DCM Converter Analysis Three terminal averaged switch modelControl SchemeEvaluation on the PerformanceIntroductionApplication Field:New sources of energy Continued Industrial Progress.Solid oxide fuel cellApplication Field:The DC-DC converter within the tranducer.Nonlinearity and Modeling:Phase Shifted PWM: A method to achieve zero switching voltageNonlinearity and Modeling:Continuous Current Mode and Discontinous Current Mode(CCM and DCM)The parameter for each mode can be determined, yet the mode in operation at a time is dependent on the input, output and the control signal Nonlinearity.Nonlinearity and Modeling:Converter Analysis: Finding the modulation indexRefer the primary to the secondary sideNonlinearity and Modeling:Converter Analysis: Finding the modulation index Equivalent buck converterNonlinearity and Modeling:Converter Analysis: Finding the modulation index The inductor current is dependent on the load and the output voltage while the ripple is independent ! Mode boundary In DCM:Nonlinearity and Modeling:Converter Analysis: Finding the modulation index Using the constraints below we can find out the relation between the output and input voltages.The average current:(1)(2)(1) (2)Nonlinearity and Modeling:Converter Analysis: Finding the modulation index Using the constraints below we can find out the relation between the output and input voltages.(1) (2)Nonlinearity and Modeling: The three terminal averaged switch model:(F. S. Tsai, “Small-signal and transient analysis of a zero-voltage-switched, phase-controlled PWM converter using averaged switch model,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 493-499, May/June 1993.) =For CCM: =For DCM:Control SchemeVerifying the models Control SchemeVerifying the models Control Scheme Adaptive Model ReferenceA reference average model is adjusted so that its estimated output will be used to generate a duty cycle by the controller.Landau, Yoan D., Adaptive Control: The Model Reference Approach, (Marcel Dekker, Inc.,1979) Control SchemeDeployment of the Adaptive control blocks EvaluationAdaptive Control of a Step-Up Full-Bridge DC-DC Converter for Variable Low Input Voltage Applications - Elton Pepa - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityPower Electronics Labrotary – University of Technology.
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